Urgent call for Camp Perry gun malfunction expert
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David Codrea
Website: http://www.examiner.com/x-1417-Gun-Rights-Examiner
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"Do you know of a reference to the Camp Perry matches where they have gunsmiths to handle malfunctions? Or any other such venue where they are used to shooters having guns that malfunction by firing a burst and then jamming? Time is of the essence on this."
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column is a plea for help. I'm talking to you.
Also see a follow-up resulting from my appearance yesterday on The Andy Caldwell Show and get the latest from my fellow GREs. |
Concealed Handguns: Danger or Asset to Texas?
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"Gun control organizations claim that shall-issue concealed carry laws are a menace to society. For example, in License to Kill IV: More Guns, More Crime, Violence Policy Center (VPC) cited Texas Concealed Handgun Licensee (CHL) arrest data to insinuate that CHLs were violent criminals, and that these laws are a failure. However, such reports ignore the fact that our justice system is based upon the principle of “innocent until proven guilty,” because arrests do not prove that a crime was committed. Also, the VPC report made no attempt to compare CHL arrest rates to corresponding rates for the non-CHL population." ...
(Author's note: This is a new study containing the latest conviction data from the Texas Department of Public Safety.) |
The Liberal Fear of Guns
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Bruce Krafft
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"Liberal columnist David Sirota is scared, and he believes that the First Amendment is intended to eliminate his fear. ... Sirota argues that because some people get scared when they see guns and think that the gun owner is going to shoot them if they say the wrong thing, the Second Amendment is a threat to the First Amendment."
"The purpose of the Constitution was to call into existence the federal government and, at the same time, to protect us from that government through the grant of very limited powers to the government."
"The original Constitution wasn’t good enough for the American people ... Thus, they demanded passage of the Bill of Rights ..." ... |
A Loaded Question - Public parks often serve as battlegrounds in the fight over Second Amendment rights
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Bruce Krafft
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"As political issues go, gun control has always been explosive. Or, as Nashville and Davidson County (Tenn.) Metro Parks director Roy Wilson more tactfully puts it, 'politically divisive.' Just look at Wilson's home state, where the issue of gun control in parks and recreation areas ignited political firefights throughout the summer — after the state Legislature approved a bill that repealed a decades-old law preventing guns in local parks."
"In March, the guns-in-parks debate went nationwide. Congress and President Barack Obama passed a credit card reform bill that included among its several riders a repeal of the ban on the concealed carry of loaded guns in national parks ..." ... |
Virgina Tech shooting 2009: Another reason for Right to Carry while hunting
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Bruce Krafft
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"The 2009 tragic shooting of two Virgina Tech students visiting a campground in the nearby Jefferson National Forest legitimizes the belief that the ruling handed down last January for 'right to carry' within National forests should have been a given. The rule allows Right-To-Carry permit holders to carry concealed firearms in national parks and wildlife refuge areas in states that recognize their permits. In the past, the Bureau of Land management and Forest Service lands allowed the carrying of firearms, while lands managed by the Department of Interior did not."
"In recent years, the right to carry has risen from 10 states to 40 states which is an all-time high. ..." ... |
ABC News's latest one-sided view of the gun issue tackles restaurant carry in Tennessee
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Bruce Krafft
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"A recent story on ABC News proves, once again, that the establishment media takes a one-sided view of the gun issue. The story, which can be viewed here, covers a new law in Tennessee that allows people to carry guns in restaurants and bars – and is clearly slanted against gun owners."
"In the report, the mainstream media trots out one of their favorite foils, a gun owner who is against concealed carry. In this case, the purported gun owner claims to believe in the right to bear arms, but also says guns should be kept at home." ... |
Lt. Col. Oliver North Speaks at the National Firearms Museum
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"Thursday marked a busy day here at NRA Headquarters. In addition to the Grand Opening of the National Firearms Museum's new Gift Shop and the Oliver North book signing, the Virginia Gun Collectors Association invited Colonel North to speak at their monthly meeting."
