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Who is Supplying Mexican Drug Cartels with Grenades?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "There are either corrupt elements in the U.S. and South Korean governments skirting the audited systems and allowing arms shipments to unauthorized private individuals, and/or the corruption lies with the Mexican government."

"Hmmm..." ...

Have Gun – Will Travel…preferably on a Harley-Davidson
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"More than a few eyebrows have been raised around the country since news broke the other day that a Bellevue, WA motorcycle retailer had been offering a $500 voucher toward the purchase of a firearm or gun-related accessories for anyone who purchase a Harley-Davidson Big Twin Harley."

"Eastside Harley-Davidson even posted a somewhat satirical video on its website, proclaiming 'Our government guarantees certain rights, one of which is the right to bear arms. Eastside Harley-Davidson is adding to that list the right to a new Harley.'" ...

"These vouchers are redeemable at Wade's Eastside Gun Shop and indoor shooting range, one of the busiest such facilities anywhere in the country. ..." ...

80% Of Those Who Voted For Obama Support Legal Concealed Carry Of Firearms
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"That was not a typo, nor an exageration. Overall, 83% of voters favor concealed carry."

"Oh. My."

"Zogby/O'Leary Poll Reveals Majority of Voters Will Oppose Senators Who Vote to Confirm an Anti-Second Amendment Supreme Court Nominee"

"Strong Majority of Independents, Democrats and Obama Voters Support the Right to Carry a Firearm"

"...Judge Sotomayor does not believe the Second Amendment right to 'keep and bear arms' and the right to self-defense are fundamental rights of all Americans. Specifically, Judge Sotomayor believes the Second Amendment only applies to the federal government and does not apply to the States, as indicated by her recent testimony and past rulings." ...

Website of PA Gym Gunman Reveals Sick Misfit
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "The powers that be removed his website. I have posted it here."

"We deserve to know about this, and the unilateral decision to deny us information is unacceptable--particularly since who made the decision to remove the site is unknown. There will be much debate over this with an eye toward impacting our rights, and we deserve to have the complete story, including understanding the twisted world view of the perpetrator." ...

Ensign: No on Sotomayor
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"U.S. Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., said he will oppose Sonia Sotomayor's nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court."

"Ensign said Tuesday that Sotomayor is an 'impressive role model,' but left him uncertain and doubting she would 'rule with a fair and impartial adherence to the rule of law.'"

"'While I believe Judge Sotomayor is an impressive role model for millions of Americans, I take my responsibility as Nevada's Senator very seriously, and feel I need to protect the sanctity of our Constitution,' Ensign said in a statement." ...

Senate Resumes Debate Over Sotomayor
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Senate's Democratic women took to the floor Wednesday to highlight the landmark nature of Sonia Sotomayor's impending confirmation as the first Hispanic and third female Supreme Court justice, as Latino leaders stressed the vote's importance to their community, a growing part of the electorate."

"While Republicans lined up to criticize Sotomayor as unfit for the bench, Democrats were preparing to declare political victory this week on confirmation of President Barack Obama's first high court nominee. The Senate continued its debate Wednesday, dominated by GOP charges that Sotomayor would bring bias to the court and assertions from Democrats that she's a mainstream moderate." ...

Sotomayor hesitates over self-defense
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Confirmation hearings were held last month for ... Sonia Sotomayor. I was shocked at her response to one question. Unfortunately, with the Democrats in control of the Senate, the House and the White House, she soon will be confirmed."

"She was asked if she believes as American citizens whether we have the right to self-defense. There was a long pause. She then hemmed and hawed, and said she was trying to remember if there was a case where the Supreme Court had ruled that citizens had a constitutional right to self-defense."

"She said that usually these things are addressed by state law, and she could not recall any federal law or Supreme Court decision that confirmed American citizens have a constitutional right to self-defense." ...

Supreme Court: Feinstein Urges Senate to Confirm Sotomayor
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) urged the full Senate to confirm the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to become an Associate Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court."

"In remarks delivered from the Senate floor, Senator Feinstein praised Judge Sotomayor, noting that her 17-year judicial career shows her to be 'a solid, tested, and mainstream federal judge.'"

"If confirmed by the Senate in a vote expected later this week, Judge Sotomayor would become the first Latina on the Supreme Court, and the high court´s third female justice."

"Following are Senator Feinstein's remarks:" ...

Citing Constitution, Bond votes yes on Sotomayor
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It came as no surprise when Sen. Christopher 'Kit' Bond declared moments ago that he would support President Obama's choice of Sonia Sotomayor to become a Supreme Court justice."

