SAF Sues District of Columbia over Carrying of Handguns
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Bruce Krafft
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"The Second Amendment Foundation today filed a lawsuit on behalf of three residents of the District of Columbia and a Florida resident, seeking to compel the city to issue carry permits to law-abiding citizens."
"The lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court on behalf of Tom Palmer, George Lyon and Amy McVey, all District residents, and Edward Raymond, a New Hampshire resident. SAF and the individual plaintiffs are being represented by attorney Alan Gura, who successfully argued the landmark District of Columbia v. Heller case in 2008 that overturned the District's handgun ban on the grounds that it was unconstitutional under the Second Amendment." ... |
"A typical case of American blind justice": ATF "Officer Obie" forces Doug Friesen to pay $50 and pick up the garbage.
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Mike Vanderboegh
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... "I just received this email forwarded by Len Savage. JPFO has an interview posted with Doug Friesen, the attorney and machine gun collector who the ATF fruitlessly spent years and millions trying to send to federal prison. Like Officer Obie in the 'Alice's Restaurant Massacree,' in the end the ATF could only impotently gnash their teeth over a 'typical case of American blind justice.'"
"And they were lucky to get off so easy. The Friesen case, had it gone forward, had the potential to overthrow the 'legitimacy' of the entire National Firearms Registry. No wonder they were willing to ticket him for the equivalent of littering and give him his guns back. Go and listen to Doug Friesen in his own words. Then send a few bucks to JPFO to keep the fight going." ... |
Can We Disarm the Police?
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"I begin with an insight offered by Professor Carroll Quigley (1910 "1977), who taught history to Bill Clinton at Georgetown University. ... But Quigley was also an expert in the history of weaponry. One of his books, Weapons Systems and Political Stability: A History ... was a 1,000-page history of weaponry that ended with the Middle Ages. In Tragedy and Hope, he wrote about the relationship between amateur weapons and liberty. By amateur, he meant low cost. He meant, in the pejorative phrase of political statists, Saturday-night specials."
"In a period of specialist weapons the minority who have such weapons can usually force the majority who lack them to obey ..." ... |
Does teaching gun safety help stop accidents? More Ohio police officers say yes.
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"To hear the media darlings at the anti-gun Joyce Foundation-funded International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) tell it, guns - the tools some criminals use - are responsible for violence and accidental deaths in America, rather than the criminal or the ignorant. And every police office thinks so."
"Or do they?"
"In the wake of two tragic accidents in Ohio involving small children and guns, several state media outlets have addressed the issue of kids and guns. In addition to contacting Buckeye Firearms Association, several reporters interviewed area law enforcement officers. Their comments put the anti-gun front group known as the IACP to shame." ... |
Guns are beautiful
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"I am a lifetime law-abiding gun owner and avid shooter. In my life I have had many occasions to buy firearms for sporting purposes. I have not had a need to own an AK-47 nor an opportunity to try one. I am told it is the finest assault rifle ever made. If I am in a situation wherein the AK-47 is the best choice, then I need to get one and I believe that I have that right guaranteed by the Second Amendment. ... if an AK-47 makes the difference in my family’s survival, then so be it."
"If I need an AK-47, then I would logically buy one now. When called to defense there will be no time to shop. I believe this is the logic that law-abiding people use when they buy assault rifles. ..." ... |
Senate Confirms Sotomayor For Supreme Court
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"The U.S. Senate Thursday voted to confirm Judge Sonia Sotomayor as the next Supreme Court justice."
"Sotomayor, who will be the first Latina and only the third woman confirmed to the high court, drew the unanimous support of Democrats along with a handful of Republicans in the 68 to 31 vote."
"Democrats were effusive in their praise for Sotomayor, highlighting her 17 year career as a federal judge, first as a trial court judge then on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, prosecutor and commercial lawyer." ...
"Sessions said her 'activist' philosophy helped explain ... her ruling suggesting that states may have the right to regulate firearms in spite of the Second Amendment." ... |
Texas Sen. Hutchison explains no vote on Sotomayor
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"U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas explained to a ballroom of Hispanic small business owners Friday that she would not vote to confirm the country's first Hispanic Supreme Court justice next week out of concern for protecting gun ownership rights."
"The National Rifle Association has dubbed Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor 'hostile' to the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms."
"Hutchison's explanation that she could not approve anyone for the federal bench who left any doubt about their absolute support for the right to bear arms earned a smattering of applause during her speech to the Texas Association of Mexican-American Chambers of Commerce annual convention." ... |
Sotomayor confirmed as SAF sues District of Columbia over gun rights
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"The inevitable confirmation of Judge Sonia Sotomayor as the first Hispanic associate justice on the U.S. Supreme Court could easily become bad news for the Second Amendment as gun rights activists have warned."
