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Website offers rallying point for 'Firearms Freedom Act'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Gun Rights Examiner regulars will recall we talked about Firearms Freedom Act (FFA) efforts in Tennessee, Montana and elsewhere, and particularly about the ATF response:" ...

"We mentioned at the end of yesterday's column that Montana Shooting Sports Association is planning a lawsuit in response."

"MSSA president Gary Marbut tells me:"
"In order to foster the Firearms Freedom Act movement, I have obtained the domain of:" ...
"The site includes background information, status on progress in the states, model legislation, links to news reports about the movement, and more. ..." ...

"... per Marbut, there's something else you can do, something I'm trying to do with this post:"
"It would be very helpful in getting this new Website to pop up on search engines if you would help propagate this link on Websites and blogs." ...

Ranger Up & ASP Support The 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Unfortunately, the Second Amendment is under assault. ... It's with that in mind that Ranger Up and I want to know YOUR opinions on the Second Amendment. ..."

"It's along those lines that we want to hear from you. In 100 words or less (you won't be penalized for writing more, but I may get bored quicker) tell us your opinions about the Second Amendment. Send your submissions to by 25 August with '2nd Amendment Essay Contest' in the subject line. Why 25 August? On August 25, 1789, the Second Amendment resolution was sent to the Senate from the House. For the next two years, the amendment would be debated and changed made to make it what it is today. Now, 220 years later, it is under attack. ..." ...

Gun Control: we have rats
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In Paramedic School, we were taught how to avoid being offended by little vexations such as patients spitting on you, threatening to report you for so much as touching them, or refusing definitive care in the middle of severe chest pain. The secret to being unprovoked is in understanding the reactions of the patient under the circumstances. ... If they're afraid of dying and in severe denial, it's the fear talking ... Simple. Nothing personal. ..." ...

"Well, in the case of editorials and anti-gun endeavors, it's the fear talking. Media putting venom into the reportage are against more than a civil right, they are against their own freedoms in a warped sort of way, and gun owners have noticed it for decades. ..." ...

Are you a hoplophobe?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Years ago, the late Col. Jeff Cooper ... coined a term that has now become part of the American lexicon and has actually been recognized as a genuine phobia."

"Hoplophobia: An irrational fear of firearms and other forms of weaponry." ...

"Hoplophobia should not be mistaken for outright social bigotry against firearms and the people who own them. One often leads to the other, but they are not the same thing. The social bigot believes himself or herself to be superior to the firearms owner in any number of arenas, including education and salary, whereas the hoplophobe is genuinely fearful of firearms."

"So I've cooked up a little quiz that may help people determine if they are suffering from hoplophobia. Give it a go ..." ...

History Matters: Neal Knox - The Gun Rights War is History
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Most readers of this column knew my late father, Neal Knox, as a Washington lobbyist and gun-rights hard-liner. ... But in my travels, I’ve been dismayed to discover that many of 'our guys' – from shooters at the range to industry types at the trade shows – don't really know or understand who Neal Knox was and what a significant impact he had on their rights. More importantly, they don't know or understand the history of the fight which has brought us where we are today. ... Neal Knox – The Gun Rights War is the journal of an experienced guide and wagon master. He wasn't perfect and he wasn't always right, but he had a good compass and was always trying to move in the right direction." ...

Gun Auction Madness Continues
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I dunno whether 'it's something in the water' or something in the Kool-Aid, but yet another gun auction has ended with an insane amount of money changing hands."

"Remember the 1982 movie 'Blade Runner' with Harrison Ford? ..."

"Prop-makers out-did themselves with the futuristic weapon they created for him. ..."

"One commentator, Kevin McPherson, said it resembled a revolver with a smog control device. ..."

"Well, old friend Jim Shults passes along the word that this prop gun was just auctioned off for $258,750. That price does not include buyer commission, so the estimated total due when the auctioneer's hammer came down is in the range of $270,000." ...

