GA: D. A. says shooting was self-defense
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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District Attorney Greg Edwards says that no charges will be brought against 22-year-old Reginald Wilson, who shot 20-year-old Christopher Childress to death Saturday in Albany.
Edwards says that Childress, who was armed with a BB-gun pistol and was dressed in 'Bloods' gang clothing, was engaged in gang activity when he attempted to drag 23-year-old Michael Parrish out of his South Madison street home Saturday morning.
Wilson, who is Parrish's roommate, shot Childress with a .40 caliber pistol, killing him.
Tragic proof that guns are often needed for self defense
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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...unarmed criminals are deadly too, meaning that we wouldn’t be better off with no guns in society. Those who wish to ban guns will often erroneously suggest that gun bans will keep guns out of the hands of criminals. ...let us assume that gun bans really would keep guns out of the hands of everyone, including criminals. In that hypothetical world, people like Anne Pressly would continue to be beaten to death by physically stronger criminals, as gun bans have a disproportionate effect upon the physically weaker members of society. Since violent criminals tend to be young males who prey on physically weaker victims, a situation with no guns is one where the criminal will almost certainly prevail over their victim. |
MT: Tell officer if you have concealed weapon
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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If we stop a vehicle and see a firearm on the seat or even an empty holster, expect the tension level to rise considerably until we figure out what is going on.
If you are carrying a gun, concealed or otherwise, it is imperative that you let the officer know. If we happen to see a gun during the course of our investigation and have not been informed, you are guaranteed to get a less-than-pleasant reaction from the officer.
We recommend that you place both hands on the steering wheel prior to the officer reaching your vehicle and — in a calm voice —explain that you have a concealed weapons permit and that you are currently in possession of a weapon. |
CO: A suit that favors legislative rights
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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In a constitutional republic, a great majority may win an election to outlaw guns. But the law, in the form of the Second Amendment, allows the individual to keep and bear arms regardless of what an authority or majority thinks about it. In a republic, the law does not allow a majority the right to constrain individuals. It does allow the majority to constrain government. A majority vote cannot close a church in Colorado Springs, yet it may close City Hall.
Anyone familiar with the United States Constitution knows that every word limits the powers of government in the interest of vesting authority in the individual. Governments have no rights protected by the laws that govern our republic. Only individuals have rights. |
Choose Your Weapons
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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A great choice in the small handgun, designed especially for concealed carry, is the Kel-Tec or its basic twin, the Ruger LCP in .380 ACP. Both can be easily concealed in a pocket or purse and delivers quite a blow with +P ammo. I would not recommend a steady diet of the +P ammo in either pistol as it places a great deal of stress on the firearm components. Practice with standard ammo and use the +P when carrying the weapon for self-defense.
The caliber of your chosen handgun is much less important than your ability to hit the target and correct any malfunctions of that firearm under duress. After all, one hit with a .22 is better than a miss with a .44 Mag. |
MI: Michigan’s Castle Doctrine Law and You
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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The basic rule on use of force in self-defense is that the force must be proportional to the threat.
Essentially, deadly force is only authorized in self-defense when preventing: great bodily harm that could lead death, death, or rape (known modernly in Miichigan as sexual assault.) The individual using deadly force in legitimate self defense must have an actual belief that he is preventing one of those three things, and that belief has to be reasonable under all the circumstances. In other words, a jury would have to agree that, if they were in the same situation, they would share that same belief that great bodily harm, death, or sexual assault were about to occur. |
Senate set to begin Sotomayor debate
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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As the Senate begins debate today on Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor with the outcome assured, the only remaining questions are whether the National Rifle Assn. can claim to have swayed votes against her and whether President Obama can claim a victory for bipartisanship.
For the first time, the NRA has weighed in against a Supreme Court nominee, urging senators to vote "no" on Sotomayor.
Leaders of the Brady Center to Prevent Handgun Violence said the defections revealed that the NRA's clout was less than advertised. |
Who Should Pay for the Exercise of Your Rights?
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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For instance, I have the right exercise my religion as I see fit; I do not have the right to demand other Americans pay for my church building, my sacraments, and so forth.
I have the right to freedom of the press…but I do not have the right to demand that my fellow Americans buy a newspaper for me, or even that they fund my efforts to publish statements that I want to make.
I also have the right to bear arms…but I do not have the right to demand that my fellow Americans buy the weapons that I want.
If liberals would really be honest, this is what the question actually boils down to: not whether everyone has the right to health care, but whether everyone has the right to force someone else to pay for their health care. |
NY: Plaxico Burris Indicted on Gun Charges
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Former New York Giants star Plaxico Burress was indicted by a grand jury on weapons charges after shooting himself in the thigh at a Manhattan night club last winter, prosecutors announced Monday.
The indictment charged the 31-year-old Burress with two counts of criminal possession of a weapon and one count of reckless endangerment, Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau said.
Burress' former teammate, Giants linebacker Antonio Pierce, was not indicted for his role in the incident.
