MI: Not enough money or time to defend Detroit's poor
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Slameka says he never leans on his clients to plead guilty, but he's not shy about trying to get a case over with.
For example, one of his clients wants to claim self-defense after he was charged with shooting and killing an unarmed man. Slameka thinks they wouldn't have a chance in front of a jury. So, he pulls the prosecutor into the hallway when his client isn't around.
"Lookit, between you and I, we should resolve this case," Slameka tells the prosecutor. "You just can't just shoot people on the street."
"Yeah," says the prosecutor, "when I was reading it, I was thinking the same thing as well."
"And he's trying to claim self-defense," says Slameka, "and I don't think it's viable." |
Talking to the Man Who Brought a Gun to an Obama Event
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Mark A. Taff
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On August 11, 2009, William Kostric brought a loaded gun to a town-hall meeting featuring President Barack Obama. Live coverage of the event was immediately broadcast on MSNBC: showing a man, standing outside a high school in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, with a loaded pistol strapped to his leg. What happened next was an explosion… of media coverage; of heated debates on MSNBC and CBS and Fox News; and of debates between average Americans — between Democrats and Republicans, Tea-Partiers and East-Coast Liberals, Obamabots and Birthers.
"The left is always talking about cultural sensitivity, well here’s a culture that maybe it’s time for them to understand."
Ed.: Best. Quote. Ever. Go read the full article and interview. |
Gun advocates weigh key votes
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Mark A. Taff
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Despite the setbacks, however, there's little gloom among gun-rights advocates.
And the reason is simple: These tough battles are helping them separate politicians who are merely strong supporters of gun rights and those who are 100 percent allies.
"This is a very new sifting process that's going on, and a very significant one," said Wendy Long, general counsel for the conservative Judicial Confirmation Network.
With the 2010 election season already under way, gun-rights groups are ramping up the pressure on lawmakers to side with them on every vote. |
The OSHA nominee, preemption and the Second Amendment
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Mark A. Taff
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In an Overlawyered.com post, "David Michaels and Gun Control," Walter highlights the "strong views on firearms issues" from the President's expected nominee to head the Office of Safety and Health Administration, epidemiologist and left-leaning public health activist, David Michaels. In an entry at the public health blog, The Pump Handle, Michaels had written passionately about guns as a workplace safety issue (and attacking the NRA in the process).
So if a Nashville restaurateur wants to ban guns from his business, ... Michaels would have his back. But what if the restaurant owner argues the case as a matter of federal preemption? After all, the Obama Administration is busy ridding federal regulations of preemption language. |
Hey Ma! Grab Your Six Shooter, The President's Having A Meeting
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Mark A. Taff
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The President´s in town so let´s bring out the guns and show him "yes we can." That has been the theme lately when the President calls a town hall meeting. I don´t recall any big show of guns when G.W. Bush made his rounds or John McCain for that matter. Why are the boys bringing out their toys for this President? Kind of makes me wonder what their motives are.
When MSNBC´s Chris Matthews interviewed one of the gun carriers the man proudly said because "I can." Well guess what? I can go out on the sidewalk and flip the bird to our mayor passing by, but I don´t. Why? You figure it out. Personally, I choose not to make a spectacle out of myself and show some respect for the office. |
CA: Women partake in Open Carry gun event in Encinitas
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Mark A. Taff
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The quiet streets of this San Diego seaside community were awakened to the Second Amendment rights as 12 Californians walked the sidewalks with their firearms. Six of the 12 open carriers were women and six additional non-carriers handed out informational fliers to anyone who was interested.
Most of residents were curious about what was going on, some thought the open carriers were a part of law enforcement and a few were offended, but the morning event ended with educating the public about their right to carry a gun in the state of California. |
CA: Stabbing of fan at Dodgers' home opener was self-defense, jury rules
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Mark A. Taff
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A man charged with stabbing a fellow Dodger fan at the team's home opener in April was found not guilty of attempted murder today by a Los Angeles jury.
Kate Hardie, a deputy public defender who represented Arthur Alvarez, 32, argued that her client stabbed the victim in self-defense during a fight. The jury agreed.