Submitter's Note: Scroll to the bottom of the entry for a picture of the weapon.

American gun control laws: A shoestring is a gun, but a revolver is not?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When a New York City police officer caught a .32 caliber slug in his ribs last week, Mayor Mike Bloomberg was quick to question how the career criminal and convicted felon was able to obtain the gun. I'm afraid that the question is going to lead to attempts at broader restrictions on more items in New York and elsewhere because it's possible that the gun involved in the shooting might not be a firearm."

"That might not make much sense, but firearms laws generally don't."

"Depending on when the gun was made and/or whether the cartridges is considered 'obsolete,' a .32 caliber revolver might not be legally considered a firearm ... On the other end of the spectrum, a plastic bottle cap can be a firearm, as can a shoestring." ...

Gun foes see new hope with Sotomayor
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"After years of losing, gun control advocates say this week's vote on confirming Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court will be their long-awaited win that shatters conventional wisdom and proves that the Second Amendment is no longer the unstoppable force of Washington politics."

"Proponents of gun control say the National Rifle Association (NRA) and similar groups have overreached. They point to a Senate vote last month blocking an effort to expand concealed-carry laws."

"'The lesson that's going to come out of this is you can vote against the NRA and still win, and win in gun-friendly areas,' said Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence ..." ...

UT: Print link to gun stories
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Regarding your editorial about guns on July 27: It is interesting that the Deseret News "took heat" from those "packing heat" for attacking the Second Amendment. It seems to me the Deseret News took its time, chose its words carefully and gave a thoughtful response.

The gun owners in Bluffdale made rash decisions and fought with emotion, resulting in consequences that can never be retracted.

It would be useful if the Deseret News would print a link to stories this year that have been gun-related, as well as any situations that were thwarted because of guns.

Jack Arnott

Salt Lake City

Left-wing tries to suppress another pro-gun voice
Submitted by: Charlotte Gun Rights Examiner

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... "Apparently fretting that left-wing media are not left wing enough, ('Help us fight conservative misinformation') recently went after Dobbs in a 'report' entitled 'Not just immigration: Dobbs out of step with his network on gun coverage.'"

"God forbid, you see, Dobbs reportedly devoted 11 times as many words to the topic of gun control than CNN’s 'The Situation Room' (and no, they didn't explain why 'The Situation Room' should be the standard by which newsworthiness is judged). Translated, liberals will tell you which topics are newsworthy, and which are not, and don't you dare disagree." ...

SD: Another Open Carry Day
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "We were about 90% finished shopping and I was checking my list when I looked up to see that Jubal was suddenly - and literally - surrounded by three unidentified WalMart employees. He said they started with the usual, 'you can't have that gun in here' stuff, and he told them that open carry in South Dakota was perfectly legal. Then, of course, they trotted out the old, 'customers are uncomfortable' nonsense. I loved Jubal's response: 'That's their problem.'" ...

"Jubal and I ... asked to see the manager. An assistant manager was in the store, and he came out right away to speak to us. He said he had called the police, but after they had determined no shots were being fired and we were causing no problems, he was told that open carry was legal in SD ... No police were dispatched." ...

Submitter's Note: Kudos to a dispatcher who was familiar with the law.

KY: Suspect Shot In McCracken County Home Invasion Robbery
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Police say a suspected burglar was shot early Thursday morning during a McCracken County home invasion.

The incident happened at about 2 a.m. at a home in the Kevil area. Tthe McCracken county sheriff says a man was trying to break into the home when a burglar alarm went off. The home owner confronted the burglar, then shot him.

The burglar's name and condition have not been released.

GA: Lithonia schoolteacher exchanges gunfire with carjackers
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A DeKalb County schoolteacher carjacked early Sunday scored a measure of revenge against his attackers ..."

"Derek Harper, 47, had just returned to his Lithonia home around 1:15 a.m. when two unidentified gunmen surprised him from behind ..." ...

