Pools More Dangerous than Guns for Kern County Kids
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David Codrea
Website: http://www.examiner.com/x-1417-Gun-Rights-Examiner
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"I love the Kern River. I've probably driven there a hundred times or more over the past 20 years. But it can be a dangerous place for the young, the inexperienced, the careless, as evidenced by a sign warning of lives lost just before you enter the gorge en route to Lake Isabella from Bakersfield."
"Which makes this Bakersfield.com report even more sobering:"
"Pools now claiming more victims than Kern River..." ...
"So far, five local children under the age of 10 have drowned this year."
"Compare this to the Kern County Child Death Review Team 2006 Report ... for 'child gun deaths.'"
"For ages one to 17, there were three 'gunshot' homicides and one 'gunshot' accident out of a total of 38 deaths." ...
"Knowledge is the key to safe practices. Ignorance leads to tragedy." |
GOA Executive Director Larry Pratt Speaking Appearances
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Bruce Krafft
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GOA Executive Director Larry Pratt will be taking part in a multi-city briefing entitled “Get Ready: Preparing For Any Event That Will Impact Your Life.”
The purpose is to lay out strategies for weathering any crisis while keeping both your finances and your political freedoms intact.
The current speaking schedule includes:
Dallas, TX — September 19 Midland, TX — September 21 Lubbock, TX — September 22 Amarillo, TX — September 24 Albuquerque, NM — September 26 Colorado Springs, CO — September 28 Santa Ana, CA — October 3 Denver, CO — October 10 Kansas City, MO — October 17 For more information, and to register for any conference, please see: http://gunowners.org/getreadyconference.htm |
Larry Pratt to Speak at The Second Amendment March
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Bruce Krafft
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"I just wanted my Examiner friends to be the first to know that Larry Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, has agreed to speak at the Second Amendment March on April 19th, 2010 on the Washington Monument Grounds. Myself and the leadership of the Second Amendment March are currently evaluating others who have asked to speak at the event. I'll announce other speakers as the information becomes available. (www.gunownersofamerica.org)"
"Skip Coryell Founder, Second Amendment march www.secondamendmentmarch.com" ... |
Armed American Radio
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Bruce Krafft
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"The Second Amendment March is happy to announce that Mark Walters, host of the syndicated Armed American Radio talk show will be airing two hours per week starting on September 13th."
"On that show, and once a month until April 19th, (The DC March) Mark will feature a 15-minute segment on the Second Amendment March, updating you on all the latest details. Be sure to watch all Mark’s shows at www.armedamericanradio.com."
"Thanks Mark and United States Concealed Carry Association for your rigorous defense of the Second Amendment March and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms!" ... |
Why Americans are Up in Arms
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Bruce Krafft
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"Leftist elites are up in arms about Americans up in arms. At two recent Obama town hall meetings, men exercising their Second Amendment rights were spotted carrying firearms. While we do not condone threatening the president or anyone else for that matter, these citizens are well within their rights. It is legal to carry a firearm while demonstrating to protect your liberties."
"In New Hampshire, William Kostric showed up near a town hall meeting carrying a pistol ... Kostric had no intention of hurting the president; he was exercising his rights and making a political statement using the pistol as a visual reminder. ... Kostric clearly explained that he was not advocating violence, but was practicing his constitutional right to bear arms." ... |
ACLU opposes baseball bat control
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Bruce Krafft
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"According to the Boston Globe, the City Council in Lynn, MA have decided to allow police to arrest students who bring baseball bats and other 'weapons' to school."
"However the ACLU, famous for their inconsistent stance on gun control, opposes this ordinance." ...
"This overstepping of authority in an urban area is not surprising. What is surprising is the reaction of the local [ACLU]."
"Carol Rose, Executive Director of the Massachusetts ACLU said 'police should focus on students' actions rather than criminalizing objects that may have uses other than as weapons.'" ... |
Why Won't Obama Stand Up For Himself?
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Bruce Krafft
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"No wonder President Obama won't stand up for us. He won't even defend his personal safety!"
"Two weeks ago, a right-wing man protested outside the president's healthcare meeting in New Hampshire wearing a gun strapped to his leg. ..."
"A week later, a dozen men appeared outside Obama's appearance in Phoenix brandishing loaded guns. 'We will forcefully resist people imposing their will on us through the strength of the majority with a vote,' said one, who carried an AR-15 military-style automatic rifle. You read that right--they threatened to use guns to annul the results of the last election." ... -------
Submitter's Note: So I guess if 50.0001% of voters called for banning idjit journalists, this 'mook' would acquiesce? |
The War on Guns
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Website: http://www.nysrpa-pvf.org
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"In a surprise move, former New York Giants Super Bowl champion Plaxico Burress pled guilty last week to attempted criminal possession of a weapon. ..."