"He began telling stories from his book about our men and women serving in the Gulf. His time there, the heros he met and the stories they told. Our photos can’t do the evening justice so make sure to check back next week as we’ll begin a video series of his talk."
"The most moving part came at the end as he shared a story of a United States Navy corpsman three days outside of Baghdad." ... |
Gun Rights 101: My choice for concealed carry
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Bruce Krafft
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"This will be a very personal post, in that it is only one man's choice that fits the criteria set out in the last column. It is intended as a sample solution, not the only or the best solution to the question of what weapon to carry and how. I carry a Kahr P9 in a Galco Ankle Glove holster. Let's walk through the list from the last column and see how I did."
"The sidearm you choose must first and foremost be reliable. The Kahr P9 is a 9mm semiautomatic pistol that is made with a steel barrel and slide and a polymer plastic frame. The magazine is metal. The gun is designed with no external hammer, external safety or anything that will snag or hang up when carried or drawn. ... |
Gun Locks, Gun Laws, and the Passing of Ted Kennedy
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Bruce Krafft
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"Since blog reader feedback on the last couple of entries – regarding new Smith & Wesson products – had gone so heavily toward discussion of the internal lock feature on S&W revolvers, I had planned to make that the topic of this blog entry. However, the recent death of Senator Edward M. Kennedy eclipses in for news value, as it did on TV news stations for the past few days, which seem to have been 'all Ted Kennedy, all the time.'"
"There's actually a connection between the two topics. Kennedy vehemently supported mandatory internal locks on all firearms, and all manner of other Draconian measures that would have profoundly infringed on the civil rights of the firearms owning community…and sometimes did." ... |
Bill would give president emergency control of Internet
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"Internet companies and civil liberties groups were alarmed this spring when a U.S. Senate bill proposed handing the White House the power to disconnect private-sector computers from the Internet."
"They're not much happier about a revised version ... CNET News has obtained a copy of the 55-page draft ... which still appears to permit the president to seize temporary control of private-sector networks during a so-called cybersecurity emergency."
"The new version would allow the president to 'declare a cybersecurity emergency' relating to 'non-governmental' computer networks and do what's necessary to respond to the threat. ..." ... -------
KABA Note: So what's the problem? After all, when the Second Amendment was written machine guns didn't exist -ahem- I mean when the First Amendment was written, the Internet didn't exist, so how can it be protected?
Boy, that slippery slope sure gets slipperier when you're standing on it . . . |
American gun owners remembering a different Ted Kennedy
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Bruce Krafft
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"'For five decades, virtually every major piece of legislation to advance the civil rights, health and economic well-being of the American people bore his name and resulted from his efforts.'"
"So said Barack Obama on the passing of Massachusetts Senator-for-life ... 'Ted' Kennedy. It was an understandable eulogy for a man who played a key role in propelling Obama to the White House and derailing the Hillary Clinton juggernaut."
"However, the firearms community knows there is one civil right which Kennedy did his best to abolish rather than advance: The right to keep and bear arms. For many if not most in the gun community, there has been nothing but disgust, disdain and distrust toward the man now being lionized ..." ... |
Senator Edward Kennedy: Free at last
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"The Second Amendment Community, known better as those that can actually read and comprehend the United States Constitution, seem oddly split on the news that Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy has passed on."
"Discussion forums nationwide have blossomed into very long and heated threads on the pros and cons of the late Senator."
"Many feel that writing anything negative before the man has even been buried is cruel and callous treatment of a 'great man'. And unfortunately some of these discussions have stooped to new lows in the use of the English language - supposedly among like minded friends." ... |
CA: Blown away by bill to regulate firearms
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"Any of our Yuba/Sutter citizens who value our Second Amendment right to bear arms should pay particular attention to state Assembly Bill 962 ... This bill directs all handgun ammunition vendors to keep records of ammunition sales and make them available to law enforcement. It also requires handgun ammunition sales to be conducted in face-to-face transactions to avoid sales to minors and limit the ability of criminals to make untraceable purchases."