"As he ran the gunmen started firing, striking Harper once in the arm before speeding off in his van, heading directly toward a dead end ..."

"Knowing they'd be forced to turn around, Harper ran inside and grabbed his .380 pistol."

"'I was waiting for them,' he said. Harper estimates he fired two to three bullets, which might have contributed to the driver crashing the van less than a block away. A small amount of blood was found inside the vehicle." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

IL: Mugging victim: Bike lock was 'saving grace'
Submitted by: Foo Bar

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"The recent muggings in Lincoln Park were on a South Side man's mind as he walked his 10-speed Schwinn in the dark Monday ..."

"Be on guard, he told himself ..." ...

"Suddenly a man armed with a thick stick the size of a billy club jumped out from behind a tree ... Then two other men came out from hiding."

"... the man reached ... and threw $137 in cash at the man with the stick ..." ...

"After the men looked like they were going to approach, the victim grabbed the U-lock ... and started swinging the lock wide." ...

"One of the attackers told his friends they should leave since the victim was putting up a fight, and they fled ..." ...

Submitter's Note: In Chicago, the criminals now have the run of Lincoln Park at night, formerly a safe middle-class neighborhood. The most criminals have to fear is getting hit with a bike lock because the city's cops are incompetent and the city's gun laws end up protecting the criminals themselves.

WA: Bank teller foils holdup, nabs suspect — loses job
Submitted by: jac

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"Jim Nicholson knew he should have just handed over the cash."

"But when the thin man in a beanie cap, dark clothing and sunglasses pushed a black backpack across the bank counter and demanded money, Nicholson says his instincts took over."

"After more than two years working as a teller at the Key Bank branch in Lower Queen Anne, Nicholson clearly understood the bank's strict policy of quickly complying with robbers' demands and avoiding confrontation."

"Instead, Nicholson threw the bag to the floor, lunged toward the robber and demanded to see a weapon. Surprised, the would-be bank robber backed up and then bolted for the door, with Nicholson on his heels." ...

Wanted: A Few Good Candidates
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Are you sick of the same old politicians? Do you with there was a candidate who understood your life and your issues? Do you and your friends wish there was someone like you on the ballot? Tired of having to 'compromise' in the voting booth? Now is your chance to have that perfect candidate. He or she is looking back at you in that mirror. Maybe now is the time for you to run for office."

"Never held office before? No problem. Every politician starts somewhere and run that first time. Many of our state legislators had never been elected to anything until they were elected to their current jobs. You can be one of them and start working from within to make government more like what you think it should be." ...

VA: From the ballot box to the bullet box
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Even for left-leaning liberal media pantywaists such as ourselves, one thing simply cannot be denied: Virginia is one gun-lovin’ commonwealth, no matter how you slice it. How do we know? Well ... if a state's effete political columnists don't reflexively hate guns, then who the hell does?"

"Then again, Virginia ain't exactly Texas (where you can find Kalashnikovs in the 'Gifts for New Moms' section of your local Wal-Mart), so Old Dominion politicians have always had to walk a carefully calibrated (or is that caliber-rated?) line between embracing gun-owners' rights and placating safety-obsessed voters—a juggling act made even more difficult by the tragic shooting at Virginia Tech in 2007." ...

Gun-Lovin' Okie Come$ to NYC
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Sen. Tom Coburn, from Oklahoma, doesn’t want Sonia Sotomayor to go from the Bronx to Washington. He doesn’t want New York to be able to keep out-of-staters from carrying guns in Central Park."

"But he does want to raise money just steps from the masterpiece of outdoor design in the heart of Manhattan, according to an invitation obtained by the Sunlight Foundation’s Party Time blog."

"The Republican gun-rights, anti-abortion and anti-pork crusader is set to buckrake on Central Park South at the Oak Room, with a bunch dubbed NYC Professionals for Coburn, at 4:30 p.m. next Monday." ...

TN: Knox County advisory board recommends banning guns in parks
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The guns in parks debate will soon fire in front of Knox County Commission."

