UK: London police 'steal' from unlocked cars
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British police are combing the upscale London neighborhood of Richmond, looking for things to steal.
Scotland Yard said Tuesday that officers in the southwest London borough would be checking unlocked cars for precious items – and sometimes taking them – as a reminder to owners to keep their doors locked, their windows closed and their valuables with them. |
CO: Firearm owners picnic for solidarity in Loveland
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To passers-by, the event at Lake Loveland on Wednesday looked like any other friendly picnic.
Casseroles were served on disposable plates, and the local wasp population was abuzz in anticipation of finding a soda can left unattended for too long.
But a closer inspection of the 10 or so participants showed it was more than just a dinner — it was an opportunity to send a message. Several local gun owners used the picnic at South Shore Scenic Park to show solidarity with a man who was approached last year by police because he was openly carrying a firearm. Six of them carried their weapons openly, too.
Ed.: You go Rachel! |
State schools are rights-free zones
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I wonder if anyone else caught what the balding, mustachioed cop said in the video Karen posted — “Actually, school grounds have very different First Amendment rights than anywhere else.”
I didn’t think a building or a piece of property could have rights. Ahh, but this is neither here nor there. I understood the “limits” (sic) on what can be said at school as applying only (or mainly) to students, that “children” in school do not possess the same constitutional rights as adults in or out of school. But what this police officer is saying is that the limits on constitutional rights apply to everyone — adult or child, student or not, in school or at public meeting — who finds him or herself within the confines of a “public” (sic) school. It isn’t just first amendment rights that are abridged at schools; all rights are abridged. No one, under this understanding (and you can bet that more than just one law enforcement officer has this view of school) has many or even any rights once on school property. |
AZ: New campaign aimed at firearms straw-buyers
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A new campaign's been launched in Tucson to crack down on illegal gun purchases. Before you buy a firearm you have to fill out a government form and undergo a background check.
Criminals can't get approved. So sometimes they ask family or friends to buy guns for them.
That's called a straw purchase. It's illegal. A new campaign is warning the public and educating gun stores.
The ad campaign is called "Don't Lie for the Other Guy". Maybe you've seen billboards. A television public service announcement is coming next. |
Winchester to Deliver 200 Million 40-Cal. Rounds to Homeland Security
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Winchester Ammunition was recently awarded a contract by the Immigration, Customs and Enforcement (ICE) division of the Department of Homeland Security to supply a maximum of 200 million, 40 cal. rounds over the next five years.
The load selected for this contract is a 135-grain, hollow point designed for the office of Field Operations of Customs and Border Protection. It will fall under the Winchester Ranger line. |
VA: Town-hall clash! Cop vs. Obama 'Joker' poster
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Doug Charette
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"This used to be America," argued a protester outside a health-care town hall meeting in Reston, Va., after a police officer threatened him with arrest for holding up a sign with a picture critical of Barack Obama.
The officer's response?
"It ain't no more, OK?"
Submitter's note: This "officer" is breathtaking in his ignorance of the Constitution and blatant bigotry. |
NE: State patrol: Fair games difficult, but winnable
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Ward's main job was to photograph the owners and operators of each game, along with their driver's licenses, to make sure they weren't wanted in other states.
The troopers made sure the games were games of skill, not gambling.
They made sure there were no drug paraphernalia as prizes, or prizes that look like real guns or knives. |
FL: What's it like being in recent gun battle
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I knew that sound! I was shot at twice while on the Memphis Police Department. Then another “pop’! This time came the zoom of a slug and struck the house wall! Down I went on the ground and tried to get under the house. Then came the bad guy |
The useless police
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Sure, they beat up and electrocute mentally disabled people, shoot old men in their beds, and generally violate our natural rights on a daily basis, but the police catch a lot of bad guys, right? Well, if the police do stop the bad guys from committing crimes, it’s only ever the dumbest and most obvious bad guys, because if there’s ever any actual investigative work involved, you can be sure the police aren’t up to the task.
If a difficult case ever is cracked by the police, it’s purely accidental, and the case of Jaycee Dugard is a perfect example. |
Can You Carry A Gun Near Barack Obama?
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Megan McArdle, Jason Zengerle and Will Wilkinson have been having an argument about whether it's acceptable to carry guns to health-care protests and near the president of the United States. I don't want to try to summarize the whole debate, but I do want to comment on one aspect of it. |
IL: East St. Louis burglar shot in self defense
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Mark A. Taff
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An 18 year old burglar was shot in self defense by the owner of an East St. Louis, IL home.
Police reportedly say that just 18 year old Michael Holmes III and another person attempted to break in to a home. The home was being rehabbed by its owner, so that the owner, his wife, and their child could move in to the house. The owner, who is said to be a Navy service member, was working inside the house when the two men are said to have forced their way in. The homeowner opened fire in self defense, killing Holmes. The other suspect then fled, but was apprehended by police a short while later. |
Debunking anti self defense propaganda
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Mark A. Taff
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As I've previously mentioned, firearms are simply the best self defense tools yet invented by humanity. They allow an elderly grandma to stop even the strongest young criminal who breaks into her home. They enable a disabled person to fend off an able bodied violent attacker. They allow a petite woman to defend herself against a large rapist. Unfortunatly, there are those who miss these points:
The Million Mom March is an anti self defense and gun organization that is closely affiliated with the Brady Campaign. They advance their anti gun rights agenda through the unfair indoctrination of young children who will soon be voters, and their propaganda laden website. |
MD: Another Virginia Tech tragedy rekindles a debate on guns
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Mark A. Taff
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Almost a year after a horrible beheading, Virginia Tech is again visited by tragedy. This time two students are shot and killed in the parking lot of a trail-head near Blacksburg Virginia. This incident will no doubt revive the debate on whether backpackers should arm themselves when traveling in remote areas. This is not the first time that an event like this has occurred in our area and unfortunately it probably will not be the last. The choice of whether to carry a firearm for self defense is a personal decision that can only be made by the individual. Whether it is protection from two or four legged animals, the debate on whether it is better to be armed or unarmed will continue. |
Our view on firearms and crowds: Guns at political events stir up a volatile brew
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Mark A. Taff
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But a funny thing happened amid the all-too-predictable din. A couple of advocates — polar opposites in the gun debate — found a kernel of common ground that holds a ton of common sense. Their bottom line: Carrying guns openly outside presidential events may be legal in many states, but it sure isn't smart.
