MSNBC Plays Racial Politics With Deceptive Editing, Says SAF
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"The [SAF] today accused MSNBC of using deceptively-edited video ... to invent a racial stereotype in its on-going effort to demonize and marginalize American firearms owners as 'racists.'"
"The MSNBC video ... shows an AR-15 rifle being carried over a man's shoulder. The ... Brewer notes on camera, 'Yes, there are Second Amendment rights, for sure, but also there are questions about whether this has a racial overtone. I mean, here you have a man of color in the presidency and white people showing up with guns strapped to their waist. . .'"
"What MSNBC purposely did not reveal with the deliberately doctored video is that the man carrying that sport-utility rifle was an African-American,' said SAF founder nAlan Gottlieb" ... |
National Three Percenter Meeting Called: In the middle of a huge demonstration in DC on 12 September.
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Mike Vanderboegh
Website: http://sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com
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The March on Washington on 12 September will likely represent the culmination of all the anger and resentment that the Obamanoids' various grabs for power have generated all over the country. We have all, I think, participated in various Tea Parties in our local AOs and have experienced the indignation, the building rage at being forced by our "betters" to shut up, pay up and do what we are told. For the first time in my life, I think liberty-loving people, every-day folks, are ready to march in the streets in numbers. And frankly, I want to be there when they do. . . The march . . . is about liberty. And where people demanding liberty are, that's where the Three Percent need to be. |
Can Obama's anti-gun OSHA pick be stopped?
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"We followed up in yesterdays discussion about David Michaels, Obama's nominee to head the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, by looking at past attempts to frame guns in terms of public health. Exploiting it to further citizen disarmament is something the academic left, from which Michaels hails, has been pursuing for years." ...
"So what is likely in store for gun owners first if Michaels is confirmed?"
"From Hans Bader, the Competitive Enterprise Institute's Senior Attorney and Counsel for Special Projects, writing at Examiner.com:""This raises the specter of federal restrictions on the storage or carrying of firearms in or near workplaces (even though some businessmen in high-crime areas possess guns to protect themselves against armed robbers)." ... |
How the repeal of all gun laws will free America
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"Most Americans do not make the connection between American Gun Control and today's scandals of bank bailouts, corporate takeovers, immense failures, government intrusion and indifference, massive disrespect for the electorate, and other harassment of the sovereign. There is a connection."
"For a long time, I have urged the repeal of all gun laws. Since the very inception of gun control in this country, abuses of powers has served the public servants more than the electorate, and few of the promises have ever come true ..." ... |
Latest from Smith & Wesson
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"Industry wide, a lot of the new guns introduced and promised at the SHOT Show the first of the year have been held up. The reason is that demand for certain current-line models has been so great that to keep up with it, the newer entries had to be pushed to the back burner. It’s true of many companies, and it is certainly true of Smith & Wesson."
"I'm presently at a gun writers' seminar in Tulsa, on the splendid USSA (United States Shooting Academy) range. We're getting to play with some of the cool new rifles and handguns from this maker that should have been available to the consumers by now…and would have been, if the post-election gun buying frenzy natinwide hadn't thrown production schedules into a cocked hat." ... |
Doomed to fail: Latest Chicago gun "buy-back" scheme focuses on "assault-type" weapons
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"... Mayor Daley announced a continuation of his failed gun 'buy-back' program. ... if a resident turns in an 'assault-type gun' they get a $100 gift card from the City." ...
"Gun advocates can trot out limitless reasons to own what Daley calls an 'assault weapon,' including target shooting, collecting, self-defense and competition shooting. Plus, the simple fact is the right to bear arms as affirmed in the U.S Constitution means citizens don't need a reason to own a gun."
"Although not always listed by pro-gun advocates, Daley's anti-gun policies are a primary reason to own an 'assault type gun.' Since, without the right to bear arms, freedom hating elected officials like Daley can impose their views on the citizenry." ... |
U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals rules gun registration scheme legal
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Daniel White
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"The U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled in a 3-0 opinion that it is legal for a federal, state, or local government to require gun registration and that there is no Constitutional conflict."
