CA: Important Update to Chris Bunch for Congress Appeal
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David Codrea
Website: http://www.examiner.com/x-1417-Gun-Rights-Examiner
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"Yesterday, we discussed why gun owners should support Chris Bunch for congress."
"I've been advised that a special election primary will be held on Sept. 1, which is NEXT WEEK with a runoff in Nov."
"So it is critical that support be given NOW, including spreading awareness of the Bunch candidacy and message."
"Time is of the essence."
"Please contact NRA-PVF, GOA and CCRKBA at InformationRequest@ccrkba.org without delay and convey your expectation that they do everything they can to support an outstanding RKBA candidate. Give them the link to this article and stay on them to get an answer--please report their response in 'comments.'" ... |
Gun Registration Not Supported by History
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David Codrea
Website: http://www.examiner.com/x-1417-Gun-Rights-Examiner
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"As for those on 'our side' who feel a compelling need to volunteer that the Heller decision combined with Militia Act intent now makes mandatory gun registration 'legal,' remember that the Constitution is the 'supreme law of the land.' They and those who would exploit their 'reluctant' admissions would do well to remember that some of us know you don't need to wear black robes and speak all the ritual judicial incantations to understand the intent behind our right to keep and bear arms-- and our commitment to preserving and restoring it." |
From Citizen to Serf in 200 Years
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Bruce Krafft
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"America is a strange place. Liberals get emotionally distraught that the Founding Fathers stuck Second Amendment rights in the Constitution. For American citizens to possess firearms is considered to be dangerous. Yet it is quite alright for Americans to possess deadly green mambas."
"Mambas are large, fast, and very poisonous African snakes whose bite is usually fatal. Their venom is neurotoxic and cardiotoxic. It attacks the central nervous system and shuts down the lungs and heart."
"On August 20 a Comcast workman was ... bitten by a green mamba." ...
"... According to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel ... 187 green mambas have been imported into the US as pets since 2004. ..." ... |
Gun Rights 101: Seattle Times columnist takes refreshing look at guns, personal protection
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Bruce Krafft
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"Seattle Times columnist Nicole Brodeur has never been a fan of guns, so when she recently wrote about trying her hand at shooting, and finding herself to be a pretty good pistol shot, that raised eyebrows, lots of them."
"Brodeur had earlier written about a convicted sex offender who had moved into her neighborhood, apparently about the same time that a woman named Teresa Butz had been brutally murdered in her South Park neighborhood home, and her partner had been nearly killed." ...
"One can ripen an imagination by thinking about what those women endured. It is the kind of incident that sends women to gun shops and self-defense martial arts classes, and sometimes packing for home. ..." ... |
2009 OFCC Scholarship Winner Selected!
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Bruce Krafft
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"We are pleased to announce Matthew Kessler as the winner of the 2008 $1,000 OFCC Academic Scholarship!"
"Matthew is a sophomore at Ohio University majoring in Adventure Recreation. He is a member of the Second Amendment Club, the National Rifle Association, and Ohioans For Concealed Carry."
Below is his winning essay, submitted in response to the question, 'Is an armed citizenry relevant to the war on terrorism?'" ... |
MSNBC anchor chided for implying racism
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Bruce Krafft
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"A conservative media watchdog is demanding that MSNBC accept responsibility and apologize for concocting a racially charged 'news' story."
"The Media Research Center (MRC) says on August 18, MSNBC's Contessa Brewer falsely accused a supposed white health reform protestor of carrying a gun out of hatred for a black president."
"... there are questions about whether this has racial overtones,' Brewer said. 'I mean, here you have a man of color in the presidency and white people showing up with guns ...'"
"Rich Noyes, director of research at the MRC, says there is one important problem with Brewer's statement. The video she was showing was edited in such a way that only the man's weapon and shirt were visible." ... |
Statement Of Paul Helmke On The Passing Of Senator Kennedy
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Website: http://www.nysrpa-pvf.org
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Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign and Brady Center, issued the following statement on the passing of Senator Edward Kennedy:
"Senator Edward Kennedy was a great friend of the Brady Campaign and of all the activists and victims who have struggled for the last thirty years to bring common sense to our gun laws. He never faltered in his steadfast support. He stood up to the powerful special interests who have blocked progress on gun violence and never backed down. Our love and profound sympathy go out to his wife Victoria, a former board member of the Brady Center, and to his entire family." -------
KABA Note: He was also a gun control hypocrite. |
More on Guns
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Bruce Krafft
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"Jason Zengerle says that the idea of betting on an outcome like the discharge of a gun at another human being is 'offensive'. Well, I'm betting on good behavior, which doesn't seem that offensive to me. Zengerle et. al. are the ones claiming that people openly carrying guns have a significant probability of hauling off and shooting someone for no good reason."