"The Knox County Parks and Recreation Advisory Board has recommended banning guns in all the 42 parks. ..." ...

"Chad Bowles wants permit holders to able to carry guns at Sterchi Hills in North Knox County."

"'If you've gone through the classes and you're responsible enough to get a gun, you should be able to carry it wherever you want,' Bowles said."

"Parks and Rec Director Doug Bataille said 26 parks contain ball fields, and some worried about putting a gun in between heated parents, coaches, and referees." ...

Submitter's Note: So, Doug, please point to all of the coach shootings in 'shall issue' states without park bans. Well? We're waiting . . .

DHS doesn't want illegal immigrants arrested
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The self-proclaimed 'toughest sheriff in America' has never gotten so much resistance from the federal government."

"The Homeland Security Department wants Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz., to stop arresting illegal immigrants whose only crime was crossing the U.S.-Mexico border without documents."

"The thing is, Arpaio doesn't much care."

"'I'm not going to bend to the federal government, I'm going to do my job,' he said. 'I don't report to the federal government, I report to the people.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Yet the same DHS labels the U.S. citizens that believes in the Constitution as terrorists.

Everyone Hates The Cops - After Professor Gates, Why Pretend?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "... the Gates incident has illuminated some basic, strange assumptions about our society. Cops think they have a constitutional right to be treated deferentially. And black people think cops are nice to white people."

"Yeah, well, take it from a white guy: we don't like cops either." ...

"... whites and blacks have more in common than they think when it comes to their feelings about the fuzz. When those flashing lights appear in the rearview mirror, even the biggest right-winger's day is ruined."

"No one should be less scared of cops than me. I'm white, clean-cut, middle-aged, invariably polite: ... Yet I can't point to a single positive experience I've ever had with a cop. ..."

"And lots and lots of negative ones." ...

CA: Sure, the Baby is Dead — But the Cops are Free, so Let’s Party!
Submitted by: Larry

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"Four years ago, nineteen-month-old Suzie Pena was shot to death by Los Angeles SWAT commandos during a 2 1/2-hour standoff with her father, Jose Raul Pena. ..." ...

"Lopez filed a wrongful death lawsuit contending that the SWAT team should have used different tactics; that was the same conclusion, incidentally, reached by a panel appointed by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Police Chief William Bratton."

"... earlier today (Monday, August 3), Superior Court Judge Rolf M. Treu 'took the case away from jurors as they were scheduled to begin hearing final arguments,' ... 'Based on trial testimony, there was no way the panelists could have concluded that police officers acted unreasonably, Treu ruled.'"

"Of course, that’s for the jurors to decide, in any constitutional jurisdiction this side of North Korea." ...

VA: More on the Taser-Thug Attack in Virginia
Submitted by: Larry

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"Last Tuesday's arrest of Edgar Martinez, Jr. ... not only involved an act of criminal over-reaction by Prince William County Police, it was an act of criminal aggression devoid of support in the Virginia criminal code."

"Martinez, a 55-year-old grandfather, was tasered three times in front of his grandchildren at a baptismal party. His pregnant daughter-in-law ... was tasered when she tried to assist Martinez. Seeking to justify this outrage, the police alleged that Martinez was 'intoxicated' and had been arrested for 'disorderly conduct.'"

"... the police had no authority under state law to arrest Martinez on his own property for intoxication or 'disorderly' behavior."

"The Virginia code (18.2-415) defines 'Disorderly conduct' as behavior occurring 'in public places' — not in one's own backyard." ...

VA: Taser-Thugs Ruin a Baptismal Party
Submitted by: Larry

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"Just what is it about weddings and other family celebrations that brings out the worst in the Regime's hired enforcers ..." ...

"... police in Prince William County, Virginia have yet to admit that they may have made a mistake by dispatching a swarm of police to break up a backyard baptismal party in Manassas, subjecting a grandpa and a pregnant mom to a dose of torture ... in the process."

