New Gun Rights Suit In D.C. Tests 2nd Amend Limit
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Bruce Krafft
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"One question left unanswered by the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark Second Amendment ruling last year is this: When do law-abiding Americans have the right to carry firearms in public for self-defense?"
"In a lawsuit filed against the city of Washington, D.C. on Thursday, the Second Amendment Foundation aims to find out."
"The plaintiffs are four gun owners who were denied licenses to carry firearms in public on their person ..."
"The District of Columbia is a special case. Its city code says nobody may carry 'either openly or concealed on or about their person, a pistol, without a license.' But a law enacted in December 2008 appears to have curbed the ability of the police chief to grant those licenses." ... |
The road to Damascus
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John Pierce - Minneapolis Gun Rights Examiner
Website: http://www.examiner.com/x-3253-Minneapolis-Gun-Rights-Examiner
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"Where gun rights are concerned, a 'Road to Damascus' moment occurs when a formerly anti-gun or gun-shy person decides to become a gun owner."
"For some, this comes after careful consideration of the issue. For others, it comes after a traumatic event illustrates to them just how critical self-defense is to a law-abiding citizen. In either case, being able to help such a new gun owner is one of the most rewarding things that an instructor gets to do."
"I was lucky enough to spend most of my free time last week introducing a once gun-shy family to their rights and responsibilities as new gun owners." ...
"... the truth is that every new gun owner adds great strength to the fight to protect and enhance our rights." ... |
New anti-gun strategy: Demonize CCW holders
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Bruce Krafft
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"Bigotry assumes many forms, hides behind many facades, but always it is the same; the social demonization of entire groups, classes or races of people in an effort to make them appear inferior and detrimental by their very existence."
"In the wake of a nasty multiple shooting at a Pittsburgh, PA-area fitness club by a not-so-clearly psychotic man identified as George Sodini, America's gun prohibitionists – led by the Violence Policy Center and Freedom States Alliance – are clamoring for restrictions or repeal of concealed carry statutes."
"In the case against legally-armed citizens, the VPC has even manufactured an innuendo-riddled 'study' to support their prejudices. ..." ... |
Socialized medicine and the loss of the second amendment, Part I
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Bruce Krafft
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"Liberals can no longer hide their anger, their old, old anger. If you believe in psychology at all, you can understand how one's world view reveals itself different ways. When it comes to the so-called social conscience, it soon becomes apparent that liberal actions have nothing to do with conscience, and everything to do with control. ..."
"America is getting a little nervous: we may soon be conferring to each other our condolences on the loss of the second amendment and the loss of independence."
"Hatred of guns is really hatred of independence. Independence from servants and from their silly anti-crime programs signals being unneeded ... and that means lack of control of citizens they serve. ..." ... |
Never ending torrent of lies fuel gun control
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Daniel White
Website: http://www.OhioCCW.org
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"If you don't have the truth on your side, just make things up as you go. That seems to be the motto of the gun control movement. Misleading facts, skewed statistics, and outright lies are the meat and potatoes of their efforts to nudge public opinion in their favor."
"Take, for example, the issue of controlling the flow of illegal guns into Mexico, a lie that has been exposed in this column, as well as by several other Gun Rights Examiners. It is simply not true that 90% of the guns used by the Mexican drug cartels come from the United States, but saying so makes it easier to follow up with applying international pressure to reinstate the failed 'assault weapons ban.' Now, they're trying the same lie to get pressure from Canada as well." ... |
Chicago: The Second Amendment Doesn't Apply Here
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"As I discussed in a recent article, the federal 7th Circuit Court of Appeals held that the Second Amendment offers zero protection against the restrictive gun control laws currently in place in Chicago and Oak Park, Illinois. Plaintiff's attorney Alan Gura ... quickly filed an appeal (pdf) with the Supreme Court, asking them to hear the Chicago gun case. Now Chicago and Oak Park have filed their own petition (pdf) with the Court. Not surprisingly, they argue that the 2nd Amendment should not apply to state and local governments. They also picked up on the 7th Circuit's controversial argument that federalism would best be served by letting the states disregard the Second Amendment entirely. ..." ... |
No on Sotomayor: A Sound Stand on Principle
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"The 31 Republican senators who voted against Judge Sonia Sotomayor's confirmation deserve credit for standing firmly against a nominee who has an unsound judicial philosophy and who failed to testify candidly about it." ...