"I find that rather offensive, given how little the people saying this sort of thing actually know about the protesters. They may, to be sure, be gun-mad lunatics dying for a chance to shoot some random stranger. Me, I'd expect the gun-mad lunatics are probably carrying their gun concealed somewhere on their person, the better to use it without being stopped ..." ... |
'Gun toters' civil-rights champions
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"Dear civil-rights haters:"
"The men who openly carried firearms in downtown Phoenix are patriots who are tired of sitting in the back of the bus. I would like to thank these "gun toters" for standing up for our civil rights!"
"It's time that openly carried firearms became commonplace again. No one deserves ridicule for exercising his or her rights openly. May I remind everyone that an armed society is a polite society."
"The alleged pro-Second Amendment organization (the NRA) and its die-hard sycophants no longer represent the views of the majority of firearms owners. All your trained-seal, bullet-point arguments begin with 'I'm an NRA member and even I think . . . yada, yada.'" ... |
Civilized debates come without guns (first letter)
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Bruce Krafft
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David Sirota echoes ["First Amendment trumps Second Amendment," Opinion, syndicated columnist, Aug. 23] my personal alarm concerning the guns appearing at public meetings.
His Thomas Jefferson quote about watering the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants -- that makes my blood run cold.
This madness has got to stop. There are means for civilized people to solve problems, and guns are not among them.
-- Mary S. Mitchell, Seattle |
Threats posing as free speech
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Bruce Krafft
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"Georgia Rep. Phil Gingrey, appearing on 'Hardball With Chris Matthews,' was asked if he discouraged people from showing up at public rallies with weapons. He replied, 'No, I have no problem with that.' He further stated that he does not wear bulletproof vests to his town halls and he usually receives standing ovations at his events. ..."
"The idea of armed individuals being allowed to parade themselves in a crowded area where the president of the United States is speaking is frightening to me. These people claim that they are demonstrating their Second Amendment rights. That is baloney. They are trying to intimidate without opening their mouths. Just the sight of a gun sends a powerful message. That is their intent." ... |
Firearms demonstrators well within their rights (second letter)
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Bruce Krafft
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"David Sirota, thank you for telling the truth."
"And the truth is you and your elitist colleagues hide behind your First Amendment rights to attack our Second Amendment rights. Just remember, as Thomas Jefferson said, 'The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.'"
"Law-abiding gun owners are fed up with elitists like you who think they are above all others and use their positions to spread fear and disinformation to attack our Second Amendment rights. In fact, the publishing of arrogant and ignorant statements such as yours are the reason these protesters are carrying firearms." ... |
Gun toting can chill free speech — and worse
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Bruce Krafft
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"If loyal members of the NRA carry loaded guns into public political meetings and town halls, should loyal members of the ACLU carry loaded guns to the same gatherings?"
"Would anyone who values their life stay in such a meeting?"
"Gun carrying in any public setting is a provocation. I wouldn't be surprised to see left-leaning gun owners and members of the NRA loading up and countering right leaning gun slingers."
"I wouldn’t be surprised. But I am dismayed. Carrying guns in public meetings is an act of intellectual terrorism which could, in a split second, result in political murder." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Yes, because so many permit holders are convicted of murder . . . |
Don't take your guns to town halls, son ...
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Bruce Krafft
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"It's not surprising that advocates for people's rights to carry arms believe it is OK to carry guns to political rallies because the gun-toters are simply exercising their Second Amendment rights and their right to peaceful protests."
"But just because something is a right doesn't mean it makes sense."
"There really is no reasonable justification for bringing weapons to political rallies. It is neither sensible nor safe. It is a form of intimidation, pure and simple."