"The police crashed the party in response to a complaint about excessive noise. An official statement by the Prince William County Police suggests that the event was a bacchanal straight from the Satyricon ..."

"That’s an official police statement, or to use the more accurate colloquial expression, a self-serving lie." ...

IA: Toddler Shot With Iowa Deputy's Shotgun at Festival
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It was supposed to be a fun family event and a time for the Polk County Sheriff's Office to interact with the public. The fun quickly came to a halt when a 12-year-old boy fired a deputy's shotgun and injured a 3-year-old girl."

"The Sheriff's Office said the deputy's gun was not supposed to be loaded."

"It happened at Union Park in Des Moines at the annual Clowns at the Carousel Party."

"The 12-year-old boy who fired the gun ran away. The 3-year-old girl who was injured is recovering at Mercy Medical Center." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

DE: Harrington police officer charged with sexual offense
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Harrington police officer faces criminal charges after he allegedly inappropriately touched a girl at his home earlier this year, Delaware State Police said today."

"Earlier today, Delaware State Police detectives charged Aaron L. Jones, 40, of Magnolia, with endangering the welfare of a child and three counts of unlawful sexual contact."

"It has been alleged that Jones, a Harrington police officer, reportedly inappropriately touched a female, who was a minor, staying in his home. This conduct reportedly took place between May – June and not while Jones was on duty." ...

MA: Hudson police officer arrested on OUI charges
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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A Hudson police officer was arrested on drunken driving charges following accident early Saturday morning on Forest Avenue, said Police Capt. David Stephens.

Christopher Vezeau, who has been on the police force for two and a half years, was charged with drunken driving and failure to keep in the right hand lane after a one-car accident at 2 a.m. Saturday, said Stephens.

"We're treating it like any other OUI arrest," said Stephens. "Nothing has changed. We're not trying to hide it. It is unfortunate."

Nobody was injured in the accident, said Stephens.

Vezeau was arraigned today in Marlborough District Court.

PA: Pa. council fires officer charged in hit-and-run
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A borough council near Pittsburgh has fired a police officer who's charged in a 2007 hit-and-run accident in which a pedestrian was killed."

"Donnie Breeden had offered to resign from the Crafton police force, but council members voted 7-to-1 Monday night to terminate him immediately. The resolution terminating Breeden said he had submitted the letter of resignation letter 'to avoid the implications of his conduct.'"

"Breeden has been suspended since he surrendered July 3 to face charges filed by Pittsburgh police. He's charged with involuntary manslaughter and related counts in the accident that killed 24-year-old David Hall on July 20, 2007."

"Defense lawyer William Difenderfer has said his client is 'very upset.'"

VA: Prison officer charged in drug case
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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An Augusta Correctional Center officer has been jailed for a charge of delivering marijuana to inmates.

Correctional Officer April M. Hogsett, 26, of Staunton, is in custody at Middle River Regional Jail in Verona for the Class 5 felony that carries a possible maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.

A Department of Corrections spokesman would not discuss the investigation, but confirmed Hogsett began employment with the prison in 2008 and remains so employed as of Tuesday.

GA: Macon Officer Accused of Stealing Money During Traffic Stop
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Macon police officer is accused of stealing money from a driver's vehicle during a traffic stop."

"According to a police news release, they arrested 28-year-old Dustin Lee Harris of Gray and charged him with theft by taking and violating his oath of office."

"Macon police Sgt. Melanie Hofmann said money was missing from a traffic violator's vehicle after a traffic stop last weekend. She said she didn't know how much money was missing, but that the officer was charged after the driver complained about the missing money." ...

"The release says he's worked for the police department since March 30 and that he's on administrative leave pending termination." ...

AR: CPD Officer Charged With Theft, Conspiring to Deliver Cocaine
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A former Crossett Police Department officer faces a series of felony charges ... The officer is Darrell T. Webb, 41, who was arrested on Sunday. He was dismissed after his arrest."