"The bill purportedly closes a dangerous loophole by prohibiting the sale of ammunition to criminals and gang members. ..."
"Now don't you feel safer already? It's another insidious attempt to take away our right to own guns." ... |
"Groundhog Day": Why the ATF Folded in the Friesen Case.
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Mike Vanderboegh
Website: http://sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com
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The one thing the ATF cannot afford to look like is ineffectual, foolish and downright stupid. Yet that's exactly the fate that they deliberately tempted in this case and got caught. Why? Because in the end this was about protecting their secret documents. These documents, no matter what spin they put on them, are in the final analysis just rules, regulations, policies and testing procedures that ought to be in the public domain. They refuse to release tham because then they couldn't change the rules to suit themselves in whatever particular case they're running. Yet the one thing these people cannot stand is being laughed at, and you can't read this without thinking of lying little boys caught stealing the chocolate-chip cookies . . |
TX: House-Egging Costs Texas Cop His Job
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"A Dallas-area police officer and three dispatchers were fired over the egging of the house of a resident known to file complaints."
"Carrollton Police Chief David James said the May 9 incident led to the firing of Officer Jennifer Cackler and dispatchers Laura Anderson, Ashley Cackler and Laken Schifelbein."
"James said the terminations came after an internal investigation of the off-duty incident." ... |
TX: Texas liquor board fires 3 over raid on gay bar
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Foo Bar
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"Texas' liquor board fired two agents and a supervisor, disciplined two other supervisors and changed several policies in the wake of a raid at a gay bar that left a customer with a serious head injury, officials announced Friday." ...
"Aller and Chapman failed to report that they used force when arresting the customer or that he was seriously injured, according to a report on the agency's investigation released earlier this month ..." ... -------
Submitter's Note: The officers even arrested several people for "public intoxication" at the bar. The patrons are now back at the bar and the officers are looking for jobs as $8 an hour security guards now that their law enforcement careers are over. |
CA: The San Francisco Special Police now have a website
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"Congratulations to the San Francisco Special Police, who have now launched a website to explain to their community and the world at large their history and their unique free-market policing services funded through voluntary subscriptions of the businesses and residents they serve." ... |
CA: Robber sues store worker who shot him
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"The owner of Nick’s Party Stop ... and several people connected to his store are being sued by a man who was shot while robbing the store."
"The lawsuit, filed by Scott Thomas Zielinski from his cell in a Michigan prison, was assigned to Macomb County Circuit Judge David Viviano."
"John Acho, owner of the store and one of the people sued, said his customers are mad that an armed robber is allowed to file a lawsuit after he threatened the store’s employees with a knife."
"Zielinski is seeking in excess of $125,000 for injuries sustained when he was shot escaping from the owners of the store. They went after him because he held two of the employees at knifepoint and threatened to kill them, police said." ... |
CA: El Dorado County Supes Favor Liberal Concealed Weapons Permits
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"At their meeting August 25, 2009, all members of the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors voted to approve a resolution asking 'that the duly elected or appointed El Dorado County Sheriff adopt and maintain a fair and equitable 'Shall Issue' policy for the issuance of CCW licenses.' The resolution does not have the force of law, but essentially criticizes the Sheriff's recent policy of not recognizing 'self protection' as 'good cause' to issue a concealed weapons permit to persons otherwise qualified."
"The resolution focuses attention on the Sheriff's discretion to issue or deny concealed weapons permits, an issue that begins to loom large in the current race for El Dorado County Sheriff. ..." ... |
NM: Gun Thieves Raid Cops'Cars - Assault Rifles Stolen (video)
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Bruce Krafft
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"Whoever broke into five take-home police cars overnight Tuesday made off with assault rifles after defeating the locked brackets holding the weapons in place."
