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Newslinks for 8/26/2009

SAF Charges MSNBC with Playing "Racial Politics"
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"As media outlets were filled with hysteria in the wake of several demonstrators carrying firearms to an anti-Obama rally in Phoenix last week, one cable network in particular — MSNBC— has drawn the ire of defenders of the constitutionally guaranteed right to keep and bear arms. The Bellevue, Washington-based Second Amendment Foundation has accused MSNBC 'of using deceptively-edited video ... to invent a racial stereotype in its on-going effort to demonize and marginalize American firearms owners as 'racists.'" ...

Second Amendment cases up early
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Supreme Court will consider two new cases on the scope of individuals’ Second Amendment right to have guns at its first Conference for the new Term, on Sept. 29 ... Both petitions challenge a Seventh Circuit Court ruling that the Amendment does not restrict gun control laws adopted by state, county or city government, but applies only to federal laws. The cases are National Rifle Association v. Chicago (08-1497) and McDonald v. Chicago (08-1521)."

"The so-called 'incorporation' issue is the most significant sequel issue raised in the wake of the Court's 2008 decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, recognizing for the first time a personal right to have a gun for self-defense, at least in one's home." ...

Gun Rights 101: Seattle's Nickels, D.C.'s Norton have same problem; Can't suspend civil rights
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Seattle's officially lame-duck Mayor Greg Nickels and the District of Columbia's delegate-for-life Eleanor Holmes-Norton have something in common that has already gotten one in a lot of trouble and the other may be asking for some."

"Both seem to believe that constitutional rights can be suspended. Nickels lost the gun owner vote in Seattle and has now lost his job, coming in third in the primary election last week, because he's spent the last 14 months waging a quiet war on gun rights and Washington State's model preemption statute. He had threatened to ban all firearms ... from city property by executive order. Advised that he lacked the authority, he promised to do it, anyway." ...

Gun Control: a word about 'fringe groups'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"One of the easier tactics against Americans is to divide Americans. One of Saul Alinksy’s urgings was to vex people and alienate against each other, thereby dividing them. More are beginning to feel this."

"The left in America pushed for acceptance and open-mindedness in the sixties, but when it got its way -- in divorce law, gun control, education, environment and thought – it tended to silence others as 'offensive', 'hateful' and worse, and created Political Co-reckless, a sort of phoney etiquette that was censorship in disguise. Fooled again by the left, then coerced and punished by the left, as Americans had a genuine interest in compassion and cooperation. We were played." ...

Now a gun ban dreamland, is crime in Britain out of control?
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"Great Britain has long been held as the shining example of what can be accomplished via gun control. Handgun ownership is all but unheard of and rifles and shotguns are tightly controlled and citizens require a 'good reason' to be issued a permit to own one. Historically, self-defense has not been considered a good enough reason."

"Now, the Daily Mail reports that while law abiding citizens have been nearly universally disarmed, the criminals have not and flaunt their power. According to the Mail, 'the level of violent crime in Britain has risen by 70 per cent. Gun crime is up by more than half and there are more than 100 serious knife crimes each day, with fatal stabbings having reached the highest level on record.'" ...

Militia Act Did Not Establish Constitutionality of Mandatory Gun Registration
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Of course there were militia rolls--you can't have a command without knowing who's in it. And of course commanders would ensure the men were properly equipped. It's hardly a surprise that some lists would have been kept verifying this. But this was applicable to militia service only."

Some "pro-gun scholars and advocates" are really stretching when they opine the Militia Act established a precedent for gun registration.

The Race War That Isn't
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I remember very well the last time America was gripped with panic over impending racial violence. It was in the fall of 2001, after 19 Middle Eastern hijackers, mostly from Saudi Arabia, pulverized the World Trade Center and ripped a gash into the Pentagon ..."

"There were hundreds of news articles that autumn warning of a potential domestic backlash against suspected Muslims. ... The lefter regions of the political spectrum produced serial expressions of preemptive dread, such as Barbara Kingsolver's Sept. 25 pronouncement that American patriotism 'despises people of foreign birth' and 'threatens free speech with death.' ..."

"But a funny thing happened on the way to the Arab-American lynching: not bloody much. ..." ...

Democrats scare America
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Why is there an upsurge in 'militia' activity whenever the Democrats are in power ('Militia movement gains momentum' Aug. 12)? Is it because the Democratic Party is perceived as the party of Big Brother and totalitarianism?"

"Democrats need to remember that millions of Americans remain strongly opposed to such Democratic Party 'values' as abortion, gay marriage, gun control and socialism."

"Feeling powerless and afraid, millions turn to Fox News and talk radio for the truth. Others join 'militias.'" ...