"NOTE: My colleague, David Codrea, weighed in on the Sotomayor confirmation late in the day ..."
"However, as the Senate was voting on her lifetime appointment, the Second Amendment Foundation was strolling into federal court to sue the District of Columbia over its continued efforts to thwart law-abiding citizens from carrying firearms for their personal protection. This makes the second lawsuit in recent months that SAF – the Bellevue, WA-based gun rights group – has filed against the District over a gun rights issue." ... |
Sotomayor confirmation a defeat for individual, property, gun rights
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"Libertarian National Committee Communications Director Donny Ferguson released the following statement Thursday, after the Senate’s 68-31 vote to confirm Second Circuit Judge Sonia Sotomayor to fill the Supreme Court seat vacated by retiring Justice David Souter:"
"'Today's confirmation of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court is a significant defeat for individual, property and gun rights. The Libertarian Party was the first political party to announce its opposition to Judge Sotomayor's nomination, after reviewing her history on the bench.'" ... |
Senate Confirms Radical Anti-gunner to the U.S. Supreme Court
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Bruce Krafft
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"The Senate easily confirmed the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court. Only 31 Senators took seriously their oath to uphold the Constitution and voted against this radical anti-gun nominee, with 68 voting for confirmation."
"All the Democrats in attendance voted for Sotomayor, while nine Republicans joined their ranks." ...
"Many Democrat Senators campaigned on a pro-Second Amendment platform, yet voted to confirm a nominee who does not believe you have a fundamental right to self defense or an individual right to possess a firearm." ... |
NRA Wrong To Score Vote
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"Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, said on the Senate floor Wednesday night that her constituents' 'overwhelming concern' about Second Amendment issues compelled her to vote against Sonia Sotomayor's confirmation. But that doesn't mean she thinks it was appropriate for the National Rifle Association to score the vote. Murkowski also speculated that Alaska's other senator, Democrat Mark Begich, is facing a similar amount of pressure from constituents on the same issue; he is one of just a few Democrats who have not announced their votes."
"NationalJournal.com's Amy Harder spoke with Murkowski on Wednesday night. Excerpts of the interview follow." ... |
Praxis Request: Spare Parts
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"This post from Pete at Western Rifle Shooters Association is entitled: 'Bleg for Spare Parts Lists/Vendors.' Give it a read and drop suggestions at his site or here and I'll pass them along."
"Mike III"
"In light of current events, it would be a huge help -- both personally and for our readers -- to have a concise list of spare parts needed to keep most probable Resistance rifles running for the duration. As the saying goes, without the right spare parts, that fancy rifle becomes an expensive, unwieldy club." ... |
Droning On
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"When TAC asked me for a piece on military drones, I had to consider which variety of drone was most important: the drone aircraft, the drones who operate the aircraft, or the drones back in the Pentagon who think drive-by shootings can win wars."
"Drone aircraft are simply model airplanes. It would be easy enough to construct one from parts picked up at a toy store. Kitbash a small video camera that can broadcast an image—some model trains now have one in the engine cab—onto a remote-controlled model aircraft big enough to carry it, and you have a useful military drone. (Paintballers take note.) In fact, you have the most useful type of military drone, a reconnaissance drone. ..." ... |
Praxis: Viet Cong Logistics, Part Two -- Estimated Production Times for Weapons and Ordnance Spare Parts
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Bruce Krafft
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"Dovetailing in with Pete's request for spare parts usage and sources is this captured Viet Cong document entitled 'Estimated Production Times for Weapons and Ordnance Spare Parts.' This is a portion of Appendix A in Holliday and Gurfield's Viet Cong Logistics, mentioned earlier at Sipsey Street here and in the original pdf file found here."
"Remember these are times required to knock out these parts in crude jungle workshops. I'n sure we can do better, if properly motivated by regime embargo. But the important point is that even if we don't have CNC machines, we can still fall back on rudimentary production techniques. Read and learn." ... |
Historic Confirmation Of Judge Sotomayor Deals Sharp Rebuke To Gun Lobby
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, released the following statement on the U.S. Senate's confirmation of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court:"
"'Judge Sonia Sotomayor has sterling qualifications and a strong record of respecting judicial precedent. By confirming her today, the U.S. Senate refused to be intimidated by the National Rifle Association and instead did what's right for the country and the rule of law. In fact, 12 Senators rated 'A' by the NRA – eight of whom were endorsed by the NRA in their last campaigns – voted to confirm her.'" ... |
NJ: State's leading gun violence prevention group applauds Governor's signing of One Handgun A Month law
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"Governor Jon Corzine today signed ... the One Handgun A Month bill, that will limit individuals to the purchase of no more than a single handgun in any thirty-day period. It's purpose is to diminish the flow of handguns from legal sale at NJ gun shops to illegal street sale and, by doing so, reduce the gun crime and violence that the illegal handgun trade causes."