"The ruling came as a result of a case in which John Justice, a resident of Cicero, Illinois, had his business raided by police and they found six handguns that had not been registered according to local law. Justice fought the charges on the grounds that the registration requirement was unconstitutional." ... |
Bonnie Erbe: Open Carry Laws Like Letting Kids Play With 'Live Hand Grenades'
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"Not one to disappoint her fans at NewsBusters, PBS 'To the Contrary' host and U.S. News & World Report contributing editor Bonnie Erbe again shot from the hip with factually-challenged anti-gun rights bluster in an August 18 blog post.""Watching CNN ... on Monday, I was treated to the sight of a young man with an automatic weapon strapped to his back across the street from a presidential rally in Arizona ..." "Of course the man she is referring to ... was carrying a semi-automatic AR-15, not an automatic weapon. Yet in the next paragraph, perhaps thinking automatic and semi-automatic are as interchangeable as the terms flammable and inflammable, Erbe described the AR-15 as a 'semiautomatic mass killing machine':" ... |
Ted Nugent: Armed, angry, and out of a job
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"Over the weekend ... Ted Nugent was getting fired from his job."
"Not that 'The Nuge' needs a job, exactly, as royalties ... most likely keep him well stocked with Cheetohs. But Nugent did have a job as a columnist for the Waco Tribune-Herald, which recently came under new ownership. And if you know Nugent, you know that he says whatever he wants to say with minimal filter, something that in an age of media politesse is occasionally refreshing, if bracing, disagreeable, and downright kooky. ..."
"But this habit of Nugent’s apparently got him into a bit of a scrape with the editor, a man named Carlos Sanchez, who sometime earlier this summer asked Nugent to tone down the language of his columns ..." ... |
The Bigger Picture
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"Some members of the media have their knickers all in a bunch over the presence of armed protesters outside the Phoenix venue where President Obama spoke on Monday. CNN’s Rick Sanchez and Ed Henry spent a few minutes Tuesday discussing the potentially dire implications of citizens simultaneously exercising both their First and Second Amendment rights. Henry waded into the crowd outside the president's appearance and was startled by the sight of a man carrying what he described as an AR-15 rifle. 'It's kind of jarring,' said Henry, 'to see an assault weapon in the middle of the street.' And indeed it would be for many people, but not, apparently, for residents of Arizona. ..." ... |
More Liberal Inanity on Guns
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"In separate op-eds, liberals Marie Cocco and E.J. Dionne are exclaiming against those people who have the audacity to exercise their right to keep and bear arms at political rallies."
"Cocco says that the 'gun guys' were 'displaying their perfectly state-permitted firearms.'"
"State-permitted! How about that? The right to keep and bear arms isn’t a right at all. It’s a state-granted privilege, one that the state can revoke at any time."
"No, Ms. Cocco. That’s not the way it works. The right to keep and bear arms has nothing to do with some type of permission or license from the state. It is a fundamental right that preexists the state. ..." ... |
Meet the latest specimen of "the Master Race": Calvin Lockner, sex-offender, coward and typical of the neo-Nazi breed.
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Mike Vanderboegh
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Meet Calvin Lockner, aka "Hitler." Calvin is a convicted sex-offender who, with two other brave young Aryan lads, beat up an old black man fishing under a bridge in a park in Maryland. They knocked him to the ground, kicked him, beat him with fists and a baseball bat, then stole $19 from his wallet and his car. Cowardly bastards.
Now if Maryland allowed its law-abiding citizens to carry firearms in parks, then this elderly citizen could have killed all three of these scum-suckers in righteous self defense, and the gene pool could have been saved from possible future pollution.
Another missed opportunity courtesy of killer citizen disarmament laws.
Mike III |
National Firearms Museum to Display Tom Selleck Guns at Reno Cabela's
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"Matthew Sharpe of the NRA’s National Firearms Museum will display the Museum's collection of Tom Selleck's firearms at Cabela's in Reno, Nevada, this weekend."
"The exhibit will be at the Reno Cabela's ... and the collection will be on scene from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. both Saturday and Sunday, August 22 and 23."
"The display includes:"
"· Shiloh Sharps #3 Rifle in .45-110 caliber that was featured in 'Quigley Down Under' (1990) · A Henry rifle 44.40 Reproduction featured in 'Last Stand at Sabre River' (1997) · .45 Smith and Wesson Schofield revolver in 'Crossfire Trail' (2001) · Winchester 1876 .45-60 'Crossfire Trail' (2001) · 1887 Winchester 12 ga shotguin from 'Monte Walsh'" ... |
Message in a Barrel
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"THE HOSTILITY and anger on display at some recent town hall meetings have disturbed us. ... The presence of firearms near events with President Obama this month, however, took our concern to a whole new level."