"Bond, R-Mo., decried the effects of partisanship 'infecting' the political system and said that nothing had emerged in Senate hearings that cast doubt on her capacity to serve on the high court[sic]."

"If Republicans want conservative justices, he said, then they need to work harder to win presidential elections."

"Here is a text of Bond's remarks delivered before Sotomayor’s confirmation:" ...

Sotomayor Matters
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Campaigning for president, Barack Obama promised he would appoint judges who decide the 'hard' cases based on personal empathy and political leanings. ... True to that Obama mold, Judge Sotomayor is a judicial activist and Senators who care about the U.S. Constitution should oppose her nomination." ...

"Her nomination has, however, galvanized gun-owners (opposed 67% to 30%) ..."

"This kind of opposition to a Supreme Court nominee is worth noting. According to Gallup, '[w]ith only 9% of Americans expressing no opinion about Sotomayor's fate, the lowest seen for any nominee, she now garners more opposition than any Supreme Court nominee of the past two decades, except for the unsuccessful Harriet Miers.'" ...

Sotomayor's Short Opinions: Hiding From The Law
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In his excellent speech during floor debate about Judge Sotomayor, Alabama's Jeff Sessions touched on what should be one of the most disturbing parts of the judge's record:
'Within the last three years, Judge Sotomayor has heard three monumentally important cases involving: the constitutional right to be free of racial discrimination, the right to keep and bear arms, and the Fifth Amendment right to one's private property. In all three of these cases, Judge Sotomayor joined or authored very brief opinions that avoided the kind of careful analysis we would expect of an appellate judge. ..." [emphasis in original] ...

Wyo Sen. Enzi Will Vote Against Sotomayor
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Wyoming Republican Sen. Mike Enzi says he will vote against confirming Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Despite opposition from most Republicans, Sotomayor is expected to be confirmed as the first Hispanic and third female Supreme Court justice.

Enzi says he's concerned about the judge's positions on the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, abortion, international law and judicial impartiality.

Wyoming's other U.S. senator, John Barrasso, has not publicly stated whether he will vote to confirm Sotomayor.

Newly Released Crime Gun Data Shows States With Weak Gun Laws Fuel Illegal Gun Market
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Gun dealers in states with weak gun laws supply guns to criminals in other states at a rate more than five times higher than dealers in states with stronger gun laws, according to a Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence analysis of newly released ATF crime gun trace data. The data was released Monday by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives (ATF) for crime guns recovered and traced in 2008." ...

"The Brady Center analysis also ranked the states based on their contribution to interstate gun trafficking. The Center measured each state's per capita rate of crime gun exports ... Mississippi was number one with the highest rate of crime gun exports, followed by West Virginia, Alabama, Virginia, and South Carolina." ...

KABA Note: But doesn't Virginia have your 'anti-trafficking' one gun a month law?

Mayor Bloomberg Takes On the NRA
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Washington Post Style reporter Manuel Roig-Franzia and John Feinblatt of Mayors Against Illegal Guns discuss New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's showdown with the NRA over gun rights."

"Urbana, Ill.: My concern with concealed carry laws is that the few I am aware of have zero provisions that address proficiency. Most people could not hit the broad side of a barn with a hand gun. How is Joe six pack made safer by carrying a gun he couldn't hit anything with at 25 yards? After 20 years in the Marine Corps I know that a large majority of Marines can't hit much with a pistol and I expect the general public has a more dismal level of proficiency with a hand gun. ..." ...

KABA Note: Most self-defense situations do not require actually shooting, of those that do the vast majority take place at ranges of 7 yards or less.

A Battle of Goliaths: Michael Bloomberg and His Gun Control Group Take on the NRA
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"They've got 4 million followers."

"He's got 16 billion simoleons."

"This could get verrrrry interesting."

"This being the stare-down between the [NRA] and Michael Bloomberg. Behemoth vs. behemoth."

"Since the Reagan revolution, few lobbies have been mightier than the NRA. The Second Amendment defenders rarely lose on Capitol Hill, but lose they did just a few days ago, falling short in a sit-up-and-take-notice squeaker of a Senate vote on an amendment that would have let gun owners carry concealed weapons across most state lines. Score one for Bloomie and 450 of his closest mayor buddies (they call themselves Mayors Against Illegal Guns) ..." ...

WA: Dog in Finley likely was shot in self-defense
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A sheriff's deputy said he believes the dog shot in Finley last week was fired upon by a property owner out of self-defense, which is not a crime in rural Benton County."