"... Senate Republicans ... conducted a serious and responsible review of Judge Sotomayor’s record, including her many troubling statements about the nature of judging and her remarkable mistreatment of the claims by New Haven firefighters that they had been discriminated against ... That review yielded serious reasons to doubt Sotomayor's commitment to the judicial obligation of impartiality, doubts that were reinforced by the lawless 'empathy' standard that President Obama has endorsed for his Supreme Court picks." ... |
Praxis: Tactical Packing the 7.62x54R -- of SPAM, Football Monkeys and Tool of the Evil Communist Conspiracy Against Imperialist Yankee Running Dogs
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"As I have written before,'Packaging is everything.' Now, by virtue of Hannah's newly acquired Mosin Nagant M44 Carbine, I must learn how to improve the tactical packaging of an unfamiliar caliber, 7.62x54R."
"Of course most 7.62x54R surplus ammo comes packed ... in 'spam' cans." ...
"I hate spam cans. I must have opened hundreds, maybe a thousand, in my life and I hated each and every one of them. They are heavy, bulky, have no ready handle to tote them by, are hard to open in the daylight with a special tool and impossible at night."
"It is so awkward that we hereby award it the Sipsey Street Football Monkey Copulation Award for 2009." ... |
Gym Shooting Proves Concealed Permit Holders Do Kill
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"Yet another concealed weapons permit holderA and 'legal' gun owner, George Sodini, with no prior criminal record, committed mass murder. On the evening of Aug. 4, Sodini attacked an aerobics class at the LA Fitness gym outside Pittsburgh where he used three handguns, two of which used high-capacity ammunition magazinesB that could hold up to 30 rounds, to gun down three women and wound nine others before killing himself." ... -------
Submitter's Note: A) No major media outlet has claimed he was a permit holder, just the usual anti-gun suspects. Even if he was a permit holder, this means that in the last couple of years, 5% of the population of PA has committed 0.1% of the murders. Is there any other demographic that can make that claim?
B) He had 3 semi-autos and a revolver and fired 36 shots. If an 'AWB' had been in effect the antis would be calling for a ban of "high-capacity 10 round magazines". |
Gun-Happy Attorney Fights for the Right to Carry
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"An attorney who helped D.C. gun lovers get the right to keep handguns in their homes now wants them to be able stroll in public strapped."
"Alan Gura, whose Supreme Court challenge forced the District to end its 32-year-old handgun ban, has gone back to court to challenge regulations prohibiting gun owners from carrying their weapons in the nation's capital, the Washington Times reported." ...
"Councilman Phil Mendelson ... told the Times ...""'In the nation's capital, carrying is perhaps the greatest concern to law enforcement because it makes it very hard for law enforcement to distinguish between a person who is carrying a firearm legally and a potential assassin.'" ... |
Hatch and Bennett, senators from the NRA
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"Well, of course our senators, Hatch and Bennett, voted against Sonya Sotomayor."
"The woman has decades of experience and qualifications up the wazoo, but the NRA doesn’t like her, and she did make that silly 'wise Latina' crack, so what else could they do — vote their conscience? Do their jobs?"
"Of course not."
"Sen. Bennett’s press release is priceless on this. Here's the first paragraph of that release where he states his first, and one must assume, most important problem with her:""...I remain troubled by Judge Sotomayor’s stated belief that the right to bear arms is not a 'fundamental right' ..." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Of course their votes had nothing to do with the vacuously short Ricci and Maloney rulings, or her decision in Didden v. Village of Port Chester where she agreed that failure to pay a developer $800,000 to get his blessing for a pharmacy was a 'public purpose' sufficient to have their land condemned. Nor could their concerns have anything to do with her inability to recall any of the 14 SCOTUS cases on self-defense, including Heller which called it a 'fundamental right' or her confusion over what constitutes a 'fundamental right'. Nope, these two must be tools of the NRA. |
Three Times, Same Wisconsin Gun Dealer Has Helped Supply Killers
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Bruce Krafft
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"Eric Thompson, the arms dealer from Green Bay, Wisconsin, said publicly after helping arm the Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois university shooters that since homicidal maniacs were buying guns and accessories from him, law-abiding citizens should buy guns from him, too, to protect themselves from the killers he was arming."
"Now, he has done it again. The tortured misogynist who killed three and wounded nine in a Pittsburgh area gym this week was another customer of TGSCOM, the online arms warehouse that Thompson operates ..." ...
