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Newslinks for 8/24/2009

NY: Burress accepts 2-year jail term for gun charge
Submitted by: Anonymous

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NEW YORK -- Facing the prospect of spending at least 31/2 years behind bars, one-time Super Bowl star Plaxico Burress on Thursday accepted a plea bargain with a two-year prison sentence for accidentally shooting himself in the thigh at a Manhattan nightclub.

NY: Mayor Bloomberg stands by gun stance, sheds no tears for Plaxico Burress and jail term
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Prison-bound Plaxico Burress received no sympathy from Mayor Bloomberg Friday over his impending two-year stint behind bars. "Everybody should be treated exactly the same, and I'm a big believer in our gun laws in this state," said Bloomberg, speaking on his radio show one day after Burress' surprise guilty plea.

Arthur Frommer needs to get out more
Submitted by: Mike Stollenwerk

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This week Arizonans were shocked when iconic travel industry promoter Arthur Frommer blogged that

"I will not personally travel in a state where civilians carry loaded weapons onto the sidewalks [and t]ourists should safeguard themselves by avoiding stays in Arizona."

. . .

And why pick on Arizona? After all, Arizona is just like most states where folks can legally open carry guns without any permit, and can carry concealed guns if they hold the proper permit.

"Son, you don't poke a wolverine with a sharp stick unless you want your balls ripped off."
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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Per Pete's request as reported here, I have emailed Declan McCullagh with my response to his column, "Sorry, Mandatory Gun Registration Is Constitutional." You may judge whether my "Vanderboeghian knifework," as Pete called it, is still up to snuff.

Dear Declan,

There are things in life that you can do.

There are things in life that you shouldn't do.

For example, you CAN urinate on an electric fence, but it will undoubtedly be a far more religious experience than you had bargained for. Likewise it is with mandatory gun registration.


Another country heard from: "Liberals Have Guns Too, Ya Know..."
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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Here we have one of the more creative leftist/collectivist reactions to the town hall armed contingents. You can find it at OpEd News.

My reaction post on their website follows.


Think about THIS, Dumbo.

A. If there are statistically that many left wing collectivists (you are NOT classic liberals) who own firearms, then why do you bastards keep trying to take OURS away? Another example of collectivist hypocrisy?

B. It is good that you have firearms. Keep pushing us back from our God-given, inalienable rights to life, liberty and property and you sorry collectivist sonsabitches are gonna NEED 'em.

NY: 2nd Circuit Finds NYC Violated Gun Dealer's Rights by Closing Shop After 9/11
Submitted by: Anonymous

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New York City violated the due process rights of a Bronx gun dealer who was shut down for security reasons in the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks and had her dealer's license suspended, a federal appeals court has found.

DC: Norton Wants Gun-Free Zone for Obama
Submitted by: Anonymous

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WASHINGTON, D.C. - D.C.'s Congressional Delegate is joining the chorus of those outraged at gun-toting protestors at events where President Barack Obama is speaking.

Eleanor Holmes Norton has gone one step further. She's asking the Department of Homeland Security and the Secret Service to create gun-free zones around the president, his cabinet and other top federal officials.

Norton says she's concerned about a rash of shooting after some protestors in Arizona and New Hampshire have turned up recently sporting guns, including an assault weapon. Arizona and New Hampshire both have open carry laws.

NV: CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: Bias against cops acknowledged
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A bias exists against police officers by the public, the heads of the local police departments acknowledged Saturday afternoon during an unusually frank panel discussion on minorities and their relationship with law enforcement.

"I think it would be foolish to think there isn't a bias" by some in the community, Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie said.

'Travel Icon' Frommer Just an Anti-Gun Bigot
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Hey, if he wants to be ignorant, prejudiced and fearful, that's his call. And if some of us 'won't be spending [our] dollars' on anything put out by Frommer's Travel, that's ours."

Are You Doing Business with Anti-Gun Companies?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"There’s an old bumper sticker that says 'Ted Kennedy’s Car Has Killed More People than My Gun.' Perhaps it’s time to create one that says 'Sara Lee Has Killed More People than the Manson Family.' And to wonder why they don’t focus on controlling their product quality instead of our guns."

IA: Traffic stop review stays closed
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The Schneiders, who have accused an Iowa Department of Transportation motor vehicle enforcement officer of menacing and harassment, received news that the Iowa Ombudsman found no discrepancies in the DOT internal investigation.

"...bullied into a search of our RV and also accused of having marijuana and violating gun laws. None of the officer's accusations were true."

Gun rights, control groups find fight in health debate
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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A Virginia-based gun rights group has taken issue with the Democrat-led healthcare proposals, saying that the proposed plans could strip citizens of their rights to own a gun.

The Gun Owners of America group, which boasts more than 300,000 members, has been warning its ranks that the proposed healthcare legislation would compile the information of Americans into a government database. The group says that by using this data, the government could deem a citizen “medically unfit” to carry a gun.