"It seems to have started when William Kostric decided to show up outside the president's health-care forum in New Hampshire last week with a gun strapped to his leg. ... On Monday, a dozen gun-toting men, including one with an assault rifle, were outside Mr. Obama's speech to veterans in Phoenix. The Department of Homeland Security has warned about an increase in right-wing extremism ... So anxiety over the threat posed by armed men at political events cannot be sloughed off merely as paranoia." ... |
Letting Gun Nuts Pack Weapons Near Obama Is Insane
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"Watching CNN ... on Monday, I was treated to the sight of a young man with an automatic[sic] weapon strapped to his back across the street from a presidential rally in Arizona. ..."
"This is a horrifying and, quite frankly, ridiculous development. It is perfectly legal, according to the CNN anchor I watched, for Arizonans to parade in public with all manner of weapons, including semiautomatic mass killing machines."
"Such public policy is tantamount to allowing children to play with live hand grenades. Disaster is certain. If a president is not assassinated, then certainly protesters are in much greater danger, as are members of the public who simply happen to be passing by." ... -------
H/t to NewsBusters. |
"Guns don't kill people. People kill people."
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"President Obama traveled to Phoenix on Monday to hold a town hall meeting on health care. Meanwhile, a group of twelve men gathered outside of the building, carrying guns, such as an AR-15 and a rifle."
"It seems to me the men are making the statement; 'Obama cannot take our guns away!' ... Police could not take action on the armed men, as there is no way to ban their weapons according to law."
"John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln were both assassinated years ago. Wouldn't you think police would be concerned about Obama's safety? Not only should Obama be protected, the innocent bystanders’ safety should be just as important. How is it possible that Americans can just pull out a gun and walk around town?" ... |
Speak up when someone carries guns, urges violence to make statement
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... "... Carrying guns to presidential speeches about health care is not political discourse; it's political theater and a scare tactic. Urging the murder of three judges is neither political discourse nor political theater."
"In today's world, some think it's OK to scream in fury at elected officials, especially when their real goal is to get television face time."
"Toting an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle on your back and a 9 mm pistol on your hip to protest a presidential speech, as a man did in Phoenix on Monday, is more political theater, especially because an organizer said Phoenix police were told ahead of time that the gun-toter would be there." ...
"Handguns were the impetus for shock blogger [and FBI informant and agent provacateur] Hal Turner's indictment on charges of threatening three federal judges ..." ... |
Being an Irrational Gun-Toting Second Amendment Citizen
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"Bob Stone has written a great post, What's with all the guns??, regarding ethics and those who are carrying semi-automatic guns at presidential events. On Bob's blog I asked a simple question that I would like to also ask here: If there was a group of law-abiding black men from Detroit in a suburban city who carried visible semi-automatic weapons in a public square because they had the right to do so when President Bush was in office, how would this have been viewed by law enforcement and by those in the crowd?" ... -------
Submitter's Note: Well, when a group of disruptive, urban, black men showed up with AK-47s at the 2000 GOP convention and they were allowed to exercise their First and Second Amendment rights. |
Eleanor Holmes Norton Cites Obama's Safety in Call for Gun-Free Zone
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"Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) called on the Department of Homeland Security and the Secret Service to create a perimeter around President Obama, wherever he is, in which all guns are banned."
"The restriction would conflict with the 'open carry' laws of several states, including Virginia, New Hampshire and Arizona. Norton does not have a vote in Congress but serves on the House Homeland Security Committee."
"The White House countered Norton's view on state vs. federal laws. 'There are laws that govern firearms that are done state or locally. Those laws don't change when the president comes to your state or locality,' White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said on Tuesday." ... |
WI: A day nobody died
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"Last Saturday night was a night nobody died in the streets outside the Wisconsin State Fair grounds."
"The story might have been different. And all around the conservative blogosphere, people are wishing it had been."
"Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett's decent, courageous, and I think ordinary response to a woman's cry for help is being spun as a call to arms. ... If you can't get at someone with the truth, just make it up seems to be the order of the day."
"The most frequently quoted comments come from The Agitator, who wrote 'Second amendment loathing mayor attacked with lead pipe.' And now Barrett will forever be the 'second amendment loathing mayor' in some circles." ... |
Gun Rights Group Calls Out MSNBC for Claiming Gun-Carrying Protesters 'Racist'
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"Following MSNBC coverage of ObamaCare protesters legally carrying guns, on Thursday, the [SAF] condemned the liberal network for 'using deceptively-edited video from a Phoenix, Arizona anti-tax rally on Monday to invent a racial stereotype in its on-going effort to demonize and marginalize American firearms owners as 'racists.'"