"Tensions already are high at events that divide people by party and beliefs. It's not a stretch to imagine what could happen when tempers flare and people go from bearing arms to actually using them." ... |
NV: Politicians aim for shooters' votes - Clark County Shooting Park dedication triggers assertions of gun rights support
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Bruce Krafft
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"Everyone knows Sen. Harry Reid is tough on political foes, but he's even tougher on jack rabbits."
"Wielding an antique .22- caliber rifle Tuesday, Reid, D-Nev., told an audience of Nevada gun enthusiasts how he once used his final bullet to bring down a skinny hare for his grandmother to make into rabbit stew."
"'In my childhood mind that was the best thing I had ever eaten, and it probably was,' Reid said at a dedication party for the Clark County Shooting Park. In reality, 'it was an old, beat-up jack rabbit,' he said."
"Although the event was billed as a community celebration, the political overtones were clear." .. |
Ted Kennedy, Gun Control: What Chris Matthews Doesn’t Understand
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Bruce Krafft
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... "At 9:00 am Morning Joe ... is followed by Chris Matthews, which brings me to today’s topic, 'Ted Kennedy, Gun Control: What Chris Matthews Doesn't Understand.' Matthews, former press secretary to Speaker of the House Tip O’Neil (D-MA), is a partisan loud mouth ..."
"... Chris Matthews is a stereotypical liberal Democrat, Irish Catholic, pro abortion, politician with tears and emotions pouring out of every orifice of his body. Today’s emotional rant argued that we must learn from the demise of Sen. Ted Kennedy—referred to throughout MSNBC coverage as 'the greatest Senator in the history of the U.S. Senate'—to control hand guns." ... |
The 'Liberal Lion' stalked your rights
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Charlotte Gun Rights Examiner
Website: http://www.GunsPoliticsandFreedom.com
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"Diplomatic conservatives will probably maintain a respectful silence as the media, Handgun Control Inc. and lefties everywhere breathlessly lament the death of Senator Ted Kennedy, the so-called 'Liberal Lion of the Senate.'"
"Never having been a diplomat, however, I bid him good riddance. Beyond even the good senator's killing of Mary Jo Kopechne (yes, Teddy Kennedy's car really did kill more people than my 'assault weapon'), few politicians have attacked the Second Amendment so vociferously, so often and for so long …" ... |
ACORN uses tax dollars against the Second Amendment.
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"ACORN ... a publicly funded national organization is using your tax dollars to actively interfere with the Second Amendment exercise of gun rights in New Jersey and elsewhere."
"ACORN went public with its gun control activism when it intervened in an unsuccessful attempt to defend Jersey City, New Jersey, a hot bed of anti-gun rights extremists, to disarm its citizens with a local gun control ordinance. ACORN pushed for stronger local gun restrictions that were already struck down by the New Jersey state court as a violation of state law."
"Obama and ACORN’s interest is in disarming law-abiding citizens."
"It is an outrage that this group has intervened to defend an anti-gun ordinance that has already been declared illegal by the court. So long as ACORN accepts one penny of public funding, the organization should remain absolutely neutral on social issues ..." ... |
NV: When politicians and guns get together …
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Bruce Krafft
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"When Nevada's politicians gathered Tuesday to dedicate Clark County's 2,900-acre shooting park, they all said pretty much the same thing: Guns are a constitutional right and shooting is an American pastime."
"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid held up his childhood rifle, recalled eating his mother's rabbit stew and introduced [NRA] CEO Wayne LaPierre ..."
"Sen. John Ensign said that although his earliest gun memory is a bad one — a 12-year-old relative getting shot in the chest while playing with a rifle — he takes his son hunting and that 'Nevadans really do love their guns.'"
"Gov. Jim Gibbons said, 'You can have all the guns you need, but you never have all the guns you want.'" ... |
MT: State prepares to challenge U.S. gun laws
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Bruce Krafft
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"Supporters of a first-of-a-kind law in Montana that declared weapons or ammunition made and kept in the state were exempt from federal rules are preparing for a court challenge to the federal government's insistence it will regulate those items."
"The Montana Shooting Sports Association and the Second Amendment Foundation have formed a strategic alliance with plans to litigate over the Montana Firearms Freedom Act."
"The bill was passed by the 2009 Montana Legislature and signed into law by Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer."