"Investigators said the thieves knew what they were doing when they first broke patrol cars' windows and then unlocked the doors," ... -------
H/t to David Codrea who points out: See, this is why police should be the "Only Ones" who have "patrol rifles"--if someone untrained like you or I had them, we might do something stupid like leave them unguarded but visible overnight in our cars, and then who knows what evil might result...? |
NC: NC Supreme Court restores felon's gun rights
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Bruce Krafft
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The North Carolina Supreme Court says a 2004 law that bars convicted felons from having a gun, even within their own home or business, is unconstitutional.
The state's high court ruled Friday in the case of Barney Britt of Wake County that the General Assembly went too far five years ago when it toughened restrictions on felons owning guns as part of a broad anti-domestic-violence bill.
Justice Patricia Timmons-Goodson said in a dissenting opinion the decision could encourage challenges against state bans on felons and the insane owning guns.
Britt was convicted of felony drug possession in 1979. He completed his sentence in 1982, and his right to own a gun was restored five years later. |
WI: Gun ban timing suspect
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"We are troubled by the Green Bay Park Committee's 3-1 vote to recommend banning guns in city parks — but not for the most obvious reason."
"We understand the City Council might feel a need to balance concerns for public safety with citizens' Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. ... a similar ordinance is already in effect for Brown County parks."
"No, our concern is with the timing of the committee's action. Why now?"
"Wednesday's vote came three weeks after a group of Second Amendment advocates held a picnic in Ted Fritsch Park where most openly wore holstered guns. Organizer Ed Foral told the committee the purpose was to celebrate the legal right to bear arms and to educate the public about that right." ... |
AZ: Readers divided over firearms in public
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Bruce Krafft
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"The following letters are in response to the Aug. 23 editorial 'Weapon-toting protesters hurt Arizona's image.'"
"All voters responsible for Arizona's image"
"You say 'Common sense should prevail.' If common sense prevailed, there probably would be no need for laws. Laws are there for the nut cases that cannot seem to find their common sense. Thus, if we find frightening and repugnant the image of people in a street protest armed with assault rifles, then we need to pass laws against it. I'm sure that if you asked those gun-toting people in Phoenix, they would tell you that they were using common sense. ..." ... |
TN: Why you won't see as many kids in Williamson's biggest park
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Bruce Krafft
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"Williamson County schools are canceling field trips and rescheduling track meets to keep students out of parks without handgun bans."
"Tennessee's new guns-in-parks law goes into effect Tuesday. Around Nashville, most communities have rushed to institute local gun bans for their parks."
"Among those that did not is the Williamson County community of Fairview."
"Which means that Wednesday's countywide middle school cross-country meet at Bowie Nature Park in Fairview ... could be the last group of schoolchildren the park will see for a long, long time." ...
"[Fairview Mayor] Brison said he was satisfied with a recent state attorney general's opinion that said the state's ban on guns at school events overrode the guns in parks bill. ..." ... -------
Submitter's Note: So untwist those knickers and look at the facts. It's going to be all right. Really. |
AZ: AHA begins Interscholastic Clay Pigeon Program
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"High school students at American Heritage Academy now have the option of learning how to shoot shotguns competitively. The school recently received 10 Beretta shotguns and three electronic clay-pigeon throwers."
"The 20-gauge and 12-gauge shotguns, along with the throwers and other equipment, come from the Arizona Game & Fish Department as part of the Interscholastic Clay Pigeon Program."
"This year, students will be able to learn to shoot clay pigeons through an after-school club. 'Next year, we'll try to put it into the high school curriculum,' said Aaron Anderson, academy teacher and head of the school's shooting, hunter safety and clay pigeon programs." ... |
The right of the people to keep and bear arms has been recognized by the General Government; but the best security of that right after all is, the military spirit, that taste for martial exercises, which has always distinguished the free citizens of these States....Such men form the best barrier to the liberties of America — Gazette of the United States, October 14, 1789. |