"Bryan Miller, Executive Director of Ceasefire NJ, the Garden State's leading organization devoted to reducing gun violence, said: 'The Governor deserves the gratitude of all New Jerseyans eager to make our state safer from gun crime and violence. He has ignored the hostility of the gun lobby, which has worked overtime to confuse citizens and obfuscate issues.'" ... |
TN: No reason to go armed in parks
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"I read two local newspapers daily. I watch cable news. I frequent local parks. We have many beautiful parks in Blount County."
"I am in the public areas of my community routinely, and I can find no reason for going armed, legally or otherwise."
Submitter's Note: Feel free to not carry then.
"I cannot see why so few people, 218,000 at last count, who insist on yammering about their rights to carry weapons in parks and bars, should be able to make their case over the objections of the millions more Tennesseans who are trying to figure out just what the heck motivates them." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Because the rights of minorities are protected against trampling by the majority. |
Gym shooting tragic, but rare
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Daniel White
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"It is inevitable that in the wake of the LA Fitness gym killings that gun control advocate will use it as an example of why we need more stringent gun laws."
"The gun grabbers always want to use such tragedies to further their agenda, but the fact remains that they are still relatively rare occurrences." ... |
Sestak: reinstate assault gun ban
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"Rep. Joe Sestak, a candidate for the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate, cited the Collier shooting deaths Thursday in calling for a reinstatement of the federal ban on military style assault weapons."
"'This recent incident recommits us to reinstitute the assault weapons ban originally instituted in 1994. I have continuously pushed for this ban to be reinstituted since I came to Congress in 2007, including just last year when I cosponsored The Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Act.'" ... -------
KABA Note: As Daniel White points out, the shooter used 3 semi-autos and a revolver to fire 36 shots. So a 10-round magazine limit would be meaningless. |
Bush, NRA Share Blame For Tragic Pittsburg Shooting
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"The tragic mass shooting in Pittsburgh last night further illustrates the need for gun control in the United States. Allegheny Police Superintendent Charles Moffatt said in a press conference today that the bullets purchased by George Sodini to use in his semi-automatic weapons were illegal under the assault weapons ban that expired under pressure from then-President George W. Bush and the National Rifle Association. ..." ... -------
KABA Note: Either Charles or Chuck should really be cautioned about displaying their ignorance in public like this . . . |
Book Review: The Great New Orleans Gun Grab
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Bruce Krafft
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"I recently finished reading The Great New Orleans Gun Grab: Descent Into Anarchy by Gordon Hutchinson and Todd Masson.
To give you an idea of how interesting this book is, I finished all 190 pages PLUS the Appendix materials in just under three hours. Both Hutchinson and Masson are professional writers, and they do an excellent job conveying a story that is fascinating, frightening, horrifying, and often, beyond belief. I found myself muttering, numerous times, 'Certainly this did not happen in the United States.'"
"Well, it did happen. And every gun owner owes it to himself to at least know the story of Katrina and the complete failure of law enforcement vis-a-vis the law-abiding gun owner. ..." ... |
MA: Patrick going too far with gun regulations - will hurt public safety
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"Representative Jeffrey Davis Perry (R-Sandwich) has signed onto a bi-partisan letter strongly opposing Governor Patrick's proposed gun regulation and changes ... regarding firearm exhibitions. The letter, signed by over 50 State Legislators, urges the Executive Office of Public Safety not to impose new and burdensome regulations that would greatly reduce the ability of local clubs and organizations to host firearm safety training courses."
"Perry commented by stating 'Our local sporting and shooting clubs play a vital role in public safety by offering the public training in safe firearm ownership. ... the unintended consequences will severely restrict any organizations efforts to educate the public in safe firearm ownership.'" ... |
NY: State Senate will ignore anti-gun bills for now
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"Handgun owners in New York can breathe at least a temporary sigh of relief, because two major gun bills that passed the Assembly in April won't be heard any time soon in the Senate."
"Legislation that would establish mandatory micro-stamping of all pistol ammunition -- a move that essentially makes the ammunition unavailable since no manufacturer could afford to produce it -- won't get out of committee, according to Sen. Thomas W. Libous, R-Binghamton."