'I've never seen anything like this': Let me tell you something. He ain't seen nothin' yet.
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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We will not disarm.

You cannot convince us.

You cannot intimidate us.

You can try to kill us, if you think you can.

But remember, we'll shoot back.

Your move.

-- The doctrine of the Three Percent, Mike Vanderboegh.

I've been interviewed by a lot of reporters working on stories this past week and all of them are variations on a theme: "Why are (substitute convenient label here: gun owners, right-wingers, conservatives) so ANGRY?" And by angry they mean angry enough to train with weapons, go to a town hall armed, shout down their elected congressman, any of a thousand things that they see but cannot understand because it is not within their world view. They simply cannot comprehend.

FBI Director Mueller Decries "Mockery of justice." I guess he doesn't like the competition. Only HE is allowed to mock justice.
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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This from a guy whose agency trains provocateurs and pays them to encourage violence. (Anybody notice how state-run media have ignored this story?)

This from a guy whose agency routinely violates the Constitution in case after case.

This from a guy whose agency shoots unarmed women holding babies and commits mass murder AND HAS NEVER BEEN CALLED TO ACCOUNT FOR IT.

"Mockery of justice?"

I guess he just doesn't like the competition.


NY: Judge clears way for lawsuit in case of Albany cop injured by friendly fire
Submitted by: Anonymous

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An Albany detective who may never work again after having his thumb shot off during a bungled arrest by a county drug task force can sue, a judge has ruled.

State Supreme Court Justice John C. Egan Jr. refused Albany County’s request to dismiss the lawsuit filed by Detective Jeffrey Connery who was accidently shot by a sheriff’s investigator two years ago. Egan’s ruling put the case on track for a jury trial.

Canada: Taser International Inc. sues Canadian government
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Taser International Inc. filed a lawsuit Friday in Canada blasting a government report that prompted severe limitations on how and when law-enforcement officers in British Columbia can use stun guns.

Officials with the Scottsdale-based manufacturer called the Braidwood Inquiry biased and asked the Supreme Court of British Columbia to quash all of its findings and declare those involved in compiling evidence derelict.

NC: Speeders In Your Neighborhood? Paintball Guns Might Be The Answer
Submitted by: Anonymous

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It’s the bane of every parent: cars speeding down residential streets while kids play in front yards and ride their bikes in the street.

Well, a group of Durham, North Carolina residents, fed up with speeders in their neighborhood, have taken matters into their hands. They’ve posted a series of signs throughout their neighborhood warning speeders that they will enforce speed limits … by shooting violators with paintball guns.

TN: Nashville restaurateur seeks quick ruling on guns lawsuit
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A Nashville restaurant owner plans to ask today for a quick decision in his lawsuit challenging the new state law that allows guns in restaurants and bars.

"We're moving for summary judgment on the idea that state law is pre-empted by OSHA," he said.

VA: Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence Endorses Bob Hull [video]
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Ed.: A video endorsement by the Brady Gun Grabbers.

NY: Life of Michael Vick should be wakeup call for ex-Giant Plaxico Burress
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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To the end, maybe all the way to the cell door closing, there is the notion that Plaxico Burress, who will basically end up doing the same amount of time as Michael Vick, is some kind of victim. Of a tough gun law. Of his celebrity. Of a grandstanding mayor and district attorney. Of an accident that injured only himself. If Burress thinks that way, the way his fancy lawyer and some of his former teammates do, he ought to get with Tony Dungy before he goes to prison, not wait until after he gets out.

NY: Gun Necklace Airbrushed Out of Politician's Family Photo
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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The 14-year-old daughter of City Councilman Bill de Blasio is featured in a nice family photo on the website for de Blasio's public advocate campaign. But don't let her innocent smile fool you—teenage Chiara loves guns, and de Blasio doesn't want voters to know about it.

AZ: Travel Icon Says He'll Avoid Arizona Because of Gun Laws
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Travel icon Arthur Frommer says he won't be spending his tourism dollars at the Grand Canyon, or anywhere else in Arizona, because the state's laws allow people he described as "thugs" and "extremists" to openly carry firearms.

Here's a link to the blog:

FL: Police: Former Marine Shoots 2 Subway Robbery Suspects
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A retired United States Marine disrupted a robbery in progress when he shot two men who attempted to rob a Subway sandwich shop, fatally wounding one of them, police said.

According to Plantation police, two armed men barged into the Subway at 1949 Pine Island Road shortly after 11 p.m. Wednesday, demanding money from the employee behind the counter. When they tried to force John Lovell into the bathroom, he pulled out a gun and shot both men, police said.

Donicio Arrindell, 22, was shot in the head and later died at the hospital. Fredrick Gadson, 21, was shot in the chest and ran from the Subway, but police found him in hiding in some bushes on the property of a nearby BankAtlantic.

Lovell, 71, was the lone customer at the time.

Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened. — Billy Graham

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