"'It seems to me that if I were a person who discovered I helped arm three homicidal maniacs in two and a half years, I'd question why I was staying in the arms business,' said Paul Helmke ..." ... -------
Submitter's Note: So Paul, does that mean that since you have disarmed hundreds of victims over the years you are going to stop lying and fronting for liars? |
Pa., Va. Tech shooters used same gun store
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Doug Charette
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"The gunman who killed three women and wounded nine others at a Pittsburgh-area health club bought accessories for a handgun from the same Wisconsin-based dealer that sold a gun to the Virginia Tech shooter." [emphasis added] ... -------
Submitter's Note: Notice a couple of things. 1. The front page headline is different from the headline on the story page.
2. The story focuses on their personal problems, the front page headline demonizes their guns.
Is there a disconnect here? |
Violent threats target SEIU over health care town halls
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Bruce Krafft
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"Now the teabaggers are threatening violence against the SEIU:""Hello, my name is Diana and I'm calling from Oregon."
"I just wanted to let the SEIU know that America is watching the thug tactics that you folks are using at health care meetings and various other public places, and the absolutely thuggish violent tactics that your group is using."
"I suggest you tell your people to calm down, act like American citizens and stop trying to repress people's First Amendment rights. That, or you all are gonna' come up against the Second Amendment."
"Stop the violence." "... The argument appears to go something like this: 'If you say that you disagree with me, you're revoking my First Amendment rights, and to defend them, I'm going to shoot you!'" ... -------
Submitter's Note: Ah the mature and reasoned intellectual discourse of the Left. It sounds to me that what Diana said was "If you keep trying to beat people up, we will start defending ourselves." |
Ninth Circus detects reason in its ranks...and moves to quash it
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Bruce Krafft
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"Did you find yourself scratching your head a few months ago, when a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously decided to 'selectively incorporate' the Second Amendment to apply to the states?"
"You probably should have. Not because the decision was somehow wrong, but because it came from the Ninth Circuit, which has a long history of animosity towards the very concept of the Second Amendment. It really was a bit of a surprise."
"Well, worry no more. The Ninth Circuit brass is now moving to correct this unwanted spurt of rationality within its ranks. (It's not called the Ninth Circus Court for nothing.)" ... |
Gun Owners Sue District for Right to Carry Weapons
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Bruce Krafft
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"The attorney who got the Supreme Court to overturn the District of Columbia's 32-year handgun ban has gone back to court to challenge regulations prohibiting gun owners from carrying their weapons in the nation's capital."
"A lawsuit filed Thursday by attorney Alan Gura in federal court challenges the gun laws that the city passed in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling. Those laws allow registered guns to be kept only at home for self-defense."
"'It's up to the city council if they wish to regulate carrying arms,' Gura said Friday. 'What they cannot do is ban all carrying by all people at all times.'" ... |
Lawyer Who Prevailed in D.C. Gun Suit Fights for Concealed-Carry Law
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"The lawyer who won the battle to allow District residents to keep handguns in their homes is now fighting to allow residents and visitors to carry their weapons in public."
"Alan Gura filed a lawsuit on Thursday in U.S. District Court on behalf of four people who want the right to carry and conceal weapons for self-defense." ... |
SAF and Heller attorney file new suit over D.C.'s ban on bearing arms
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Bruce Krafft
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"A little over a year ago, gun rights activists were celebrating across the nation as news broke that the Second Amendment Foundation and civil rights attorney Alan Gura (among others) had prevailed in Heller v. D.C. before the Supreme Court. The decision established that the Second Amendment does in fact protect an individual right to keep and bear arms, but because the question before the court was about citizens keeping weapons in their own homes, laws forbidding the bearing of arms were not directly affected. Yesterday, the SAF filed another lawsuit to enforce the 'and bear arms' phrase in the Second Amendment in Washington, D.C." ... |
OH: Sotomayor confirmed: Ohio Senator George Voinovich shafts gun owners AGAIN
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Bruce Krafft
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"For the second time in as many weeks, Ohio's lame duck Senator, Republican George Voinovich, shafted gun owners on a key vote in the United States Senate."
"SCOTUSBLOG.com is reporting that, after two days of floor debate, the Senate voted 68-31 to confirm Second Circuit Judge Sonia Sotomayor as a Justice of the Supreme Court. Her first full term will begin Oct. 5."