"He also pointed out that a bill that would require handgun permits to be renewed, at a considerable cost, every five years is similarly tabled." ... |
PA: If you're in fear, get out
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"No mistake about it, what happened inside the home of Kenneth and Bonnie Miller Tuesday night was a senseless tragedy."
"The retired Springettsbury Township Police officer took his dog to a neighbor's house and then shot his wife in the head. He then took his own life. That Mr. Miller, 70, was suffering from Alzheimer's makes what happened even more tragic." ...
"She also said people with Alzheimer's should not have access to firearms. This is not an anti-gun stand or a threat to the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. It's common sense -- and should be enforced, not necessarily by law, but by friends and family members." ... |
CA: DA won't file criminal charges against police chief
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"The county district attorney's office recently reviewed a criminal complaint alleging that Carlsbad police Chief Thomas Zoll threatened the Police Department's Officer of the Year in March, but prosecutors declined to file any charges, Carlsbad and DA officials confirmed Tuesday."
"It was the first time that city management publicly acknowledged a criminal complaint had been made against the chief, who was placed on paid leave for three weeks this spring immediately following the incident, and who recently announced his plans to retire after about six years with the department." ... -------
H/t to David Codrea who points out that the only way to get away with threatening a cop is to be a bigger cop. |
CA: SWAT called out when Yolo County deputy fires gun while drunk
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"Yolo County Sheriff's Sgt. Jonathan Key is under administrative leave from the department after West Sacramento police and SWAT team members were called to his house on reports he was shooting a gun." ...
"... Key was found highly intoxicated and unconscious. He was sent to a hospital, Bowler said."
"Key reportedly shot one of his two dogs during the episode. ..." ...
"A handgun belonging to the Yolo County Sheriff's Department was recovered from the scene."
"Bowler said that Key was not arrested at that time. As per law enforcement protocol, he said, officers left Key at the hospital and then prepared a report for the District Attorney's Office to recommend charges, if any. " ... -------
As David Codrea asks: Do you think you or I would have been arrested "at that time"? |
NV: Nevada Officer Shoots Self at Gun Range
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A Metro police officer has accidentally shot himself at a gun range.
The officer was shot in the knee Friday at the Metro Officer Gun Range on the far east end of Carey Avenue, said Metro spokesman Bill Cassel.
The officer was transported to University Medical Center for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries, Cassel said.
Metro would not release any further details on the incident. |
OR: Officer Wild resigns over harrassment allegations
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"A Portland police officer accused of harassing women and girls over the phone resigned before a termination hearing Tuesday."
"Investigators believe 28-year-old officer Joseph Edward Wild made sexually explicit phone calls on his bureau cell phone to female officers, a teen involved in a rape case, a woman in a domestic violence case and to a 14-year-old girl."
"Wild, who had served on the force four years, pleaded not guilty to charges of telephone harassment and official misconduct in June. He remains in the Multnomah County jail on $132,500 bail." ... |
The bullets are back
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"My brother and I attended a gun show last weekend and I have good news. Bullets are back. Not only was I able to buy all the 9mm rounds I wanted, but my brother found adequate supplies of 380 ammunition as well. Stacks of .223 ammo were also in evidence. Since our government hasn't changed in six months, what has changed? Economics 101 tells us that the marginal utility of the next bullet will be less than the last one. In other words, if I have no bullets to shoot in my pistol, I really, really want the first 10 bullets I can buy at whatever price I find them. The 500th bullet, I will shop around for the best price, and after 1,000 I will probably stop (I think). ..." ... |
SD: Huge Jump In Conceal And Carry Permits
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"More and more people across the country, the state and the county are getting permits to carry handguns."
"There were 2,008 conceal and carry permits issued in Minnehaha County in all of 2008. There have already been 1,548 in 2009. The state of South Dakota issued 14,628 permits in 2008, and it's already hit 11,057 in 2009."
"The clerk at the Minnehaha County Sheriff's office says she takes between 10 and 50 applications for a conceal and carry permit every day, and she says the number one reason people give is they're afraid their gun rights might be taken away."
"'I feel that we need to act now if our rights are going to be protected,' said Jordan Olson, who picked up his permit on Wednesday." ... |
You are bound to meet misfortune if you are unarmed because, among other reasons, people despise you....There is simply no comparison between a man who is armed and one who is not. It is unreasonable to expect that an armed man should obey one who is unarmed, or that an unarmed man should remain safe and secure when his servants are armed. In the latter case, there will be suspicion on the one hand and contempt on the other, making cooperation impossible. — Niccolo Machiavelli in "The Prince." |