Alvarez, a reputed gang member, had attended the Dodgers' home opener against the San Francisco Giants with a couple and another man, police said. |
Gun Rights 101: When blood is spilled, lessons are hard
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Mark A. Taff
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New York Post columnist Andrea Peyser, as they say out here in the West, “Ain’t from around here,” which could easily explain why she acknowledged the other day that she “detests guns.”
Peyser is a New York City native, born in Manhattan and now living in the city after having worked in Albany, then in West Virginia, Atlanta, and Tampa.
She was writing about a Harlem shootout that left two men dead and two more badly wounded and facing charges; a seemingly one-sided gun battle that was taking on the proportions of legend among crime-weary New Yorkers because the guys who got killed and wounded clearly had it coming. |
WI: Bearing arms not a privilege
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Mark A. Taff
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In July, the U.S. Senate came two votes short of passing a concealed carry reciprocity provision. Sadly, Sen. Herb Kohl, D-Wis., was one of the no votes. The amendment would have allowed people who are authorized to carry in their home states to carry their firearms in other states, as well. Advertisement
OK, that might not mean as much to Wisconsin citizens since we live in one of only two states that don't trust their citizens with concealed carry. The other uptight state? Illinois! Great.
How did that happen? Chicago, which bans open and concealed carry, had twice the murder rate last year as the number of GIs killed in Iraq. In July, at least 42 people were shot and killed, 183 more wounded. |
AZ: Gun nuts at Obama town halls
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Mark A. Taff
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So about a dozen people in Phoenix were openly carrying guns outside a venue where President Obama was speaking today. There were people. With guns. Outside a Presidential venue. And because Arizona, true to its Tombstone and OK Corral roots, is an "open-carry" state -- if you have a legal gun, you can display it in the open -- no one was arrested. You only need a permit if you decide to conceal it. Otherwise, take your military-style rifle, even if it's loaded, and have yourself a parade of one. The Grand Canyon state should be renamed the Fifty Caliber Territory. The Second Amendment never had a greater friend than the Arizona legislature.
NV: The Second Amendment, our guarantee of Sovereignty
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Mark A. Taff
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Not a day goes by where some paper in America publishes a column complaining about the number of guns owned by US citizens. Within the confines of the Obamacare debate, the writers all but scream about the danger these “Second Amendment Fanatics” pose to the rest of America, especially during one of the acrimonious town hall meetings. A huge point has been missed by every one of these columnists; the only known citizen injured at one of these meeting was Kenneth Gladney in St. Louis, MO. Mr. Gladny is a conservative who also happens to be black. A circumstance every liberal columnist will avoid commenting on like the plague. |
SC: Wake up to realities of needed gun control
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Mark A. Taff
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The news reported that yet another demented person has exercised his Second Amendment rights. He got off 52 shots with two guns in a matter of minutes, killing three and injuring nine in a fitness center before killing himself Aug. 4 in Pittsburgh.
The most outrageous propaganda from the National Rifle Association and its zealous followers is that those of us who want to see a ban on assault weapons also want to take guns away from hunters. They know this is an outright lie, but they perpetuate the myth because the gullible believe it. The most extreme members of this group would even like to see background checks eliminated. |
FL: Plan urges firearms in every Belleview home
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Mark A. Taff
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A proposed resolution set to go before the Belleview City Commission urges the head of every household in the city to have a gun in order to protect their families and to keep the peace in an emergency.
On Tuesday, the board will consider the plan, which has been introduced by Belleview resident Donny Barber, to encourage "all law abiding citizens to own a handgun, rifle or shotgun and receive adequate training to become proficient in the use of and safe handling of the weapon so they are prepared to protect themselves and their families." |
TN: Spring Hill to allow guns in parks
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Mark A. Taff
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The Spring Hill Board of Mayor and Aldermen voted 5-4 against opting out of a state law passed recently that allows gun owners with permits to carry their weapons into public parks.