"As NewsBusters reported on Tuesday, MSNBC correspondent Contessa Brewer, along with Morning Meeting host Dylan Ratigan and pop culture analyst Toure, depicted all gun-carrying protesters as being 'white,' 'racist,' and even a threat to President Obama's life. Brewer cited one such gun-toting protester, but used highly edited video footage that did not reveal the man was actually African-American." ... |
AZ: AZ Republic spits in the faces of Arizona activists, with a smile
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"Today the editors of our local paper, the ever-dwindling, kind-of-cute Arizona Republic, wrote a scathing opinion article denouncing and patronizing the brave libertarian Arizonans who demonstrated that one of the best ways to exercise your First Amendment right to free speech is by exercising your Second Amendment right to bear arms. Titled, 'Yankee Doodle Zealots Should Keep Guns at Home,' the article goes on to cite local conservative talk radio show host Michael Broomhead's criticism of the activists in an honest yet cheap attempt to legitimize their contempt for American activism with which they disagree. (The demeaning title alone illustrates an attitude of condescension toward those who take pride in being American Yankees ...)" ... |
MSNBC practices blatant hypocrisy while playing racial politics
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"Media bias has reached a new low, according to Alan Gottlieb, founder and executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation, courtesy of MSNBC's 'Morning Meeting' program and reporter Contessa Brewer, and he is righteously furious."
"During a segment of 'Morning Meeting,' Brewer ... launched an attack on armed American citizens who have appeared at rallies protesting taxes and the Obama health care plan. During her comments, MSNBC showed video of a man who had carried semiautomatic rifle at an event in Phoenix, AZ earlier this week. That video, said Gottlieb in a press release, was 'deceptively-edited' to show only the rifle and the man's shirt."
"What was missing was the man’s face, which would have revealed to MSNBC's audience that he was African-American ..." ... |
MSNBC Crops Out The Truth
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"Last week, there were several instances of protesters showing up outside of town hall meetings openly carrying firearms ..."
"MSNBC, not content to simply say, 'Golly, guns are scary!' decided that there must be something racist going on. After showing close-cropped video footage of a protester with an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle slung over his shoulder, MSNBC host Contessa Brewer went on to say:"
"'Yes, there are Second Amendment rights, for sure, but also there are questions of whether this has a racial overtone. ..."
"The only problem with MSNBC's narrative of simmering racial tension and extremism is that the man with the rifle was, in fact, black." ... |
FL: Fla. court OKs force against retreating attackers
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"Florida's 'stand-your-ground' law allows the use of deadly force for self-protection even if an attacker or intruder is in retreat ..."
"A three-judge panel of the 1st District Court of Appeal issued that explanation for last month releasing Jimmy Hair from jail, where he had spent two years awaiting trial on a first-degree murder charge."
"Hair, 28, was charged with fatally shooting Charles Harper ... Harper had forced his way into a car in which Hair was a passenger and then tussled with him. The car was parked outside a Tallahassee nightclub where Harper earlier had argued with the driver."
"... a spokeswoman for Attorney General Bill McCollum, said no decision had yet been made on whether to ask for a rehearing ..." ... |
OK: Coburn honored for gun rights bill
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"Amid a national debate on constitutional rights, a national conservative group hosted a banquet in Tulsa to honor Sen. Tom Coburn for his defense of the 2nd Amendment."
"Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, spoke before a packed banquet hall Friday and praised Coburn for passing the only federal legislation this year to defend the people's right to bear arms."
"The people are becoming confrontational, 'Pratt said in reference to town hall meetings over proposed changes in health care. 'Politics is confrontational.'"
"'What is happening around the country and what is happening in Oklahoma gives me hope,' Coburn told the banquet crowd. 'Liberty is being sacrificed for the sake of expediency.'" ... |
Making violence easier
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"The taser has become almost omnipresent in stories of police misconduct and brutality. ... Despite the fact that it was largely sold to the public as a less-lethal alternative in situations that might otherwise result in a suspect being shot dead or pummeled into submission, I suspect the taser encourages violence and tolerance for violence by looking less violent than conventional instruments of brutality."