"Although we feel compassion for a man who made a stupid mistake ... we applaud the justice system for standing tough."
"We disagree with those who say the only victim of this crime was Burress. The wide receiver shot himself in the leg when an unlicensed gun tucked in his waistband fell out in a Manhattan club. His foolish decision put everyone in the club at risk."
"Each year dozens of people are killed and wounded by unlicensed guns. Sometimes the victims are gang members and thugs. All too often they are innocent people ..." ... -------
KABA Note: At least they have dropped the charade of a war against illegal guns and declared their true intentions. |
TN: Do what’s right and limit guns in parks
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Bruce Krafft
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"As a result of the Legislature's outrageous bill allowing people with handgun permits to bring those weapons into local parks, the Knoxville City Council and Knox County Commission now have an opportunity to opt out as a matter of common sense and public safety."
"Risk and responsibility to have a gun is one thing in the home, but guns in public add more risk to everyone. Many confrontations result from a very emotional person venting anger in response to a highly charged situation." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Isn't this the same BLOOD IN THE STREETS! FENDER-BENDER FIREFIGHTS! OMG THE SKY IS FALLING! arguments that the antis use every time carry is liberalized? |
CA: Second Amendment rights celebrated at gun rallies
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Bruce Krafft
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"A retired Navy petty officer is encouraging fellow gun owners to bring unloaded weapons to weekly rallies in Escondido next month to strike a blow for the right to bear arms."
"Gerald Reaster, 69, said the purpose of the rallies, which will begin Tuesday, is to assert Second Amendment rights and the freedom to carry unloaded firearms openly without a license, as allowed by state law, The San Diego Union- Tribune reported."
"'I am a disabled vet, a member of the American Legion, a good patriot,' Reaster told the newspaper. 'The older I am, the more I see the need for self-defense.'"
"Similar 'open-carry' events have been staged around the country over the past several years." ... |
A Parting Thought on Senator Kennedy
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Bruce Krafft
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"Now that the news is all Ted, all the time ... and the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy is on his way to being Saint Teddy, we should remember that he was an implacable enemy of the Second Amendment, and that there never was an anti-gun law he did not like. Kennedy blamed guns for his brothers' deaths. The reality is a little different."
"John Kennedy was killed because the Secret Service, in a city where many people were known to hate him, allowed JFK to ride in an open automobile, and advertised his route in advance."
"Bobby Kennedy was killed because, rather than employ professional bodyguards in Los Angeles, he used a former football player named Rosey Grier, plus a few others who were equally well qualified. ..." ... |
Stop the Lautenberg gun grab
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Bruce Krafft
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"Gun hater Lautenberg proposes 'extraordinary powers' be given to the U.S. Attorney General to limit gun sales."
"President Barack Obama and the White House are looking the other way as Lautenberg seeks to ban guns from 1 million US citizens on a secret FBI terrorist watch list."
"Obama has deliberately and repeatedly lied to America’s 90 million gun owners across the country when he insisted that he would not try to take away anyone’s firearms."
"Now Obama's silence endorses Lautenberg’s latest attempt at banning guns."
"Lautenberg has now introduced bill Senate Bill 1317, which would give the attorney general the discretion to block gun sales to people on terror watch lists. ..." ... |
Sportsman Groups Push for Sunstein Defeat
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Bruce Krafft
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"Battle lines between sportsmen and anti-hunting extremists seem to be hardening with each passing day. Frighteningly, it looks to get worse as a major anti-hunter is on the verge of setting up residence in a federal office with the power to block pro-sportsmen regulations for years to come."
"Cass R. Sunstein may not be a household name, but make no mistake, in academic and legal circles he is a rock star. His nomination by President Obama to serve as the head of the powerful Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), otherwise known as the 'Regulatory Czar', appears on track and has received a lot of accolades from those who make a living inside 'the Beltway' of Washington, D.C." ... |
Does Obama Have the "Stomach" for a Fight on Gun Laws?
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Bruce Krafft
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"This spring, several major polls revealed surprising findings on how the public feels about gun control and gun legislation. A CNN poll found that 39 percent of Americans favor stricter gun laws, down 10 percent from 2007. A poll by NBC News and The Wall Street Journal found that support for curbing the sale of assault weapons and semiautomatic rifles dropped from 75 percent in 1991 to 53 percent."
"'Guns have always been a heated topic of discussion in this country,' says veteran trial lawyer and author Randy Singer. 'But, going forward, I don't see much movement on either side of the debate. ... the fact of the matter is that Obama hasn't shown much stomach for a fight on this issue.'" ... |
FL: Clay Shaw's gun problem
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Bruce Krafft
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"Clay Shaw has a gun problem."
"As a contender for appointment to the U.S. Senate, the former Fort Lauderdale congressman is catching flak for a vote he took in 1994 to ban assault weapons."