"Anti-gun extremists frequently claim the Second Amendment defenders are militia members or terrorists. Such claims are as false as the assertion that Mr. Obama was born in Africa!" ...

High-Profile Gun Rights Case Inches Toward Supreme Court
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A federal appeals court on September 24 will hear a high-profile gun rights case that's a leading candidate to end up before the U.S. Supreme Court."

"The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is likely to decide whether the Second Amendment's guarantee of a right to "keep and bear arms" restricts only the federal government -- the current state of affairs -- or whether it can be used to strike down intrusive state and local laws too."

"A three-judge panel ruled that the Second Amendment does apply to the states. But now a larger Ninth Circuit panel will rehear the case, a procedure reserved only for issues of exceptional importance, which means the earlier decision could be upheld or overruled." ...

The Media Gets It Wrong, Again, On Guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In Portsmouth, New Hampshire last week, a man carried a handgun a few blocks away from the site where President Obama was scheduled to hold a town hall a couple of hours later. Was it a danger or not? The man carrying the gun, William Kostric, even had permission to have the gun on private church property while he was protesting Obama's appearance. Everybody from the New York Times to USA Today to CBS News expressed their outrage, interpreting it as a hot head threatening the president and linking it to militias and conservative talk radio. ..."

"... worrying over a law-abiding citizen legally carrying a gun several blocks and a couple of hours away from an indoor event that the president will attend is overdoing it. ..." ...

Worlds largest shooting range opened today in North Las Vegas
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The world's largest and most advanced shooting range officially opened today in North Las Vegas with a host of dignitaries. The 60 million dollar Clark County Shooting Park is both large and comprehensive, designed to attract not only locals, but shooting enthusiasts from around the world."

"Nevada's politicians came to praise the facility along with the NRA, National Rifle Association."

"Nevada Senator Harry Reid spoke today at the opening ceremony for the Clark County Shooting Park. Reid was instrumental in securing land and more than $60 million in funding for the park." ...

Shooting Park Lauded As 'Best In World'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"After years of bipartisan work, the Clark County Shooting Park is now a reality, and all the big guns were out on Tuesday to celebrate it."

"The Gun Store has touted Second Amendment rights and gun safety for as long as it has been open. Now, gun lovers across Nevada have a state-of-the-art place to go to take advantage of their Second Amendment rights."

"Shooting guns is part of Nevada's heritage."

"'This weapon is my friend. I have such fond memories of what this means to me,' said Sen. Harry Reid."

"The Senate majority leader brought a 75-year-old rifle that's been in the Reid family for generations." ...

More On The New Crop From Smith & Wesson
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Finished the S&W seminar last night, and the thirteen or so of us who were there were by and large pleased with what we saw of the latest introductions."

"On the rifle range, we were all impressed with the accuracy and smooth function of the Thompson/Center high powered, bolt action hunting rifles. T/C was famous for accurate, value-priced guns even before they became an S&W subsidiary. The distinctive Icon Precision Hunter, new this year, lived up to its name with groups well under an inch at a hundred yards. Even their low-priced ($500 manufacturer’s suggested retail price) Venture model was doing under an inch at that distance. We were shooting the Precision Hunter in .22-250, and the Venture in .30-06." ...

Dogged laughter
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Some August, huh? Who knew that death panels were staked out in every corner of the land, drooling that hideous socialist spittle and itching to kill grandma and Sarah Palin's child?"

"(Who knew this country had so many corners?)"

"For that matter, who knew that the British (read: 'socialist') health-care system would have offed famed physicist Stephen Hawking had he been British?"

"And who knew that exercising your freedom of speech involves angrily shouting down anyone and everyone who appears to disagree with you? Not to mention exercising your Second Amendment rights involves attending town-hall meetings in the company of your firearms." ...

Author of New Book About Dangers of Armed Political Violence Available to Media
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Josh Horwitz, the executive director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence and co-author of the new book, Guns, Democracy, and the Insurrectionist Idea, is available to speak to the press about the current danger of armed political violence in the United States."

"In [the] new book ... Horwitz and co-author Casey Anderson observe that the belief that privately held guns protect us from the excesses of 'big government' has become the cornerstone of the gun rights movement. They argue that the National Rifle Association and gun rights groups have it exactly backward: by urging Americans to view guns as 'the tools of political dissent,' they undercut respect for democracy and weaken support for the protection of individual rights." ...

Submitter's Note: So Mr. Horwitz believes that the Jews involved in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising were wrong? They should have tried to 'work within the system' so as not to "weaken support for the protection of individual rights"?.