"Cpl. Scott Winsor has been unable to locate the person who shot the dog -- which was put to sleep hours after being found by a Finley woman -- but said he's spoken to a witness."

"'What the witness told us is that the dog had been a stray out there for a while and had been causing problems,' he said." ...

TN: TN man charged with assault for shooting burglar
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"A Tennessee man has been charged with assault for shooting a burglar he caught leaving his neighbor's home."

"... Dennis McClanahan, 52, caught Dustin Eads, 29, breaking in to a neighbor's mobile home trailer. McClanahan had called 911 to report the break-in when he saw Eads exit the trailer. McClanahan confronted Eads at gunpoint and attempted to hold him for police."

"Eads reportedly went for the gun and a struggle ensued during which McClanahan struck him in the head with the handgun. Eads broke free and attempted to flee in his vehicle, while McClanahan tried to shoot out the tires. ..." ...

"Sullivan County District Attorney Greeley Wells ... notes that under Tennessee law, deadly force may only be used in self-defense ..." ...

Court: Assault and Battery in Self-Defense Not An Insurance 'Accident'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Does a liability insurer have a duty to defend its insured if the insured deliberately commits assault and battery in self-defense? According to the Supreme Court of California, the answer is no, because the act of having to defend oneself does not fall within the policy's coverage of an 'accident.'"

"According to court documents ... Delgado was injured on Nov. 7, 2003 by Craig Reid, who had a homeowners insurance policy providing liability coverage for up to $100,000. In March 24, Delgado sued Reid, saying Reid struck, battered and kicked him unprovoked. The second cause of action alleged that Reid 'negligently and unreasonably believed' he was engaging in self-defense ... As a result, Reid turned to ACSC to provide defense in Delgado's lawsuit." ...

Man stresses gun preparedness -- Book offers information on safe, effective handgun use
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Columbia County residents are arming themselves."

"'I think a lot of people are afraid their Second Amendment rights will be trounced on,' said Eddie Hulsey, of Evans, a gun expert and recently published author. 'So they are going ahead and getting (guns).'"

"Hulsey hopes to educate this wave of new gun owners with his book, Defensive Handgun for the Armed Citizen."

"'I'm a firm believer in the Second Amendment and being able to protect yourself,' Hulsey said. 'But with that, you need some basic knowledge of how to safely operate that handgun, how to store that handgun, and how to teach your family about that handgun.'" ...

PA: Pa. man who attacked gym had no ties to victims
Submitted by: Larry

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"A man who sprayed bullets into a fitness class filled with women he didn't know, killing three and then himself, kept a Web page in which he wrote about years of rejection by women and left behind notes describing his inability to get a girlfriend, police said Wednesday." ...

KABA Note: According to the ones I called today, LA Fitness is a Victim Disarmament Zone.

Those From Whom We Learn by Fred Marshall
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "... I had learned so much from him, I couldn't begin to itemize the ways and the times that I benefited from what he had taught me. I told him how much I had despised him at the time. He already knew it. But then he told me, 'You're among the top of my best success stories. You’ve paid me back tenfold by teaching and helping people as I taught and helped you. It doesn’t matter whether you liked me or not, it matters that you learned and taught others.'"

"That day will live with me till I die, as will all the lessons I learned from him. Earl Calvin Pope died in 2005, in the house he built and furnished. But he died knowing that, by teaching me, he taught (by proxy) a lot of very fine soldiers a lot of very valuable lessons of life. ..." ...

The Plague of Punitive Populism
Submitted by: Larry

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"In Virginia, police officers raid a baptismal party for two small boys. Without cause or provocation they assault the grandfather who owns the home, tasering him three times while children and other guests look on in horror."

"When the pregnant daughter-in-law of the victim intervenes, she, too, is forced to perform the 'electron dance.' ..."

"The woman who came to the aid of the first victim was charged with 'assaulting an officer,' since her brave effort to protect the grandfather from a criminal assault involved placing her unhallowed hands on the sanctified personage of a 'law enforcement officer.' Such presumption simply cannot be tolerated." ...

NJ: Jail guard charged in sideswiping
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Passaic County sheriff's officer has been charged with twice leaving the scene of an accident — while driving to work without a license in an unregistered vehicle, police said."

"Joseph Romeo, a Passaic County Jail guard, faces departmental charges that could lead to his termination. He is alleged to have fled after sideswiping another vehicle on North Eighth Street in Hawthorne at 6:30 a.m. on July 10."