"Sotomayor has been strongly opposed by gun rights advocates during her confirmation hearings, having previously held that the Second Amendment does not apply to individuals. Senator George Voinovich and a handful of other turncoat Republicans voted with Democrats in favor of her confirmation." ... |
NJ: New Jersey joins the gun-a-month club
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"Local officials hope a law signed in early August by New Jersey Gov. Jon S. Corzine will take illegally obtained guns off the street and make their communities safer."
"The law ... sets a limit of one handgun purchase every 30 days ... The legislation only applies to handguns. New Jersey is the fourth state to limit the number of handguns that can be legally bought within a certain period."
"Proponents of the law said the limits would prevent the proliferation of guns into the hands of criminals while not infringing on citizens' Second Amendment right to arm themselves. In New Jersey, handguns cannot be used to hunt, so those for the law say the new legislation does not affect hunting in any way." ... |
TN: Cookeville bans guns in parks
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"Urging the state Legislature to relook at the guns in parks issue, the Cookeville city council last night voted to opt out of a new law that would allow permit carry holders to take their weapons into public recreational areas, but not without a fight from those looking to protect their Second Amendment rights."
"The council debated for nearly an hour and a half -- and heard from dozens of citizens who asked the city to consider allowing guns in parks -- but ultimately voted to opt out of the law, citing an already low crime rate in such areas and basing its decision on the fact that the law was nearly impossible to enforce." ... |
IN: Officer's Porn Arrest Could Taint Other Cases
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Bruce Krafft
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"The Henry County Prosecutor's Office is scouring cases worked by a New Castle police officer arrested on charges of child pornography."
"Lawrence Ross Frame, 45, resigned from the police department Wednesday after he was accused of taping himself having sex with a 16-year-old girl four or five times last year, 6News' Derrik Thomas reported."
"Frame, a nearly 20-year police veteran, was charged with possession of child pornography and five counts of production of child pornography." ... |
NC: Charges against plaintiff in lawsuit dismissed
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Bruce Krafft
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"Misdemeanor charges filed against a man with a $20 million lawsuit pending against local law enforcement officers in federal court were dismissed ..." ...
"In the lawsuit, Absher claimed he was sitting in grass near the intersection ... when Martin shined a flashlight in his face and accused him of being drunk. ..."
"Martin ... reported that he found Absher lying in Boomer Road. Absher then walked to the back of the deputy's patrol car and urinated before he opened the patrol car's front passenger door and tried to climb in ..."
"[Judge] Fox said a recording of Martin's radio conversation ... disturbed him. ... Martin identified Absher with a profanity instead of by name and apparently laughed as he said he 'slammed' Absher five times." ... |
TX: Girl, 13, jailed in Dallas for 2 weeks
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"A 13-year-old girl arrested for shoplifting was held in the Dallas County Jail for nearly two weeks before it was determined that she is underage ..."
"An internal affairs investigation has been launched to review the matter ..."
"The girl, who had run away from home, was arrested July 10 at a Target department store for shoplifting. She held no identification and gave a false name and age ..."
"The sergeant said the arresting officer attempted to contact the police youth division to confirm the information but found no record of her. The arresting officer assumed she was 17 and took her to jail." ...
"Assistant Chief Ron Waldrop ... told the paper that the girl initially identified herself as being 14 ..." ... |
NY: Michelle Obama and hamburgers: no guns, no cameras, no cellphones
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MICHELLE Obama, like her husband, enjoys a good burger, but not as well done. The first lady brought daughters Malia and Sasha to former "Top Chef" contestant Spike Mendelsohn's Good Stuff Eatery in DC for cheeseburgers, onion rings, fries, and milkshakes. "They got the burgers medium," says a spy. (President Obama was mildly ridiculed after ordering a burger medium-well in January.) "Three starving Secret Service guys were literally standing over the grill as Spike made the burgers, but didn't eat," our source adds. Fellow patrons had their cellphones temporarily confiscated to prevent pictures from being taken. [emphasis added] -------
KABA Note: We don't need no steenkin' Constitution! |
NY: Convicted pervert ex-cop cops pension
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A perv Bronx cop will keep his pension after pleading guilty to meeting an underage girl in an Internet sting, police confirmed.
Officer Robert Auletta, 54, was docked 409 days' pay and lost 30 vacation days before being forced to retire after his conviction at a department trial in May.
Auletta, who struck a deal to keep his pension, thought he was chatting with a 15-year-old girl during explicit Internet exchanges, authorities said. The "girl" was actually a Westchester detective.