Second Thoughts
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Ick. A hundred degrees in the shade, the cat days of summer, and it's too hot to wear a watch, let alone strap on an assault weapon. What the heck is going on in this country that people are showing up at town hall meetings where the president will be speaking, loaded for bear - or Afghanistan?"

"Is it something in the water, is it the heat - or have we gone mad?"

"What is it about our "right to keep and bear arms," as prescribed by the Second Amendment of our Constitution (written and ratified in the era of muskets, cannons and big sticks, mind you), that needs to rear its thoroughly misinterpreted intention over - for heaven's sake - health care?" ...

Guns near Obama fuel 'open-carry' debate
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Gun owners may be arguing among themselves and with gun-control activists about it, but for Mustapha Kassou, there's no debate over the 'open-carry' movement thrust into nationwide controversy this month when pistol- and rifle-packing citizens showed up near several public appearances by President Barack Obama."

"Kassou was working the cash register in the Richmond, Va., market he owns on July 11 when a gunman stormed the store with robbery on his mind. ... the bandit ordered the eight customers to the floor and pumped two bullets from his snub-nosed pistol into Kassou, who fell to the floor behind the counter."

"As the store's patrons prayed and screamed, one of them drew a .45-caliber revolver ..." ...

Gun-toters taking it too far
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Re: "Gun-bearing marchers show up outside site of speech," Aug. 18 news story.

I doubt if anyone got the obscure reference by one of the gun-toting protesters at a town hall meeting that it was time to "water the tree of liberty." The quote is attributed to Thomas Jefferson, who in 1787 said, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

I heartily endorse Second Amendment rights, but I must concede that these protesters were taking it just a little too far.

Paul House, Dallas

Guns at health care meeting is outrageous
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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I was ready to write my thoughts about the incredible, unfortunate, outrageous reactions to proposed health care reform, specifically the fabricated misinformation being spread by S. Palin, and the GOP, when I saw a picture of a man who is “unhappy” about any health care reform.

He was wearing an assault rifle, in Phoenix, near where President Obama was speaking! The reporter stated there was another man, also wearing an assault rifle, and about a dozen other people carrying handguns. Now why do you suppose they did that?

What did they think they would need them for? This “wearing of the guns” is an even more outrageous story than opposition to healthcare.

I really don’t know what to say.

Don't pack heat in public
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "There's no question the Second Amendment and Florida law give[sic] Space Coast residents the right to own and carry guns ... But with every right comes responsibility."

"The First Amendment guarantees citizens the right to express their views, but doesn’t give them the right to yell fire in a crowded theater."

"When it comes to gun owners, responsibility means obeying the letter of the law ..."

"Beyond legal requirements, however, the right to bear arms also comes with a duty to exercise common sense and not to infringe on the rights of others."

"That’s why the recent spectacle of gun-toting protesters outside town hall forums and speeches by Obama is so deeply disturbing." ...

Submitter's Note: In other words it is your right, as long as you don't exercise it.

MI: Teen tries to rob Detroiter, ends up shot by victim
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A 17-year-old would-be armed robber had the tables turned on him this morning when his intended victim pulled out his own gun and shot the teen ..."

"'The 17-year-old came up behind a 32-year-old man behind the apartment building and tried to rob him at gunpoint,' [Officer] Roach said. 'But the 32-year-old had a CCW ... and had his own sidearm with him. He pulled his weapon and they exchanged gunfire.'"

"When the shooting was over, the 32-year-old had only suffered a minor injury to the head, while the alleged bandit was seriously wounded. He ... he remains in critical condition, Roach said."

"'If he recovers, he'll likely be charged with armed robbery, and probably attempted murder,' Roach said." ...

Gun Rights 101 Choosing a concealed carry pistol
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"There is a poster with over 70 different handguns represented with the title 'Celebrate Diversity'. Deciding what gun to carry sort of starts there. This column will explore the criteria you might use to decide what weapon will be your constant companion."

"The sidearm you choose must first and foremost be reliable. It has to work. Some say, therefore, that it should be a revolver rather than a semiautomatic. Fewer and simpler parts means less likelihood of failure. A revolver can be stored for 100 years, and when loaded with a fresh round, will fire reliably. Semiautomatics have much to recommend them, but they are slightly less reliable than a revolver. ..." ...

Stand up to unchecked federal power
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In 1994, I learned that holding a sign, 'Legalize Freedom ... Register Libertarian,' at a Janet Reno speaking event would get you arrested ... I was quickly released with no charges and returned to the event, but it was clear to me as a young man that we were on a very dark path."