"The vote earned him a 'D' grade from the [NRA], which is politically potent in Republican politics."
"Shaw is now among the candidates Gov. Charlie Crist is considering for Mel Martinez's soon-to-be-vacant U.S. Senate seat. The governor has a strong pro-gun record, which serves as an important link between Crist and conservatives."
"The longtime NRA lobbyist in Tallahassee, Marion Hammer, has registered objections to Shaw with the governor and his staff."
"'We're adamantly opposed to Clay Shaw,' she said." ... |
MO: Missouri House of Reps to Hold Hearing on MIAC Report
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Bruce Krafft
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"The Missouri House of Representatives plans to hold a hearing on the MIAC (Missouri Information Analysis Center) report, according to the House website. ..."
"The MIAC report, entitled 'The Modern Militia Movement' ... came to light after an anonymous source within Missouri law enforcement sent the report to Alex Jones in March. It specifically describes supporters of presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Bob Barr as 'militia' influenced terrorists and instructs the Missouri police to be on the lookout for supporters displaying bumper stickers and other paraphernalia associated with the Constitutional, Campaign for Liberty, and Libertarian parties. Infowars covered the report on March 11, 2009." ... |
CA: California sheriff considers allowing armed self-defense
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Daniel White
Website: http://www.OhioCCW.org
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"California has long been a gun control breeding ground. It has some of the strictest gun control laws in the country, and though has a process for obtaining a license to carry a concealed handgun, it is a 'may issue' permitting process meaning California sheriffs can issue licenses but only if they want to. Most don't."
"That may be changing for on sheriff as budget cuts have forced him to realize that some people really are on their own and need to be able to protect themselves." ... |
TX: Sex Trade Ring Busted in Houston, Ex-Police Officer and 5 Others Charged
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"A sex trade ring in which young girls were allegedly pistol-whipped and forced from their homes into sexual slavery was broken up in Houston this week and several suspects are in custody."
"Five people, including a former Houston police officer, were arrested in the largest sex trafficking case in Texas' southern district ..."
"All are charged with conspiracy to traffic women and children for the purposes of commercialized sex; sex trafficking of children; sex trafficking by force, fraud and coercion; and other offenses ..." ...
"Butler was a Houston police officer for a brief period in the 1980s, sources told the station." ... |
VA: Former Beach police officer charged in marriage scam
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"A former Virginia Beach police officer under investigation for more than two years turned himself in Wednesday to face a federal indictment charging him in a widespread marriage-fraud conspiracy."
"Andrey Savelyev resigned from the force days before he was indicted ... on charges of conspiracy and making false statements to the FBI and immigration authorities. The indictment remained sealed until Wednesday."
"Savelyev made his initial appearance in U.S. District Court on Wednesday and was released on a $10,000 bond. He's scheduled to return for arraignment on Sept. 2."
"Savelyev joined the department in 1999 and for the past four years worked as a detective in the property crimes unit out of the 3rd Precinct." ... |
CA: Accused ex-officer worked for armored car company
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"A former Santa Rosa police officer charged with four armored car robberies in Sonoma and Marin counties apparently used his knowledge as a patrolman - and a former armored car company employee - to pull off the lucrative heists."
"In court Wednesday, prosecutors filed 10 felony and one misdemeanor charge against ex-officer Robert 'Steve' Starling, 35, of Santa Rosa in connection with four thefts dating to September 2007 in Santa Rosa, Novato and Sebastopol."
"In addition to being a former police officer, Starling briefly worked as a Brinks armored carrier employee, police said." ... |
TX: SAPD Officer Arrested
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Bruce Krafft
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"A San Antonio police officer was arrested and charged in connection with the assault of a woman while he was off duty.
"... Officer Jason Rozacky broke into the woman's home the evening of Aug. 20."
"The woman was having dinner with a friend when Rozacky banged on the front door and yelled for her to come out and speak with him, the affidavit stated."
"Rozacky then broke into the home, and that's when the woman grabbed a gun and ordered him to leave, the affidavit stated. The officer charged at the woman and they fell to the ground and fought over the weapon, the affidavit stated."
"The officer eventually left the home." ...
"Rozacky was arrested Wednesday and charged with burglary with intent to assault." ... |
NY: Aim for the Gun and Militaria Show at City Center this weekend
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Website: http://www.nysrpa-pvf.org
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"New Eastcoast Arms Collectors Associates, NEACA Inc., will host its Saratoga Springs Gun and Militaria Show Aug. 29 and 30, at the Saratoga Springs City Center."
"Collectors and dealers of antique, classic and investment-grade firearms from all over the Northeast, will gather to buy, sell and trade their wares."
"There are always interesting and historical displays of Colt, Savage and Winchester firearms, as well as rare pieces of Americana, military collectibles, quality reference books, Civil War swords and artifacts, thousands of guns, knives and accessories." ... |