Press both advocates and their reasoning gets very different, very fast. Alan Gottlieb, of the Second Amendment Foundation, argues that openly carrying a gun in this situation is politically foolish. It intimidates people and turns them off to the gun-rights cause. Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, argues that loaded firearms in such situations stifle debate and endanger everyone involved. |
Why Americans are up in arms
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Mark A. Taff
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Leftist elites are up in arms about Americans up in arms. At two recent Obama town hall meetings, men exercising their Second Amendment rights were spotted carrying firearms. While we do not condone threatening the president or anyone else for that matter, these citizens are well within their rights. It is legal to carry a firearm while demonstrating to protect your liberties. |
IL: Gov't can require gun registration
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Mark A. Taff
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An appeals court in Chicago has ruled that the federal, state or local government can require all citizens to register their firearms under penalty of law.
A three-judge panel of the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals said that, even after the Supreme Court's high-profile gun rights decision last year, the Second Amendment is no obstacle to mandatory gun registration.
The case arose out of the Chicago-area town of Cicero's mandatory registration requirement for firearms. A local man named John Justice was raided by the Cicero police on suspicion of violating business ordinances including improper storage of chemicals; the police discovered six unregistered handguns during the raid. |
AZ: Does Arizona have an image problem?
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Mark A. Taff
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On Aug. 17, as Obama addressed veterans inside the Phoenix Convention Center, police monitored a dozen armed protesters milling outside the building at a health-care-reform rally.
The most visible was Phoenix resident Christopher Broughton, who verbally sparred with Obama supporters and gave media interviews with an AR-15 rifle strapped to his back and a pistol holstered at his side. A libertarian radio host, also sporting a pistol, said later that he and others cooked up the media stunt to draw attention to Second Amendment rights and Arizona's open-carry law. |
PA: Debate over gun control proposal for G-20 summit.
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PITTSBURGH - A short-lived ban on assault weapons in Pittsburgh may get new life under legislation driven by next month's Group of Twenty summit.
The ban was quashed by the state Legislature in 1994 but it's still on the city's books.
A proposed ordinance by Mayor Luke Ravenstahl's administration to keep protesters from thwarting police crowd control efforts mentions the defunct assault weapons ban. |
The price America pays to own guns is lives
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When we think of violent societies, many of us think of places like Iraq, Iran or Bosnia. Therefore many are surprised to learn that, although we have only 5 percent of the world’s population living in the United States, one half of the world’s guns are found here. |
MA: Springfield man arrested on gun charges
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A city man is facing firearms charges after he was arrested early Saturday morning with the help of the Police Department's "shot spotter" technology that alerted officers gunshots were fired in the area of 47 Federal St.
When officers responded they found Angel Carrasquillo-Dejesus, 21, of 146 King St., in the area with two guns on him - a .22 caliber handgun and .380 handgun, Lt. Robert P. Moynihan said. There were also three spent bullet casings on the sidewalk, police said. The call came in about 4:30 a.m.
Moynihan said that section of Federal Street is a high crime area, and the technology is designed to pick up when shots are fired. |
MI: Metro home invasions on rise this year
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West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.
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Home invasions in parts of metro Detroit increased 8% to 100% during the first part of this year, compared with the same time frame in 2008, area police departments report.
Places such as Harrison and Bruce townships, Canton and Dearborn have seen increases in burglaries, and Rochester Hills has seen an uptick in break-ins while people are at home.
Police say everything from televisions and cash to beer, food and other property is being stolen, things likely to be pawned for drug money or just extra cash for thieves who probably are hurt by the hard economic times. |
WA: Vancouver man shoots pit bull
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Mark A. Taff
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A 78-year-old man with a licensed concealed pistol said he was trapped by two pit bulls he had never seen before, and the only way to survive was to shoot and kill one of dogs.
Albert Gosiak (pronounced like go-shack) said he walked out of his East Vancouver house just for a minute Saturday morning. That's when he met two pit bulls in his walkway.
"It was just a snap judgment," Gosiak said. "What do I do, fumble around? They were right there ... I gotta do something now, so I pulled out my gun and shot them."
Animal control officials are investigating the case, and have told KATU that they believe Gosiak indeed was acting in self defense. Consequently, it is unlikely they will charge Gosiak in this case. |
We'll take one step at a time, and the first is necessarily - given the political realities - very modest. We'll have to start working again to strengthen the law, and then again to strengthen the next law and again and again. Our ultimate goal, total control of handguns, is going to take time. The first problem is to slow down production and sales. Next is to get registration. The final problem is to make possession of all handguns and ammunition (with a few exceptions) totally illegal. — Pete Shields, founder of Handgun Control, Inc., New Yorker Magazine, June 26, 1976, pg. 53 |