"One tool to illuminate this dark path was the filing of ballot initiatives that would inject into the political discourse some concepts, such as Second Amendment rights, otherwise ignored during election cycles. One of those 1994 initiatives was 'unrestricted concealed carry of firearms,' which evolved into Arizona's permit system. SAFE (Second Amendment is For Everyone) was the political action committee that was created in support of this initiative." ...

Burglaries of gun store and trooper's car prove criminals not deterred by background checks or waiting periods
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that thieves stole nearly $30,000 worth of guns, knives and ammunition during a break-in Monday at the Black Wing Shooting Center in Delaware, and the county sheriff is asking for citizens' help to recover the stolen property." ...

"Meanwhile, the (West Union, OH) People's Defender is reporting the theft of a firearm from an Ohio State Highway Patrol trooper's vehicle." ...

"These and other such burglaries prove that criminals will never be deterred by mandatory background checks, waiting periods, or other gun control provisions, which only wind up affecting the law-abiding."

Gun Owners Should Support Chris Bunch for Congress
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"We have a politician principled enough to give us what most will not: unequivocal answers on his support for the right to keep and bear arms. "

I put out a second Gun Rights Examiner column today to introduce you to a citizen running for public office with guts enough to answer direct RKBA questions with no weasel words.

I hope you appreciate that as much as I do, and do what you can to support this man, starting by sharing the GRE column link with your gun owner friends.

MI: Bill would ease state ban on guns on college campuses
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Recently introduced legislation would allow concealed weapon permit holders to carry a weapon on college campuses. Senate Bill 747, sponsored by Sen. Randy Richardville, R-Monroe, would remove college campuses from the no-carry zones for concealed weapons, allowing people with CCW permits to carry a weapon at a Michigan college or university campus."

"'Unfortunately, our nation has seen an increase in horrific shootings on college campuses in the last few years,' Richardville said. 'Those who receive the training and have been authorized to carry concealed weapons should be allowed to protect themselves against this type of violence.'" ...

LA: Local gun dealers prepare for the 'Second Amendment Tax Holiday'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Second Amendment is one thing a gunsmith never forgets."

"Now the state's Legislature is creating Louisiana's first 'Second Amendment Weekend Sales Tax Holiday.'"

"The holiday is scheduled to run from 12:01 AM on Friday, September 4th through 12 midnight, Sunday, September 6th."

"During this three-day period all fire arms, ammunition, and hunting supplies will be exempt from the state sales tax."

"Hunting supplies include archery items, hunting apparel, and miscellaneous hunting equipment." ...

NC: Sports Briefs: Local Team Wins NRA Junior Air Gun National Championship
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"The Moore County Wildlife and Conservation Club shooting team recently won the national championship at the NRA Junior Air Gun Championship at Camp Perry, Ohio."

"The team, which includes Caroline Cox, Catherine Cox, Sarah Cox, Charlotte Cox (alternate), all of Southern Pines, Frank Voelker of Pinebluff and Mandy and Jonathan Wiggins, was coached by Dave Prest, an NRA-certified rifle instructor."

"'Coach Prest performed a masterful job of motivating and helping us handle the stress of the national championship,' said Caroline Cox, team captain. 'Years of coaching and stressing hard work, discipline, concentration and shooting fundamentals really paid dividends in the depth of our program and training." ...

MI: Free Second Amendment Workshop at Cabelas
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"You are invited to attend a free Second Amendment workshop at Cabelas in Dundee, MI, just 20 minutes north of Toledo."

"You will get information and strategies on how you can play an important roll in the ongoing fight to maintain Second Amendment rights in the United States."

"The impressive lineup of speakers includes:"

"Suzanne Anglewicz (NRA-ILA)
Bryan Patrick (Firearms Activist)
David Coy (NRA Director)
Dave Felbeck (Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners)
Steve Dulan (Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners)
Skip Coryell (2nd Ammendment March)
James Irvine (Buckeye Firearms Association)
William Nichols (Monroe County Prosecutor)" ...

UK: Britain's drug and gun culture 'as bad as U.S. crime show The Wire', say Tories
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A collapse of 'civilised life' has allowed a brutal drug and gun crime culture like that of the U.S. TV show The Wire to flourish on the streets of Britain, the Tories will warn today."

"Shadow home secretary Chris Grayling will blame Labour for standing by while 'urban war' breaks out in parts of the country."

"Carrying weapons is becoming the norm, violence is 'routine' and families are terrorised by gangs, he will say." [emphasis added] ...

"Gun crime is up by more than half and there are more than 100 serious knife crimes each day, with fatal stabbings having reached the highest level on record."

"'The culture of violence that was a feature of U.S. cities a generation ago is now a feature of British cities,' Mr Grayling will say." ...

The limitation of tyrants is the endurance of those they oppose. — Frederick Douglass

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