"The accident damaged the other vehicle's mirror, but Romeo, who was in uniform and allegedly driving with a suspended license, did not stop and kept going into Prospect Park, police said." ...

WI: Support Your Local Tax-Fattened Sadist
Submitted by: Larry

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"'Nobody will believe you.'"

"That self-satisfied statement falls easily from the smirking lips of rapists and similar violent degenerates, such as predatory thugs in police costumes who commit sadistic criminal acts in the serene confidence that they'll never be called to account."

"That phrase was hurled in the face of Anthony Anderson and Robert Schiman, two Wisconsin National Guardsmen and Iraq veterans, by police in Wisconsin Dells who forced the off-duty soldiers to lick what they were told was human urine." ...

"... If the victims in this episode had been 'mere' civilians, rather than National Guard soldiers, would their claims have been taken seriously?"

WY: Police use Taser on parade participant (WY)
Submitted by: riotboy

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"State agents are investigating a Saturday incident in which a 76-year-old man driving a tractor in Glenrock was tasered by police after allegedly failing to obey their orders."

"The Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation will look into whether anyone connected to the incident committed a crime, said Special Agent Tim Hill."

"The incident happened at Glenrock's annual Deer Creek Days event. Glenrock police said the man, who was operating an antique tractor, failed to obey directions in a parade, Hill said."

"At some point afterward, police subdued and tasered the man." ...

TX: Deputy constable arrested for driving drunk in patrol car
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Bexar County law enforcement officer is under investigation after he was arrested for driving drunk in his patrol car."

"Arthur Todd MacCubbin is a Bexar County deputy constable from Precinct 2 and has been employed there for five years. MacCubbin was pulled over by a San Antonio police officer at Loop 1604 and Culebra on the far northwest side of San Antonio around 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning."

"MacCubbin had three passengers in his patrol car. Officers said he was driving recklessly with his emergency lights on and trying to pull cars over." ...

As David Codrea points out: Can you imagine what could have happened if he had pulled someone over?

Quarterly Firearm and Ammunition Excise Taxes up 43%
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"During a time period of great economic uncertainty, firearm and ammunition sales have continued to increase throughout the country."

"According to the most recent Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax Collection Report, released earlier today by the Department of the Treasury, firearm and ammunition manufacturers paid more than $109.8 million in the first calendar quarter of 2009; up 43% over the same time period reported in 2008."

"This dramatic increase follows a 31.3 percent increase in excise taxes from the previous quarter (4Q, 2008) and eight straight months of increased FBI background checks – another strong indicator of firearm sales." ...

OH: Media estimates put Statehouse Liber-Tea Party attendance as high as 10,000 people
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Ohio Liberty Council sponsored the first-ever statewide Tea Party at the Ohio Statehouse in downtown Columbus on Saturday, August 1. Between eight and ten thousand people attended this massive, well-thought out, well-organized event."

"TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Parties have popped up all over the country ..." ...

"Buckeye Firearms Association endorsees Sen. Tim Grendell and Rep. Jarrod Martin also were featured speakers. Both have sponsored Sovereignty Resolutions in their respective sides of the Legislature. ..."

"Representing Buckeye Firearms Association, I gave a speech on how the First & Second Amendments tie to the Tenth Amendment. ..." ...

VA: Story on shooting sports was good journalism
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"'True and refreshing reporting.' You can quote me if you like. That is exactly what I read about in the story 'Reaching his target' [July 1]."

"I share Andy [Sherrer's] interest in the shooting sports just as many Chesterfield residents I know do. This was a great story that many of your readers will connect with."

"A factual report of a person, like myself, with a lifelong hobby that is both rewarding and challenging. Just the 'man next door' type of individual who holds the Second Amendment dear and wants to share his story. "

"... Seldom is there a word written or spoken that does anything but demonize marksmen and their hardware. I have to take my hat off to the Chesterfield Observer for an unbiased piece ..."

NJ: Governor to Sign One-Gun-A-Month Bill Tomorrow
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Tomorrow at 12:00 P.M., Governor Jon Corzine (D-NJ) will sign Assembly Bill 339/Senate Bill 1774 into law. The signing will take place at Trenton City Hall located at 319 East State Street in Trenton."

"Simply stated, this bill would prohibit an individual from purchasing more than one handgun within a 30-day period. The state already requires an individual to first obtain a permit to purchase – a process which includes an extensive criminal background check and a minimum of 30 days to complete. This bill is just another step that anti-gun legislators are trying to take to erode our Right to Keep and Bear Arms." ...

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come. — Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

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