When Auletta showed up for a tryst in December, 2006, he was busted. He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor count of acting in a manner dangerous to a minor and NYPD departmental charges led to his ouster. -------
H/t to David Codrea. |
LA: Former NSU officer charged with rape
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A former Nicholls State University police officer is behind bars charged with aggravated rape.
Details are scarce on the nature of the allegations made against Raymond Malbrough, who worked for campus police from Jan. 1, 1978 to Jan. 16, 2004.
Malbrough, 62, of 613 N.6th St. in Thibodaux, was arrested Wednesday by Thibodaux police detective Ricky Ross on a warrant for aggravated rape.
Following his arrest, Malbrough was booked at the Thibodaux police station and subsequently taken to the Lafourche Parish jail. He is being held there in lieu of a $50,000 bond.
Aggravated rape carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.
Malbrough retired from the Nicholls Police Department in January 2004 as a sergeant. |
LA: Lafayette officer arrested in theft
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"A Lafayette police officer was arrested Thursday for allegedly stealing police department property."
"Jeremy Courville, 32, a seven-year veteran assigned to the Lafayette Police Department's patrol division, was charged with felony theft and unauthorized use of a movable."
"He is suspended with pay pending an administrative investigation." ...
"Courville is the second Lafayette police officer to be arrested within the last two weeks."
"Cpl. Bobby Howard Jr., a 14-year veteran of the patrol division, faces felony theft charges in a tractor theft ring uncovered by the Acadia Parish Sheriff's Office. He has also been suspended." ... |
VA: Police Defend Taser Use on 2 People at Party
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"A Prince William County police officer's use of a Taser to subdue two people who were resisting arrest at a party last month in the Manassas area was appropriate and lawful, Chief Charlie T. Deane said Thursday, describing the results of an internal investigation."
"One officer used the Taser's 'touch stun' mode to gain control of Edgar Rodriguez, 54, and Leticia Elias, 25, police said. That means the officer touched the device to both people while in close contact with them, Deane said. Police said the Taser, which records data about its use, was turned on twice, for about three seconds each time, and did not cause any injuries. The officer did not shoot the probes often associated with a Taser gun, police said." ... |
WA: Trial begins for Seattle police officer charged with assaulting wife
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"Seattle police officer Scott Moss, who is accused of cutting his wife during a fight earlier this year, is on trial in King County Superior Court for second-degree assault with a deadly weapon."
"Moss is on administrative leave from the department. He is a 15 year veteran, who was once a department media relations officer." ...
"Moss is accused of assaulting his wife inside their ... home on March 21 after she confronted him over an affair he was purportedly having with another woman ..."
"After being confronted, Moss grabbed his wife by the wrists and pushed her toward the kitchen, according to the documents. He then took two knives from a butcher block and cut his wife's thumb, the documents say." ... |
GA: Newnan police officer arrested for child molestation
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"A report in the Atlanta Journal and Constitution revealed an 11-year veteran of the Newnan police is charged with child molestation. He was involved in a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl."
"The 34-year-old officer, Todd Lengsfield had improper contact via a cell phone that was issued for business purposes. The Georgia Bureau of Investigations was brought in to investigate criminal activity."
"He was put on administrative leave as the investigation was put into place and then relieved of his duties on August 4, 2009. He was arrested and charged with child molestation." ... |
Canada: Toronto cop charged
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"A Toronto police officer is facing charges stemming from a car chase in March."
"The Special Investigations Unit announced Friday that Constable Ricardo Gomez is looking at charges of assault causing bodily harm and dangerous operation of a motor vehicle." ...
"The SIU says on March 4 the officer was investigating a vehicle on Danforth Avenue. The officer pursued the vehicle, which became involved in a collision on Main Street north of Danforth Avenue."
"'As this matter is now before the courts, and in consideration of the fair trial interests of the charged officer and the community, the SIU will make no further comment pertaining to this investigation,' a press release said." |
MI: Picnic at Green Bay Park to Celebrate Right to Bear Arms
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"This weekend, a group celebrates the right to bear arms with an open-carry picnic."
"They're planning on a picnic at a Green Bay city park, celebrating what they say are two American traditions -- a barbeque and the Second Amendment."
"'It's a right that a lot of lawmakers are trying to take away from us, and people need to make a stand,' organizer Bronson Smith said."
"So Saturday at noon, Smith and others who own guns will be exercising their rights at Ted Fritsch Park with their first open-carry celebration."
"They got the idea to have the picnic after seeing celebrations in other parts of the country where people were able to successfully celebrate their right to bear arms." ... |