"A grand jury applied the law to the facts of this case," Morgenthau said. |
NY: Prison likely for ex-Giant Burress
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Although unlikely, the trial version of a Hail Mary could come in the form of a constitutional challenge to New York law. Last year, in District of Columbia v. Heller, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment guarantees the right of individual U.S. citizens to keep and bear arms while at home. On the surface, it seems unlikely that Burress' legal team could use Heller to argue that New York's law also violates the Second Amendment. Heller concerned a Washington D.C. prohibition on owning certain firearms -- including in one's home -- whereas New York's law concerns possession of certain firearms outside of one's home (or place of business). |
Gun foes see new hope with Sotomayor
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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After years of losing, gun control advocates say this week's vote on confirming Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court will be their long-awaited win that shatters conventional wisdom and proves that the Second Amendment is no longer the unstoppable force of Washington politics.
Proponents of gun control say the National Rifle Association (NRA) and similar groups have overreached. They point to a Senate vote last month blocking an effort to expand concealed-carry laws.
"The lesson that's going to come out of this is you can vote against the NRA and still win, and win in gun-friendly areas," said Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the nation's leading gun control group... |
More seek concealed weapons permits
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Gun owners are packing heat in record numbers, fearful of stricter gun control under the Obama administration and higher crime in a sour economy.
Some states and counties report a surge in applications for concealed weapons permits since the November election. All states but Illinois and Wisconsin allow concealed weapons, but requirements differ.
Applications already have hit a record this year in Clay County, Mo., where the sheriff's office received 888 through June, compared with 863 in all of last year, says Sheriff Bob Boydston. ...
In the past, applicants tended to be middle-aged men, he says, but recent applicants include "grandmothers, older folks, young women, young men." |
CA: 9th Circuit Giving Gun Case Another Look
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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The 9th Circuit Court is taking up the Gun Case that was responsible for the split in appellate courts and was allowing PRO GUN Rights groups to take the argument for incorporating the 2nd Amendment to the supreme court.
It is just a guess, but I am thinking they want to reason their way out of this split to remove the option of appealing it to SCOTUS and keeping the 2nd amendment from being incorporated to the people. |
Gun Owners Now Is The Time To Make Yourself Heard At Town Hall Meetings
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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The U.S. House of Representatives adjourned on July 31–and the U.S. Senate will adjourn next week–to start the Summer District Work Period. Both bodies will return after Labor Day. During this Summer District Work Period, your Senators and Representative will be back home in their states and districts.
Many lawmakers use this time to hold town hall meetings, and take questions from their constituents. These meetings offer a tremendous opportunity for you to personally voice your strong support for the Second Amendment.
Please contact your lawmakers’ district offices and ask when they plan to hold their town hall meetings during the break. |
The war on America's gun owners
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James A. Farmer
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I can no longer remain silent, indifferent and passive to Tom Dimitre's recent emotional anti-gun tirades in the Daily Tidings (see July 17 and 31 letters to the editor). This writer doesn't have the ability, qualifications, power, credibility or the right to dictate his socialist civilian disarmament/victim mentality to the masses! I resent LBJ/KGB-type legislation which punitively targets the innocent honest gun owners and equates them to felons, criminals, thugs and their like! |
Praxis: Viet Cong Logistics
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Mike Vanderboegh
Website: http://sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com
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There is a propaganda photo of an open-air VC grenade factory. In the foreground is a huge pile of Dockery's grenades. Squatted down behind the pile and partially obscured by it is a VC armorer painting the finished grenades with paraffin, which is being dipped from a small pan which is itself mostly immersed in another larger pot full of recently-boiling water. The absolutely primitive scene seems to rule out electricity as a melting agent and the the fact that only fumes in the picture are rolling off the paraffin rules out open flame. (A good thing in a grenade loading area.) Thus, boiling water tediously heated over an open flame somehwhere well away from the "factory floor" and hand-carried to the paraffin man's work station. |
GA: Schoolteacher exchanges gunfire with carjackers
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A DeKalb County schoolteacher carjacked early Sunday scored a measure of revenge against his attackers -- thanks in part to their poor sense of direction.
As he ran the gunmen started firing, striking Harper once in the arm before speeding off in his van, heading directly toward a dead end on Phillips Place.
Knowing they’d be forced to turn around, Harper ran inside and grabbed his .380 pistol.
“I was waiting for them,” he said. Harper estimates he fired two to three bullets, which might have contributed to the driver crashing the van less than a block away. A small amount of blood was found inside the vehicle.
Polling shows continued strong support for gun rights
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Daniel White
Website: http://www.OhioCCW.org
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Gun control groups have had a lot to complain about in 2009. Firearms and ammunition sales continue to skyrocket, people continue to seek concealed carry permits in droves, and gun rights reform continues to sweep the country. Their one "victory" was defeating the national reciprocity amendment, which wasn't even universally supported by the pro-gun side.
Groups such as the Brady Campaign have been very unhappy that they have been unable to push their anti-gun agenda and bring back the "assault weapons" ban, close the "gun show loophole" (both fallacies), or enact any of their myriad of gun control schemes. They blame the "powerful gun lobby" for their failures, when really the problem is that most Americans just don't agree with them and our country's leaders are following the will of the People (crazy concept, I know). |
CA: LA Gun Bust Raises Questions
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David Codrea
Website: http://www.examiner.com/x-1417-Gun-Rights-Examiner
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"So that leaves us two options as I see it:
"Either the suspects are the legal registered owners ( not bloody likely in California for machine guns, and the 'Streetsweeper' is specifically named in the Roberti-Roos list), or they got their guns from...
"Whom? And might it be fair to ask if there's any chance some of those weapons are coming back north across the border...?"