"Conscience is not a purely intellectual affair. Feelings like compassion, indignation, and revulsion don't come only from being aware of an act or situation that we regard as bad according to the moral principles we hold; they also come from gut-level reactions to sensory stimuli ..." ... -------
Kudos to www.strike-the-root.com. |
VA: 'Uh-Oh They're Here'
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"A 34-YEAR-OLD woman, the mother of a 12-year-old girl, has been locked up in a Virginia jail for three weeks and could remain there for at least another month. Her crime? Blogging about the police."
"Elisha Strom, who appears unable to make the $750 bail, was arrested outside Charlottesville on July 16 when police raided her house ... Although the Charlottesville police chief, Timothy J. Longo Sr., had previously written to Ms. Strom warning her that her blog posts were interfering with the work of a local drug enforcement task force, she was not charged with obstruction of justice or any similar offense. Rather, she was indicted on a single count of identifying a police officer with intent to harass, a felony under state law." ... |
TX: Texas deputies disciplined for staging hot-waitress-with-rifle pics
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"An impromptu photo shoot of a scantily clad waitress holding a police assault rifle has led to the firing of one Texas sheriff's deputy and the disciplining of four other lawmen. Earlier this month, a group of Midland County Sheriff's Office deputies were eating at the Twin Peaks restaurant in Round Rock when they asked a waitress to pose with an AR-15 rifle on the trunk of their police cruiser. As seen in the below photo, the 24-year-old waitress ... was perched on the trunk of a Midland police cruiser. The automatic weapon ... was handed to the waitress by Deputy Daniel Subia, who was fired for his role in the August 10 incident. ..." -------
Submitter's Note: Did the deputies do the required background check? Will the ATF pursue federal charges? Unreported at this time, but it appears that those deputies "transferred" a full automatic "assault weapon" to the young lady in question.
Depending on your H.R. department's policies, the photo may be NSFW. |
TX: Standoff Over With Hostage Free, Captor Dead
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"Police sources say the kidnapped officer has been set free. Officer Rachel Hillsman ran out of the vacant home she was held captive in and into an ambulance just after 7 p.m. on Wednesday."
"The Katy ISD cop accused of abducting Hillsman is dead, sources said. They say Officer Julio Reyes shot himself."
"Sources also say that while Hillsman was upset and crying when she left the house, she appeared unhurt."
"SWAT had spent the day outside the vacant home after deputies say Reyes shot at officers who were searching the neighborhood near Officer Rachel Hillsman’s Brookshire home." ... |
GA: DeKalb sheriff’s gun stolen from car at store
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"DeKalb County Sheriff Thomas Brown’s service revolver was stolen Tuesday from his county-assigned car, police said." ...
"Brown said he arrived at the store at about 10:45 a.m., and went into the store."
"'I instinctively slid [my gun] off my belt and placed it in the center console, and armed the alarm,' Brown said. 'I didn’t want to take it in. I was only going in for a hot second.'"
"Brown said surveillance showed a man follow him to the entrance of the store, then turn around and return to the unmarked car." ... |
Background checks on fiream sales up 8.4% in July
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Data released by the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) reported 966,162 checks in July 2009, an 8.4 percent increase from the 891,224 reported in July 2008.
This latest jump in background checks follows the release of the Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax Collection Report by the Department of the Treasury just two weeks ago.
The report noted that firearm and ammunition manufacturers paid more than $109.8 million in the first calendar quarter of 2009, up 43 percent over the same period in 2008. |
AZ: A travel boycott? Oh please
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"Poor Arthur Frommer is apparently so upset by the rifle toting, publicity seeking protesters outside the Phoenix Convention Center earlier this week that the travel writer has announced that he won't be visiting us here in Arizona any time soon."
"Frommer was 'shocked beyond measure' by the nationally televised gun display, which included some guy with an AR-15 slung over his shoulder."
"'For myself, without yet suggesting that others follow me in an open boycott, I will not personally travel in a state where civilians carry loaded weapons onto the sidewalks and as a means of political protest,' ..." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Well Art, then you'd better skip the thirty-seven states besides AZ that have 'shall-issue' laws. |
NY: Plaxico Burress pleads guilty in deal
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"Former New York Giant Plaxico Burress pleaded guilty Thursday morning in a deal with prosecutors that will send him to prison for two years."
"Burress pleaded guilty to one count of second-degree attempted criminal possession of a weapon. He will also be subject to two years post-prison supervision."
"The deal, hammered out between prosecutors in the Manhattan District Attorney's Office and Burress' lawyer, was the result of negotiations ongoing since his arrest last November."
"Burress was indicted on gun possession charges for accidentally shooting himself in the thigh with an unlicensed weapon in a nightclub." ... |