"WND reported this spring when Montana drew a line in the sand and challenged the federal government to follow the U.S. Constitution with the law ..." ... |
GA: One person fights city hall and wins
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Bruce Krafft
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"Have you ever heard the defeatist slogan, 'You can't fight city hall?'"
"It is common wisdom in society today that it is futile to try and change government bureaucracy and regulations. Frank Rietta, however, was not deterred by the common wisdom relating to fighting city hall. When he saw a sign in at Webb Bridge Park in Alpharetta, Georgia, purporting to ban the carrying of firearms for self defense, he determined that he would do something about it."
"So Mr. Rietta sat down and wrote a short missive to a city official, Mike Perry." ...
"To his delight, the city immediately redacted the 'no firearms' rule from the park signs. ..." ... |
WI: Green Bay committee OKs gun ban in city's parks
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Bruce Krafft
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"The open carrying of a gun in Green Bay city parks could be banned under a recommendation by the Park Committee."
"The committee voted 3-1 Tuesday in favor of the recommendation as proposed by the city's law department."
"Alderman Dan Piton cast the dissenting vote; committee Chairman Jerry Wiezbiskie, Celestine Jeffreys and Amy Kocha voted for it." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Hey waitaminnit! What about Art. I, § 25 of the state constitution? You know, the one that says: "The people have the right to keep and bear arms for security, defense, hunting, recreation or any other lawful purpose." The courts have ruled that you can ban concealed carry because open carry is protected. |
TN: County tables vote on banning guns in parks
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Bruce Krafft
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"The two cities said No to handguns in the parks. Blount County commissioners heard public opinions on the issue, but decided to wait on bringing a resolution to a vote."
"Now the question is, 'Is a vote by the county needed at all?'"
"During the Blount County Commission workshop on Aug. 11, Blount County Commissioner Mike Lewis sponsored a resolution to ban handguns in county parks, sending the issue to the full commission. At the beginning of the commission meeting on Aug. 20, Lewis asked that his resolution be moved to September’s agenda because a published report said the commission would not be taking action on the issue in August." ... |
CA: Ex-LAPD officer gets 4 years in Redondo Beach incident
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Bruce Krafft
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"A former Los Angeles police officer who used a knife and a gun to threaten a restaurant patron on the Redondo Beach pier was sentenced Tuesday to four years, four months in prison." ...
"Chong was off duty when he got into a dispute with two fellow diners at Old Tony's restaurant on March 15, 2008."
"The 10-year department veteran used a knife to threaten one man, then left. However, he returned a short time later, ... and pointed the .45 caliber Glock semiautomatic handgun at his head."
"He was arrested as he drove out of the parking garage, and had a blood-alcohol level of 0.11 ..."
"While at a rehabilitation program, he was arrested again for threatening a man during a treatment session." |
LA: Sept. 4-6 sales tax holiday to benefit Louisiana hunters, target shooters
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"The Louisiana Department of Revenue has issued rules and dates for the first annual Louisiana Second Amendment Weekend Sales Tax Holiday, Sept. 4-6."
"Act 453 of the Regular Session of the 2009 Louisiana Legislature provides a three-day exemption from state and local sales and use taxes on consumer purchases of firearms, ammunition and hunting supplies. This is an annual sales tax holiday that occurs each year on the first consecutive Friday through Sunday in September."
"According to the statute, during this sales tax holiday weekend, the sales and use tax levied by the state and its political subdivisions shall not apply to any consumer purchases of firearms, ammunition and hunting supplies ..." ... |
IL: Court Upholds County Ban on Assault Weapons
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"An Illinois county's ban on assault weapons survived a constitutional challenge in an Illinois appellate court. The ban's broad language 'serves the legitimate purpose of protecting the public,' the court ruled."
"Matthew Wilson and two other plaintiffs sued Cook County and its commissioners and sheriff, seeking to have the Blair Holt Assault Weapons Ban declared unconstitutional."
"The 1st District Appellate Court in Chicago upheld the trial court's ruling that certain limitations on weapons and ammunition do not violate the Second Amendment."
"'Defendants admit that the ordinance is broadly drawn, and it is, but that does not make it impermissibly vague. ...' Presiding Justice Murphy wrote." ... |