The main source of debate sprang from whether banning the guns was a violation of the Second Amendment. |
NC: A look at how handguns work
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Mark A. Taff
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This past weekend they had the Dixie Gun and Knife Classic at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds here in Raleigh, N.C. Admission was $8, and once you had paid your fee you entered a 100,000 square foot world where thousands of guns were available for purchase from dozens of vendors.
If you want to purchase a handgun for self defense, a show like this would be one place to do it. They had handguns of every possible description, ranging in price from $150 to more than $1,000. Your local gun shop or pawn shop would be another option. |
WI: A new perspective on Mayor Tom Barrett's assault.
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Mark A. Taff
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Whew! Given the hate-filled rhetoric to my recent blog: Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett attacked while dialing 911, I got use to the name-calling and comments which really had little to do with my post, but were just attacks on me. ...
Being a strong supporter of the second amendment, I wondered if Mayor Barrett would have been attacked and injured if he had been carrying a gun. I tended to think "no." Others disagreed. I also stated that given Barrett's strong liberal tendencies and beliefs, many on the left are soft on crime. Barrett himself has not done much to address the horrible crime issues in the city of Milwaukee. |
WI: Wisconsin gets a chance to regain some sanity...
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Mark A. Taff
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I’ve got a pipe dream about current Attorney General JB Van Hollen receiving a grassroots campaign, but he hasn’t shown any real interest in going for the governorship. As a candidate, he might be stronger than Neumann in not having lost a Senate run, and being a relatively fresh political face. He’s also a strong Second Amendment proponent who could be the key to concealed carry for Wisconsin residents.
For right now, I’m just hoping that by some miracle, the Dems might nominate a dark horse that is somewhat less of a ... monarch than Doyle was. If they pick someone even worse, I’m buying stock in Maalox. |
PA: Robbery of CMU student prompts warning
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A Carnegie Mellon University student was robbed at gunpoint over the weekend, leading to an additional instruction being issued to students who arrived for orientation.
The robbery victim reported he had been walking home in the vicinity of Margaret Morrison Street and Forbes Avenue at about 2:30 a.m. yesterday when a silver minivan pulled up beside him.
Three men in the van, one of them armed with a pistol, ordered the victim to the ground.
In the wake of the robbery, the university sent e-mail notices to students, advising them to report suspicious activity to campus police and to be wary of similar incidents.
Submitters Note: Another victim disarmament zone robbery and the typical liberal response. |
AZ: Men tote assault rifles at Obama event
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At least two Arizona men brought assault rifles to President Obama’s speech Monday to the annual Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Phoenix.
CNN’s Ed Henry reported that one of the men was carrying an AR-15 assault rifle and shouted anti-Obama slogans. The men remained outside the convention center where the president was speaking. Henry said U.S. Secret Service and local police were "very much aware" of the situation and were paying close attention to the men. |
The Three Percent Solution
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How many of you are “Three-Percenters?” If you are reading this, you probably should be. OK, what’s a Three-Percenter? The term goes all the way back to the American Revolution. During the war for our independence, only approximately a third of the colonists supported the independence cause. Another third didn’t care one way or the other and the last third wanted to remain under British rule. Out of those that supported independence and revolution, only some three percent were actively engaged on the battlefield with the full active support of only about 10 percent of those who were pro-independence. Twenty percent of the pro-independence faction did nothing to actively support the cause. This is the root of today’s Three Percenter term.
Tasering - a Profound Cultural Illness
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Here’s Digby, at Salon, on our taser society, our militarized police state, and its cheering proponents.
Representatives of the government torture innocent citizens into unconsciousness, on camera, in United States courtrooms with tasers. They use them on prisoners and on motorists and on political protesters and bicycle riders, on mentally ill and handicapped people and on children And it’s happening with nary a peep of protest.
America’s torture problem is much bigger than Gitmo or the CIA or the waterboarding of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The government is torturing people every day and killing some of them. Then videos of the torture wind up on Youtube where sadists laugh and jeer at the victims. It’s the sign of profound cultural illness. |
"Judges ought to remember that their office is jus dicere, and not jus dare; to interpret law, and not to make law, or give law." --Francis Bacon, From "The Essays of Counsels, Civil and Moral" |