"Webb is charged with second degree forgery, theft of property, conspiracy to deliver cocaine and laundering criminal proceeds."

"The first charge is that Webb 'with the purpose to defraud, did make, counterfeit, possess or utter written instruments purported to have been investigative files falsely represented by said defendant to have created by a public servant, an investigator of the Crossett Police Department....' The charge is a Class C felony with a penalty of three to ten years and a fine of up to $10,000." ...

GA: Georgia Right to Bear Arms Convention a Success
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Guns, gambling, and alcohol were all present when the state right-to-bear-arms group GeorgiaCarry.Org held its first annual convention this weekend at the posh Renaissance Waverly hotel in Cobb County. Politicians and hundreds of armed Georgians showed up for the two day event, including gubernatorial candidates from the Democrat, Libertarian, and Republican parties and the state's Attorney General."

"The group hosted a social mixer on Friday night with dinner, followed by a poker tournament (for fun) that lasted several hours. This is probably the first time in more than a century that any location has hosted so many people paying cards while carrying pistols openly." ...

UT: Salt Lake City Group Merges Gun Rights, Gay Rights (audio file)
Submitted by: David Nelson

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"This Saturday, public lands, off-road vehicle and gun rights advocates will converge in downtown Salt Lake City to march to the Utah Capitol, protesting what they see as the federal government overstepping its authority on all these issues. Among them will be members of Salt Lake City-based Stonewall Shooting Sports of Utah. David Nelson is the founder of the organization, a group of pro-Second Amendment, gay Utahns defending the right to bear arms. He spoke with KCPW’s Jeff Robinson about the mission of Stonewall Shooting Sports." ...

CA: A sign of the fines
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In a departure from its long-time complacence over illegal signs, the city recently fined a gun show promoter $4,600 for illegally tacking more than 40 posters around town. The move spurred complaints of selective and politically motivated enforcement, but city staff said it was just part of a new, 'stepped up' effort."

"Gilroy's zoning laws bar 'any off-site advertising signs' that are not on the same physical site as the business they are advertising. ..." ...

"'(Nordyke) says we're being anti-gun, but it doesn't have anything to do with guns. It's an issue of out-of-towners posting signs. My hope is in the long term they stop coming back, and so far, it seems they have,' said Barron, who does not own a gun." ...

UT: Gun editorial naive
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The assertion of the Deseret News editorial board that those who carry firearms for self-defense are 'fearful guys' is not only naive, but outright offensive to those of us who cherish the Constitution and the liberties it affords us. As a physician, the only statistics I believe are the ones based upon sound scientific evidence. The actual scientific literature, published through nonpartisan, government-sponsored studies, has clearly shown that violent crime decreases as the level of personal gun ownership increases."

"Personally, I'm thankful for the 'fearful guys' who stepped forward and risked their lives to stop the shootings at Trolley Square, the Colorado Springs church and others. ..."

FL: Gun ownership
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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The writer who thinks the Second Amendment is outdated should stop listening to the media and the anti-gun advocates. It has also been reported that with gun ownership at an all-time high, crime is at a 35-year low. We've seen it time after time — the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

The Constitution and Bill of Rights have guided this great country for over 200 years and should stand, as is, and never be altered because of the dislikes of a few.

John Prisco, Coral Springs

UK: Taser officers swoop on man armed with 'spatula'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A PARTIALLY disabled man who uses a spatula-type knife to open his mail was flabbergasted when police surrounded him on a Torquay street and ordered him to hand over his 'offensive weapon'."

"Furious Steve Gardner, who was waiting outside his St Marks Road home for some post, claimed after his surprise confrontation with the law: 'It was just a spatula. It's something you use to ice a cake.'"

"'It's not an offensive weapon. I don't have full use of my hands so I need it to open my letters, put on my shoes and scratch my back.'"

"But police insisted ... the object seized was a customised bread knife which was effectively an offensive weapon." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it. — THOMAS JEFFERSON (1791)

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